Mirtazapine Withdrawal
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I was on mirtazapine for a year and half, 30mg for my depression and anxiety aswell as sleeping problems. They were a big help and I felt like they suited me other than making me feel like I was in my own world most of the time. I recently found out I was pregnant and my doctor said nothing about coming off them or them not being safe until my second appointment with her, she took me off them completely and asked me not to take any more what so ever, I agreed but I have had the worst 3 weeks off my life since, she has replaced them with fluoxetine because I can't manage my depression on my own. But I'm shaky, hot then cold, sick every time I eat and have extreme nausea which is not due to the pregnancy because I had none of this before, I can't sleep longer than an hour or two most nights and my anxiety is really bad. Can someone please give me an estimate for how much longer I'm gonna have to feel like this? I know everyone's different but I'm so poorly and can't eat which is not good for my unborn baby. She told me because I'm pregnant I should be fine and that there was no withdrawal symptoms from medication like this, I've heard going cold turkey is quicker for getting it out your system but I just wanted some advice? Sorry for the long post.
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candy20021 Hudson191
Dear Hudson, is bad enough to go through this feelings when is just Us individuality but I can only imagine what it most be like with you been pregnant, honestly I'm praying for you and your baby as I'm typing this🙏 I'm going through withdrawals as of right now at first I didn't know what was happening but then I started to read and have been coming across different ways of dealing with it...First you have to stay positive and don't give in into fears is the worst you can do, stay well hydrated water and even pedialite is great, Ask your doctor about chamomile tea at night before bed not sure if is ok during pregnancy...Eat every two hours, it doesn't matter if you eat same thing over and over just make sure you keep eating small portions...bananas, oatmeal,jello,plain rice, plain potatoes, Greek Jogurt...you can also make chicken and rice soup with just chicken breast put in blender and make like a cream of chicken is easy to go down and you'll keep a good intake of protein and starch(very good for the baby) you do not have to eat big meals at a time small ones every two hours or so will work...if you have nausea pills take them around the clock not just when you get nauseous...when you wake up first thing in the morning before getting out of bed, take your nausea pill, and do some meditation or pray whatever is best for you🙏 Start your day in a positive way even if you have to force yourself😊
At the beginning when I started withdrawing I was very miserable feeling all the same symptoms as yours and more, I started reading on line and whatever I came across I've tried so for my experience those are things that have worked so far and are making withdrawals a little more tolerable, I still struggle but I'm not as down anymore just praying that this will be over soon... I'm exactly 35 after my last mirtazapine 30mg which I've stopped cold turkey...please hang in there and will check on you and your baby, best of luck to both🤗
Hudson191 candy20021
I'm finding it extremely difficult to control my anxiety and the nausea is overwhelming! I'm hoping it will start to ease off through the next week or so, but some websites have people on there saying it could take months. I'm not enjoying my pregnancy the way I should because I feel so bad and all I can do is lie in bed all day. Thankyou for your kind words. How long have you been off the mirtazapine for now? I'm glad too know I'm not alone but it's a terrible thing that so many people are having to go through this. I wish you the best of luck.
candy20021 Hudson191
I've been off exactly 35 days, my symptoms started about 7 days after the last pill, stomach issues like pain, heartburn, nausea...I didn't know I was withdrawing, but anyways remember id your body getting use to no having the pill, you're anxious cause you feel sick, it will get better...I do have bad and good days, so I always go back and think of the things I did on the days that were good...try your best to leave the bed, go outside even if is just a porch or backyard...walk around a lot, your body gets use to what you give it, give your body energy and it will want more, i know is hard I've been there...call your doctor and ask if you can drink chamomile tea it helps tremendously with anxiety but you most try to relax your mind and body...please keep in touch and tell me how you are doing, I'm here to help you!😊
Hudson191 candy20021
Thankyou, I'm willing to try anything at this point. How long did the worst part last for you? I don't know I could take 35 days of this, you seem to be doing well. I will definitely ask my doctor about that tea and maybe some sickness tablets, i will keep you updated
candy20021 Hudson191
I'm not sure if is the worst of it but it happened around 3rd week without the pill, mayor panic, anxiety, the biggest fear, couldn't sleep not even 2 hours straight, horrible nightmares, lost my appetite completely, several trips to ER, headaches, lost about 10 pounds...you are pregnant so be careful, you can always comeback here and keep in touch but maybe is not a good idea to be reading all you see on the web as it might make you more anxious and you don't need that for your little one...instead download the app calm is great for meditation and deep breathing, just for now...stay positive, drink lots of water and eat every 2 hours even if you don't want to, get out of bed, take nause meds around the clock and your multivitamins, get the app calm...is hard but you can and will get better for you and your baby...keep me posted but get out of the web and do those things start as soon as you can and only come back in here for updates or ask any questions, don't get yourself more worried than what you are...Best of wishes to you Hudson...🙏