Mirtazapine Hell

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Would anyone care to share their exprience with Mirtazapine withdrawal? I am on my second attempt, and it is hell. Abdominal pain, nausea, headaches, anxiety, stress, and several others that come and go. If you are a Christian, please ask a prayer for me. I am 18 days into being off them, and would like to know what your experience is in when the symptoms improve. Thanks, David Oh, and has anyone else been short of breath?

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi David,

    I'm on a very slow withdrawal at the moment as the previous two attempts were horrendous too. I keep everyone whose withdrawing from this medicine (and others) in my preyers.

    Good luck!

  • Posted

    Hi David I remember you from awhile back,your the only person on here Id found with IBS. So you've done 18 days off them,stick with it you've done well. I'm still on 12.5and my Tum is killing me.I couldn't go any slower,my GP no help at all.  But towards the end of the month,I've got Hypnotherapy so I'll see if that helps. I'm getting frightened to come down much lower because I don't know if I can stand the pain.       I don't want to dishearten you but I've read on here of people off this drug 2mths and still having some bad reactions,but just hang in there now you've come this far. I know easier said than done.   I'll say a little prayer for you tonight.  I know your suffering but you are off this terrible drug now,so keep it up.  Big Hug coming your way.                   PS if you find a solution for your Tummy Pain please let me know.
    • Posted

      Norma, thanks for the support, and prayers. My abdomen is in knots, and epigastric pain is awful. I wish that I knew of something to tell you to help with yours. Have you ever tried Hyomax SL 0.125? It helps some folks. I was in the hospital ER Wednesday, but no help. Good luck. David
  • Posted

    You ask for experiences of mirtazapine withdrawal. My psychiatrist agreed that I could come off it, because I've been free of depression for a year. I was on 30mg. He recommended alternate days 30mg (2x15) and 15mg but when I tried that I felt anxious and on edge. When I asked the pharmacist if I could take it slower by breaking the tablets, he said not to because the tablets are film-coated to protect the stomach. But I went ahead anyway, by reducing the dose one day a week, first to one and three quarters (approx 27mg) then to one and a half (22.5 mg). Now I'm going to do it twice a week, then every two days, etc. Once I'm happy on that dose every day, then I'll go down further. So far, no tummy problems, and only effect is I sleep a little less but feel more "alive" after the reduced dose. Time will tell, it's early days, but I shall make sure I'm comfortable at each step before going any further. I've read the stories on this site, and I'm not looking forward to the later stages.
    • Posted

      Pixie, why not ask the pharmacist if they weren't meant to be broken, then why are the 15 mg tabs scored? I, like you felt better the day that I went from 45 to 30 (15 mg step-down) Please, do your self a favor and reduce this stuff as gradual as you can. Everyone's body responds differently, and I wish you an easy trip down Mirtazapine Road.
    • Posted

      Hi Pixie,I Beleive I've heard that before,about breaking them in half, it may be a post of yours.  Anyway that made me think so I asked my Pharmasist who I'm good freinds with,and he said the same as David, if a tablet is scored then it can be broken in half.  I know how hard it is withdrawing off Mirt,so do really take it slowly. Best of luck
  • Posted

    Hi david

    Like the others I am withdrawing slowly, 15 to 7.5 then half again etc, at the moment I am alternate days 15, 7.5 etc, then this week 15, 7.5 7.5 15 etc and so on, I am sorry to hear your feeling awful, but you have to stick with it, as no turning back as you will only have to do it again, good luck and hugs. x

    So far I have not had any experiences, but still long way to go.


    • Posted

      Hi Mandy 

      can I ask you how ling you have been on mirt. Are you following the cita protocol. I think cita have now finished their support due to finance which is such a shame 


    • Posted

      Thanks for your support. I slept 6.5 hours last night, a blessing! You are right, Wednesday will be three weeks since my last one, and I don't want to walk this road again. I still feel awful. I wish you the best in your journey!
    • Posted

      Hi teresa,Yes CITA have now finished,but if you have any problems you can always try.  MIND.org.uk.  They give very similar help.  Good Luck.
    • Posted

      Hi, yes I have neen on them for 6 months only, but feel better in myself now, plus the weight gain is too much for me and my frame, so have decided to come of them, I am following a similar plan to Cita, who kindly sent me a long e-mail, of how to come of mirt, so I will see how it works and let you know. x


    • Posted

      Mandy, I contacted my PHYS, who said that "it has been over two weeks, it should be out of your bloodstream by now. I think your symptoms may be tied to something else". I'll let you know if anything else pops up. The bad thing about the variety of symptoms and the severity, yes there could be some other serious disease causing the symptoms. A coincidence?
    • Posted

      Hi Mandy 

      would you mind sharing with me the email cita sent you on withdrawal from mirt what a shame they have closed they seemed to help so many people 


  • Posted

    Hi David,

    Im currently on MIrtazapine withdrawal, a Christian too. I'll say a prayer for you. It i truely hell on earth. I have the abdominal pain along with all the other ones. Im due to start a tricyclic antidepressant soon and hope it helps. If anyone wants to say a prayer for me too ! Take care and best wishes

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