Mirtazapine (Remeron) Withdrawal Success Story!!

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Hello all!

I see a lot of taper / withdrawal threads on here explaining how bad it was for a lot of people but I wanted to share my experience with a relatively easy taper so those who google it don’t get completely terrified / hopefully it helps some people.

I was on mirtazapine for GAD and Panic Disorder for four years, 30mg for three and 45g for the final year. It helped a great deal in the beginning but the last six months or so I felt I was getting no benefits, so I decided to come off.

Here are my tips before I log my experience.

BE FIRM with your doctor. For too long I was pressured to stay on or even maximise my dose when I was unhappy. Tell your doctor you want off and you want off now and come up with a GAME PLAN.

GET ANTI-NAUSEA MEDS this one is simple, be prepared. I got a script for Maxolon from my doc to take twice a day during my withdrawal. It’s completely safe and non addictive and works wonders.

SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS you can do this. I personally have been through Valium (diazepam) withdrawal and it was horrifying, so with that experience behind me I knew this would be do-able. HAVE FAITH in yourself and your inner strength.

SYMPTOMS WILL PASS. The good thing is you know it is the withdrawal that is making your anxiety flare up or making you feel uneasy so you KNOW you can get through it and it will end.

So here comes my experience.

Had been on 45mg for a year (out of 4 on this med) and told my doctor I want off and I want off ASAP. They were aware of my success coming off diazepam so were supportive of me coming off this relatively quickly (I really earned my drug withdrawal stripes there haha).

45mg down to 30mg for five days. I took my anti-nausea pill when I woke up straight away and another in the evening if I needed. Honestly felt ZERO bad effects from this drop at all, if anything I felt better. Less violent anxiety, clearer head and happier mood.

30mg down to 15mg for five days. Kept taking those wonderful Maxolons and again this was a walk in the park!! Happier every day and really focussing on how much success I was having so far.

15mg down to 7.5mg for five days. Still on Maxolon every day to avoid the nausea. Had some days where anxiety would flare up quickly but that’s kind of normal for me anyway. Found on this low dose I was falling asleep so fast I had forgotten how sedating the low doses were!

7.5mg to 0 for the rest of my life. Still on Maxolon, have been noticing I still feel some nausea so I am grateful to have the anti-nausea meds to really minimise it. Have been taking 2 daily during this time. My sleep is becoming a bit more broken and less of a “coma” deep sleep now and I’ve been sweating bullets at random but DRINKING LOADS OF WATER.  STILL FEELING POSITIVE!!

I am now 3 days into 0mg and honestly it’s nowhere near as bad as a lot of people experienced and for that I am extremely grateful. Will update if people are interested to read how the next few days / weeks go now that I’m down to no mirt in my system.  It has been so much easier than I was braced for.

So here are a list of things I did experience.

Mild Nausea despite taking the anti nausea meds

Pooping more than usual

Some sleep disruption once I came off completely


Mild headache (easily fixed by ibuprofen)

Flare ups of anxiety but NO PANIC ATTACKS caused by withdrawal, if anything my panic attacks are less frequent now

Feeling a little foggy headed once I got down to zero, not a big deal

Jitters. Just general fidgeting and struggling to sit still but that’s expected after being sedated big time for the last four years by a variety of meds now I’m on zero medications.


(I’m not saying these don’t happen but merely they did not happen to me)



Insomnia (I still sleep every night)

Brain Zaps


Panic attacks caused by withdrawal

Suicidal thoughts / depression. I’m actually much happier.

Dizziness / feeling faint. Again this is less frequent now than it was while I was on 45mg.

Bad mood changes, being angry or crying for no reason.

So to anyone who bothered to read this essay post. YOU CAN DO IT. Everyone will experience these things differently and I am not disputing that some people have a really rough time, it’s just that when someone has a good experience or an easy time they are less likely to write about it. When I was starting my taper I found so many awful stories and so few positive ones which made me extremely anxious in itself. So I wanted to write out a successful withdrawal story for those people who are about to start to see that they might not have a horrifying experience and there are ways you can prevent a lot of the symptoms SAFELY.

Drink lots of water. Have faith in yourself. Be strong. Don’t put up with sh*t you don’t have to.

I am more than happy to reply to any questions people have about my experience and will update how things go for the next few days if anyone is interested. Cheers and good luck. 

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153 Replies

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  • Posted

    Thanks for telling us about your successful withdrawal ,i am starting to-night going down from 15 mg to 7.5mg . I have been on them for around 12 weeks but not finding them any good whatsoever . so here I go again weaning of another pill ,the last one was Duloxetine + propranolol it took 9mths for all the withdrawal symptoms to subside,but the anxiety &depression came back and I was put on Mitarzapine. so wish me luck I would love to keep hearing how you are coping .

  • Edited

    i just dont know what to think. your post is inspiring but i am struggling so much. i have been on and off M now since early 2018. trying once again to get off and many nights my sleep is just non existent. i need badly to find a paychiatrist who understands withdrawl and could help me. id be even willing to switch drugs if another was easier for me to come off of and it would help me bipass this severe symptom of sleep deprivation

    and just to add context im on 7.5 but have been micro tapering aince january 2020 and have only made it to 6.8

    • Posted

      my friend, if your trying to get off mirtazapine and your sleep is horrible and thats what holding you back from quitting...take a lorazepam or ativan an hour before you wanna sleep...dont do it everyday just do it on days you its hard until you start a new med

  • Posted

    Agreed, over time things do work out, but it is best not to just stop taking medications completely, but gradually lower dosage over time. This lowers side effects and withdrawal issues.

  • Posted

    hey glad to hear about your success so far on moving on from mirtazapine...so

    my story is, I been on 15 mg mirtazapine just a lil over 5 months, I noticed helped with sleep the 1st month, then my sleeping pattern went back to how it was before, just fall asleep when I am tired enough...I also realized it didn't do anything for my anxiousness or anxiety, I was always panicking over small stuff even a bad dream, questioning reality from sleep...lorazepam saved me few days ago...anyways my doctor said becuase I was only on 15mg I can quit cold turkey and go on my new medication, cipralex...but knowing myself and my anxiety its been over 50 hours since I stopped mirtazapine, yesterday had an emotional break down, just tears for days, so I took 1.5 mg of lorazepam brought me down...I wanna at least cleanse my body for a week from mirtazapine,before I start cipralex...I honestly don't know why my therapy suggested this medication, I didn't need to be sedating, oh I forgot to me mention, doctor did make me go on 30 mg, but I lasted like 9 days, horrible visions not even my own, so I quickly moved back to 15 mg, and oh man just cuz I took it for 9 days the withdrawal I got one night I felt like my whole Inside was being eaten out...I popped a lorazepam again saved my life...I know doctors say don't take it cuz it can be addictive but I swear it works better then any freaking pill...but thats why I am now giving cipralex a chance I hope it works...anyways mirtazapine I think should be only recommended for people with insomnia or trouble sleeping...because after the 1s month of 2nd...didn't feel any change in my anxiety levels and 5 months still was anxious and sad as the beginning thats when I knew this medication is just good for sedating..maybe if you up the mg it could work...but my body couldn't take 30 mg side effects were just horrible...and I have asked many doctors mirtazapine works more like a damn sedating pill..stupid therapist misunderstood what I was going thru anyways...I am praying the withdrawls don't get worse, I did quit from 15 mg to 0...its been rough two days...but I got lorazepam until I start cipralex..anyways thats my story...any questions ask away...and thanks for sharing your story...actually made feel more confident i can get thru it...because I realized when I was mirtazapine this last 5 months, I felt like a zombie, I gained like 20 pounds...waking up always foggy or grouchy...this medication should literally not be giving as an anxiety/depression pill sorry thats just my opinion...even for sleep it stopped working...after 3 months...anyways Goodluck to anyone on it, or want to get off it...just remember if anxiety gets worse pop a lorazepam to cool you down...think of it as a headache pill...

  • Posted

    This is the first time i have read something positive! Everything i have read so far has frankly terrified me. I am about to start tapering off Mirtazapine and reading your account has given me some hope. Thank you so much x

    • Posted

      how long were you on it? I've just been taking it for 2 weeks. 2 days 7.5, 10 days 15mg and 2 days 7.5. last night I tried not to take it but ended up taking 3.75 mg at 2:45 am. any advice. I hope you have been relieved of this awful medication.

  • Posted

    Hello everyone , i would just like to tell my experience on Mirtazapine. i had been on it for two years at 15mg , but the last six weeks of the 2 year period 15mg stopped working, so for 6 weeks i went up to 30mg but the side effects were very bad for me but everyone is different. so i decided i would come of them completely, so i made a plan and i would taper around 10% or so and from 2.5 mg around 15% every two weeks which has taking me around 6 months i know it sounds like along time but at least i knew i even if it takes me along time doing it in a safe way with less side effects, well then the length of time wasnt an issue. so i started 30mg to reducing 22.5

    22.5 =2 weeks no issues

    18.5=2 weeks no issues

    15.5=2 weeks slightly anxious

    12.5=2 weeks 1st two nights anxious

    10.5 =2 weeks no issues

    8.5 =2 weeks 1st two nights anxious and nausea

    6.5 =2 weeks slightly anxious

    4.5=2 weeks slightly dizzy, 2 nights of palpitations

    2.5 = 2 weeks slightly anxious but nothing major

    1.5 = 2 weeks zap like feeling in my head first 3 days but felt ok

    1.0 = 2 weeks zaps still there 1st 3 days

    0.5 = 2 weeks slight migraine fixed by paracetamol

    0= week 1 slight anxiety for week

    0= week 2 slight anxiety at night but im much happy and more talkative so im told haha.

    pros when i was on them- they helped my anxiety when i needed them and helped me sleep

    cons- Gained too much weight as it slows down your metabolism, craving carbs mostly chocolate way too much. sometimes side effects made anxiety worse which i couldnt tell until i came of them. sometimes my partner would ask if i still loved him because i seemed a bit distant, i love him the same since the day i met him 15 years ago but sometimes mirtazapine make you a bit distant and what he described as falling out of love! well he thought i was because of being distant.

    it seems people like us have low serotonin levels and medication like this brings the levels back to normal. (sprain your ankle sometimes a crutch helps until you can walk properly again). it also seems that the usual guidelines for antidepressants 6 months to a year on them and another 6 months even if your feeling better. most people when they start to feel better they think the dont need them anymore but that only means that they are working for you.

    conclusion- they worked for me but now im off them just make sure your ready to come off them and dont let anyone pressure you into it ! do whats right for you. I hope this helps

  • Posted

    This is great to hear as I've read so many horror stories. I've only been on mirt for 10 weeks in total. It didnt reduce my anxiety so i have tapered much the same timings as you. It has caused me insomnia but i keep telling myself it will pass as i was a good sleeper before. My anxiety is much reduced through counselling and self help books. I tend to feel shaky and teary in the mornings and then the day is fine. How long do the withdrawals last?

  • Posted

    hi, i dropped from 15 to 7.5 6 weeks ago and have had moderate anxiety and palpitations and occasional panic. i went down to 5mg 5 days ago. have some anxiety, morning nausea and poor appetite. after 4 weeks im going down to 2.5mg for 4 weeks then off. i really want off this drug. i went on it 8 years ago due to a family tragedy. so that is why im doing it slower. i hope in a couple of months will be drug free.

  • Posted

    thank you for telling your positive and inspiring story! ive been on 15mg of mirtazapine for about 4 weeks (7 pills left) and 0.5mg of risperidone for 24 days with (4 pills/days left) and have been researching about withdrawals and reading stories of tapering off. i was told by my doctor i could stop the mirt cold turkey but it didnt really work out, i was having brain zaps and it made me a little scared cuz i didnt know what the zaps were so i was given another bottle, tonight i am starting to taper off the 15mg mirt by cutting down to 7.5 making the 7 pills into 14 and hopefully begin getting off these drugs. im not sure about the risperidone but since its only 0.5mg and the doc said discontinue after 28 days i should be okay. but your story has for sure given me hope that ill make it through! thank you!

  • Posted

    Hi my doc dropped me from 30mg to 15 i am now on 12mg but feel so tired and no energy and want of my doc is on about starting me on another antideppressent along side it any advice please

  • Posted

    Hi my doc dropped me from 30mg to 15 i am now on 12mg but feel so tired and no energy and want of my doc is on about starting me on another antideppressent along side it any advice please

  • Posted

    Hi my doc dropped me from 30mg to 15 i am now on 12mg but feel so tired and no energy and want of my doc is on about starting me on another antideppressent along side it any advice please

  • Posted

    I'm so grateful to have found these posts. In December of 2020 I had a major food allergy reaction and my allergist said I might be sensitive to some things for a bit. I was ok for the most part staying away from high histamine foods for 2 months. Then I was doing emdr on past ptsd then my mother in law died. I had a few mild panic attacks. So I was talking wellbutrin which was making me lose weight to the point where I had to get off of it. Then I was prescribed mirtazipine for sleep. Within 10 days I have violent reaction to a vitamin that resulted in tachycardia so severe I had to call an ambulance. The allergist thought this was not unusual due to the incident in December. For the next 4 months I began to have increased sensitivity to low histamine foods like oatmeal, coconut milk, apples, mung beans, and even quiona, and broccoli. I was tested by 2 other allergists and they could not figure out what was happnening. The docs just thought I was panicking while eating. I had about half a dozen severe tachycardia episodes where my heart rate would shoot above 150 and I thought I was going to die. Eating became so scary. I ended up doing an outpatient program for anxiety because the docs were telling me the food reactions were stress related. I was put on ativan twice a day and switched to klonopin. After 8 weeks I got off of them. Then as I increased the mirtzapine I had a panic attack so severe I was shaking and almost passed out. The next 3 days I had more panic attacks. I had kept immaculate date for months on when I took what at each time each day. So the only thing different was the increase in mirtazipine from 15mg to 22mg. Then I started reseaching mirtazapine more and found this posting and then on a withdrawl forum there were about 20 other expereinces of people becoming intolerant to various foods and supplements. I almost cried with relief to know I had was not crazy. I never put it together that the troubles increased shortly after starting the mirtaziapine because I was in so much grief. This medication also causes tachycardia and qt prolongation which thank god can be reversed. I stopped it immediately and went through 2 weeks of the most horrendous withdrawl where I thought I was going to die. I'm on day 25 off of it and have started zoloft. I can't sleep without a sleeping aid, but have faith it will return to normal. I reported it to the fda and told all of my doctors.

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