Mirtazapine for Anxiety week 3
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After several visits to A&E and a collapse at work and the doctors surgery I was finally admitted to hospital 4 weeks ago as they thought there was something wrong with my heart as I had been having near constant palpitations for two weeks!!! anyhow turns out my heart is fine seems that I've got some king of panic disorder - my work are paying for a private councilor to help with that - I'm currently taking 7.5mg of Diazipam daily just to get me through the day - I'm fine if I don't have to go anywhere - also taking beta blockers to slow my heart rate down and I've been prescribed Mirtazapine for the anxiety - at 15mg per night - it does make me sleep but seems to really give me the shakes during the night (maybe thats just the anxiety I dont know) has anyone else experienced this?
I did forget to take a dose last week at the shakes still came on as soon as I started to doze so maybe not related to the mirtazapine - I was shaking alot before I started it to then it was a visible panic shake now its just an inward 'brain' shake' if that makes sense?
The doctors just agreed to up my dose to 30mg nighly at my request as I've started to get depressed sitting at home all day and having to deal with the constant restlessness. Probably just a cycle but I'm wondering if anyone else has felt more restless as their Mirtazapine treament has gone on , I'm tempted to keep taking the 15mg as my body seems to have stopped shaking in the day time and the panic is under control at least while I'm at home - the only real reason why I wanted to up it is to stave of the depression - what does everyone think is three weeks to early to make that decision I've got another weeks supply of the 15mgs left should I just stick it out untill then, touch wood I've not had a panic attack as such in nearly three weeks just feel really shaky and agitated most of the time I dont want to increase the dose and make myself worse especially over the weekend when my GP's is shut.
Is there anyone else out there with similar experiences, prior to this episode I've never been ill enough to visit the doctors in 28 years - no history of depression, even after the panic attacks first started I still wasn't depressed thats come more recently since starting the anti depressants - but guess that could be out of frustration at being so anxious and agitated all the time.
Sorry for the long post - has anyone experienced any negative side effects when increasing their dose of mirtazapine, aside from weight gain which to be honest I'd like I've lost two stone and after three weeks I\"m less hungry than ever.
Answers on a post card. BTW unlike allot of people on Mirtazapine it doesnt knock me out for the whole nite by any means I wake several times shaking. what to do what to..........
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I think you should give the mirtazapine more time to work and not change anything without speaking to your GP.It can make you a little shaky but for me that wore off after a while.You have just been through a terrible time that is hard to make sense of.Be kind to yourself and try to get plenty of rest,its difficult but you may not be able to come up with many answers right now.It is difficult sitting around at home but see it as a well earned break and allow yourself time to get well.This site is great for support,its been a ife saver for me so dont think youre on your own.
Take care
Thanks for replying, I think your right I should stick with the 15mg for now I actually got a full nights sleep last nite!! and the shakings a little better at the moment - I think I'll just break the new 30mg tabs that the doctor gave me in half for now and keep taking them.
The hardest thing I'm trying to deal with at the moment is the restlessness - I did try going back to work for a couple of hours each day last week but it made me feel awful - started to really shake and had to take so much dizipam just to get me through it - so I'm going to stay off for a bit longer. I guess getting well is more important than anything else.
its a cycle once you have a bad day you go right back down but now more panic attacks at the moment which is a good thing just allot of agitation, restless legs e.t.c.
I should have added that prior to being admitted to hospital I was put on Cipralex (an SSRI) it threw me into a wild panic within hours of taking it - my ECG reading was irregular and thats how I ended up being admitted to the cardiac unit - they determined that there was nothing wrong with my heart after keeping me in for four days - although just had a letter today from the hospital today to say that I've got to come back and have some kind of monitor fitted that I wear for 24hrs a day that records my heart rhythm just in case.
So for me Mirtazapine is the only med I can really take - the SSRI's just dont agree with me, I beleive an initial side effect of them is increased anxiety.
Take care x
Work charlies_girl
I was shaking but I think this is through fear
I am worried so much about weight gain
I have bipolar 2 depression am on aripiprazole ano weaning off sertraline 50 mg for 2 weeks I had no libido on sertraline and I gained weight
Any advice about reducing weight gain on mirtrazapine
I had a feeling that would be the case I suppose that anything that stimulates your brain is going to make you a little restless - there again its hard to know weather the restlessness comes from my anxiety or not before I started them I was extremely restless - it felt like I had pins and needles in my head if that makes sense.
Glad to hear your off the meds now, and that Mirtazapine helped you. It seems to be helping me, with the panic attacks at least. I still find it very difficult to go out in public but I'm getting there slowly - each day I seem to wake up in a little better mood only more restless which is frustrating
- hoping that that'll pass once my body gets used to the medication - did you find the Mirtazapine made you shake at night? I'm just trying to work out if its the anxiety or the meds.
Take Care
I also take beta-blockers, diazapine and 15mg mirtazapine for anxiety and social phobia. I asked my doctor to increase my dose to 30mg as I didnt think 15 mg was doing much good apart from sleeping and eating, but I couldnt cope with the increase it made the anxiety worse, aggitation, just couldnt relax, so I now take half a 30mg and am back on track.
I am also very sensitive to ssri,s and have tried many, my last one was citalopram and within hours of taking it I thought I was going mad, never again. looking back now I think I was expecting to much to soon from mirtazapine, but can now say after been on 15 mg since january I am starting to feel a lot calmer, and dont have a lot of negative thoughts.
So for now I am quite happy to stay at 15 mg. I am also on a waiting list for cognitive behaviour therapy.
Take Care
Glad to Hear Mirtazapine is working for you, just out of interest how long was it before you noticed any benefit from it - I noticed some after the first week or so - but now I feel agitated all the time does that pass ?
I cant sit still but cant be bothered to get up - I'm sure you know the feeling well.
But after the dose increase last weekend, that was a mistake, I have been feeling more anxious than normal, just hope this is a temporary thing. Or do I need the increase?????? going perservere with the 15mg for now and hope things get back to how they where.
I know that the restless thing isnt very nice, for me its like Im waiting for something just to tip me over the edge and send me into a panic attack. Take Care
I had a feeling that would be the case I suppose that anything that stimulates your brain is going to make you a little restless - there again its hard to know weather the restlessness comes from my anxiety or not before I started them I was extremely restless - it felt like I had pins and needles in my head if that makes sense.
Glad to hear your off the meds now, and that Mirtazapine helped you. It seems to be helping me, with the panic attacks at least. I still find it very difficult to go out in public but I'm getting there slowly - each day I seem to wake up in a little better mood only more restless which is frustrating
- hoping that that'll pass once my body gets used to the medication - did you find the Mirtazapine made you shake at night? I'm just trying to work out if its the anxiety or the meds.
Take Care
I had a feeling that would be the case I suppose that anything that stimulates your brain is going to make you a little restless - there again its hard to know weather the restlessness comes from my anxiety or not before I started them I was extremely restless - it felt like I had pins and needles in my head if that makes sense.
Glad to hear your off the meds now, and that Mirtazapine helped you. It seems to be helping me, with the panic attacks at least. I still find it very difficult to go out in public but I'm getting there slowly - each day I seem to wake up in a little better mood only more restless which is frustrating
- hoping that that'll pass once my body gets used to the medication - did you find the Mirtazapine made you shake at night? I'm just trying to work out if its the anxiety or the meds.
Take Care
Dave[/quote:6668f87556][/quote:6668f87556] Hi Dave, sometimes anti depr can cause tremor, which is like shaking, don't know if this could be the cause of your shaking.. i have had it myself when my dose has been too high.. just a thought.. :wink:
Just thought I would post an update for you - I'm feeling alot better today - even though I've just been told by work their going to stop my full sick pay !!! - depression is easing a bit (I've been taking the Mirtazapine for four weeks)
I didnt up the dose like the GP suggested to 30mg as I was so worried about bringing back the anxiety/shakes e.t.c and so far so good. For me depression wasn't the major problem, I've only become mildly depressed and agitated since the panic attacks started - more out of frustration at not being able to lead a normal life I think. Today I'm feeling like I could go back to work next week - but one day at a time although I will have to soon as the mortage has got to get paid somehow :-(
I'm not feeling any side affects from the Mirtazapine at the mo aside from the sedation which is a good thing - definately more hungry especially late in the evening - all day I'm fine and rarely snack apart from breakfast. I cant comment on hoe effective Mirtazapine would be for servere deppression as thank god I'm not in the place although without it who knows if I would be.
I've had one mild panic attack since I started on Mirtazapine so for me its effective in controlling those - I'm not saying its been an easy ride- it makes you feel spaced out at first and I felt very restless (I still do some days)
And I'm not entirely sure if my shaking came from the medication or my anxiety but thats definately easing up - it'll go completely with 2.5mg Diazipam and a beta blocker before it didn't even touch it.
Any improvement at the moment is a plus for me. So to all those out there taking Mirtazapine please give at a fair go it does take time but eventually for me at least it seems to be worth it. I'm just hoping the improvement continues without upping the dose. I so scared of going backwards again.
Jim1234 Joeysweeney
Rhubarb57 Joeysweeney
Hi, I know this thread is old but I was wondering how you got on with the change from sertraline to mirtazapine? I'm currently in 150mg of sertraline and my doctor has told me to consider changing. Sertraline has helped my anxiety for a few years but it seems to have taken away my ability to enjoy anything and caused insomnia! I'm nervous about changing because of side effects, I do have diazepam to take when I need it and 3 months after an increase in sertraline I'm still using them occasionally so I do feel that they're no longer working for me!
pg123 Joeysweeney
jacki74 pg123
Hi , was just wondering how you are getting on with Mirt ? I’m on my second week , feeling ok but hungry all the time ! Best wishes 😉