Mirtazapine no longer working
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Hello All,
Well i have been on mirtazapine for 4 years. Initially it did lift me out of the dark hole i was in. I slowly started to get my life back. I am now trying to come off them and having horrendous problems. I am currently taking 22.5 and 30 alternately. I seem to be going around in circles. I do not feel depressed anymore but wake up with anxiety and a general feeling of unwell. If i up or lower my dose it has an immediate effect the next day which makes me think the tablets are no longer working, and what i am actually experiencing is side effects or withdrawal.Talking with my doctor, he believes that if when i increase my dose to 30 i feel really heavy headed the next day shows the tablets arent working correctly. When i reduce to 22.5 i feel better in my head but soon start to expereince what i believe is withdrawal. The reason i believe its withdrawal is because if i take my dose a litltle earlier that evening, the symptons subside.
The Dr has suggested that i start to lower the dose gradually and he has given me propranolol to take 3 times a day a dose of 10mg to counteract the withdrawal symptom. Can anyone shed their experiences or could give me advice as I feel like i'm stuck with which way to turn.
Thanks in advance
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david28533 craig2828
craig2828 david28533
david28533 craig2828
craig2828 david28533
david28533 craig2828
karin65289 craig2828
I have been on antidepessants since 198 and they do seem to stop working sometimes and have to be changed up. I hope this won't drag on for you. Good luck
Nessie91 craig2828
i was on 45 mg Mirtazapine and put on two and am Alf stones in 4 months. I also have walking problems and a crushed disc at the base of my spine and after two and a half weeks in hospital in October, had depression before I went in, but came out with agitated clinical depression. Immediately, I wKen in the morning, it's as if a lightbulb has been switched on and the palpitations and anxiety start. They don't build up, they're there till about 6 pm when I start to join the human race again and feel almost normal, till I go to bed, waken up and the cycle starts again. I'm on 2 x 40 mg Propanolol and 3 x 2 mg Diazepam. It takes the edge off the anxiety, but it's still there. The psychiatrist has weaned me off the 45 mg with 3 nights on 30 mg, 3 nights on 15 mg + 70 mg Lofepramine,then starting tonight, no Mirtazapine but 2 tablets of the new antidepressant, one got and morning. To say I haven't slept well for a week is putting it mildly, but I don't have any option but t gif this a go and hope it works.
evergreen craig2828
Nessie91 craig2828
you're lucky they worked on your mood. I found the only good thing was that I got a night's sleep. I've also,got,clinical agitated depression so whenever I waken up in the morning, the anxiety and palpitations are there. Taking 80 mg of Propanolol and 12 mg of Diazepam omly take the edge off it. The Mirazapine in my case hasn't lifted my ,ook. They combined it with a low dose of Sertraline which was worse as t l,ase me more agitated. Now they're trying to get me off 45 mg Mirtazapine and try something else. I just get so desperate.
norma72045 craig2828