Mirtazapine Reduction 45mg to 30mg

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Due to weight gain since starting this medication 9 months ago I have decided to start tapering off Mirtazapine 45mg (I'm also taking Fluoxetine 30mg for OCD which I plan to stay on). For the past 2 weeks I have taken 45mg one night & 30mg the next. I have felt terrible all week, anxiety has been on terror levels, and today I feel like I'm coming down with the flu, aches/pains, tiredness etc and was unable to go to work.

Has anybody experienced anything similiar after just one dosage reduction? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Ps I have discussed coming off with both my GP & Psychiatrist who are both happy for me to come off the medication - I just forgot to ask what to expect!

Many thanks

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    this can be a hard med to come off.

    i am tapering with liquid. from 45 to 4.5 in 18 months.

    you are experiencing withdrawal you are dropping too fast

    please join our fb group by looking up Jo Merriam and send a friend request. there is alot of experience in the group

    • Posted

      if you look up Jo Merriam on fb she is admin and send her a friend request she will add you

    • Posted

      its secret barbs, i started the group 😃 but i no longer use it, if you message jo as sarah suggested she will help, its a wonderful group full of lovely people x

    • Posted

      there is a couple of that name not sure which it is?

  • Posted

    dose increases and decreases of 15mg of mirt, are too large for most people to deal with. you are better off reducing by 7.5mg at a time, with a minimum of 4 weeks between each reduction, or until you stabalise on each reduced amount. most pyschs and drs believe you can reduce by larger amounts over relatively shorter periods, which causes many issues for most people. however, they may want you to reduce quickly, if they intend to replace mirt with something else.

  • Posted

    I'm new to this drug , just on 15mg a night was supposed to double it after 2 weeks but after 3 nights felt so tired in morning reduced back to 15mg, also told to carry on with diazepam 2mg 3 times a day, last week I come off proponal as felt it was making me worse after 3 weeks under advice of gp. I feel so calm after taking mirtazapine go to bed calm an sleepy, but wake up in complete panic an anxiety terror, is this normal. as only been on it 3 weeks.

    • Posted

      Gosh I really can't remember how I was on 15mg so I cant offer any advice, the only thing I can suggest is start a new discussion on here, it seems like a really helpful community. Best wishes to you xx

    • Posted

      the advice about doubling after 2 weeks wasnt very good. you did the right thing about going back down to 15mg. increases of 15mg of mirt are too big for most people. if you are going to increase, do it by 7.5mg at a time. mirt under 30mg can be great, 30mg and above can be a nightmare for a large no of people. speak to your dr about staying on 15mg for a couple more weeks, and then go up to 22.5mg. ideally you want to give each dose 4 weeks to get used to it. you wake up with anxiety, as the sedation from the mirt starts to wear off. take a diazepam as soon as you wake up for now. you will not feel the full benefit of a mirt dose for 6 weeks, or more.

  • Posted

    Thanks to everyone for your reply & advice - I really appreciate it xx

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