Mirtazapine withdrawal
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Hey everyone,
I've been on Mirtazapine 30mg since Feb his year but I've had alot of problems with. Ear infections, burning mouth syndrome etc. so my Psychiatrist think's I should come of it. He told me to cut down to 15mg and only take them for a week and then just stop. So I finally stopped taking the 15mg on Mon night and I feel terrible.
It's not just my moods (my depression/anxiety had been great before coming off med), I physically feel really sick, been feeling extremely nauseated and last night couldn't sleep because I kept thinking I was going to throw up. Is this a normal reaction coming off mirtazapine?
Because my depression/anxiety had gotten alot better, we didn't feel the need to just take me off mirtazapine and put on on another drug because I thought I was cured. Plus, I don't want to take any more antidepressants at all really.
PLEASE, any help or advice you offer would be greatly appreciated because I'm really worried now and I don't want to have to go back to taking mirtazapine .
Will the withdrawal last long? How long will it take to fully get the tablets out of my system?
Please help,
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ox123 Guest
If you are or have withdrawn from Mirtazapine, are you experiencing anxiety?
If so, is it coming on without any trigger, or are you being triggered by something every time you feel your withdrawal symptoms?
Lizzy357 ox123
I was put on mirtz for insomnia not for anxiety. I was anxious however because I couldn’t sleep. There are things that happen from time to time that upset or unnerve me, but can’t say I feel anxious
karen_57593 ox123
I was put on mirt for depression didn't feel it really worked for me so was tapering off n had a good few anxious days never had much anxiety before xx
karen_57593 Lizzy357
I was the same can't sleep much now drives me up the wall xx
I've also noticed I get very angry n wasn't like that before either xx
Lizzy357 karen_57593
karen_57593 Lizzy357
No not depressed at all now thank goodness just hope it doesn't come bk. I do notice if I have alcoholic drinks I get very depressed so stopped drinking alcohol now which is a shame because I enjoyed a couple of rosy wines on a sat nite xxx
linda55581 Guest
Lizzy357 linda55581
linda55581 Lizzy357
Lizzy357 linda55581
april34506 Guest
hi... just wondering how you r going with the withdrawals.
I was taking 7.5mg a night for about 5 months and it was great at first but recently turned me into a zombie I was so tired. I decided to go off it cold Turkey which my doctor was happy with since I was on such a low dose. I've been doing ok. having a little trouble sleeping at night but tonight is the worst. I suddenly had hot sweats and so much pain in my tummy. Throwing up and diahrea and now I've been laying in bed for over 3 hours trying to sleep to no avail. I know I need to sleep and I would feel better but nothing I do is helping. Just wondering if it sounds like withdrawals or something else. I had a similar tummy issue the other day but didn't think much of it until I seemed to come down again tonight. I just saw my doc today and told her how I thought I was doing OK. She prescribed me some melatonin for sleep but not sure it will work. Just wondering if you think I should go back and get something stronger. This is my 11th night without anything so hoping it'll improve soon. I'm taking a natural detox program and other natural vitamins to help the process but I'm not sure how much help they are. Do you think I will start to feel better soon? I'm a high school teacher so can't work like this
Thanks for your help 😃
mark17352 Guest
I come off mitrazapine and my anxiety got worse not eaten for five days no bowel movements as well for 5days gnawing my teeth also drink little luquid
christoph77 Guest
Hello to everyone here , I have been on Mirtazapine for only 4 months been trying to tapper down with no luck . The withdrawals are extreme and the painful nausea is excruciating , relentless . I'm only on 7.5 mg and keep trying to reduce by 1-2 mg with no luck .. I had panic ;anxiety attacks and severe breathing issues from my Late stage COPD which is why the doctors prescribed it in the first place ..The Dizziness , anxiety attacks continued and now with severe fatigue , and dizziness from the mirtazapine worse then I had before taking it. They really should stop prescribing this evil medication . Today is the worst abdomen pain I ever had and it's been all day ..I may have to go into emergency.. ..They really should warn you about this drug first ! Is there anything to combat the horrible nausea ?
Any suggestions would be great ..