Mirtazapine withdrawal, how long does it last?
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Hi, Just looking for some reassurance/support. I was on mirtazapine for about 6months. I went up to 45mg and decided to taper down as I felt they were making me worse and the weight gain was nasty. I felt fab tapering down and generally, its been better than I anticipated however, I'm approaching the 3rd week off of mirtazapine and have started to feel a bit anxious the last few days. I've read withdrawal peaks around the 3/4week mark, so I'm trying to stay positive that it will pass.
15 likes, 803 replies
Kerkstraat rachael42781
I was on Mirtazapine for over 2 years, 30mg.
I have been off the medicine since almost three months now, and still suffer some withdrawal issues.
Anxiety is a major one.
As you were on the medicine for 'only' 6 months, i suppose your withdrawal will not last that long, and you will feel better soon.
try not to pay too much attention to the anxiety, and rest and sleep well if possible.
I also take some Omega 3 supplements.
good luck!
jo97038 Kerkstraat
Interesting to read your reply to Rachael, Did you taper, and what was your method please?
Thanks in advance
sushanth07060 Kerkstraat
janice35918 sushanth07060
I'm off Mirtzapine for 10 days now and insomnia is main side effect.
I was on 7.5Mg for 15 months. I'm using L-trytophan at night for help
1000mg-2000mg hour before bed.
jo97038 rachael42781
What was your final dose, the last dose you took before stopping completely? Did you do it like Kathryn did, dropping a day a week etc?
mark01943 rachael42781
London_ridge mark01943
mike12543 London_ridge
I know it's been quite some time since you originally posted but thought to put my status out there because your experience sounds very much what i am going through now. i was put on 45mg years ago. i had no problems but my doctor thought to take it down to 30mg. that was june and these last few months have been horrible. night sweats so bad i have to change clothes in the middle of the night. zero appetite, nearly puke trying to eat most times. ensure the liquid nutrition supplement has kept me going on the worst days. sleep is terrible, exhausted always. i had my colon removed, not related, but i have sm bowel cramps, stomach pain. during the day my body temp, how it feels, can go from ice cold to hot flash for no reason other than this. anxiety through the roof at times. very shaky, weak, inability to concentrate, trouble communicating with others, good God how could any physcian put us on these meds knowing what it is like to stop? nobody ever warned me?
my withdrawal from tapering 45mg to 30mg has been like this nearly four months. are you or anyone reading this able to give me a bit of hope? or should i just throw in the towel and go back to 45mg for life? i just can't imagine going through this for much longer. Thanks and i do hope your situation turned out for the best.
emma67832 mike12543
Hi Mike
There is hope. I've gone from 45mg to 15mg.
I'm struggling a bit to ditch them altogether but to be honest my gp is loath to stop them altogether as she believes they help my sleep.
I dropped my dose pretty quickly but that didn't work out so well for me so I went from 45 to 40 then 35 & so on until I got to 15mg. Do each drop over 3-4 weeks.
I had night sweats & stomach cramps but they have stopped now.
I'm going to drop to 7.5mg shortly & then after about a month try taking 7.5mg every other day and so on until I can finally get off this awful drug.
I've found taking magnesium supplements helps at night with leg cramps etc.
granto emma67832
layte39112 mike12543
Hello Mike, I can't imagine being on 45mg!!! I have been taking Klonopin - 4 four or five years - & cut that down in Sept. 2017. My GP put me on only 7.5mg Sept 16 this year. The "side effects" didn't set in until about a month ago. AND I HAVE EVERY SIDE EFFECT EXCEPTING CONSTIPATION!!!
SO - I started going OFF Mirtazapine one week ago 11/15/16 - taking only
half a pill every night. I feel EVEN WORSE EVERY DAY NOW. My body
aches everywhere (like flu ache) and I want to sleep 18 hours a day!!! You did not mention your age - I am 80 next month - and perhaps my age is
just less accepting of any drug but I advise every patient to TALK ABOUT ALL THE EFFECTS/SIDE EFFECTS WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN. I relate to you saying....why would any Dr prescribe this drug? My depression is supposed to get better after gaining 13 lbs and feeling like Hell?
Just sayin'
carole06985 mike12543
mark47089 mike12543
shaun29979 mark47089
Hi Mark , I'm the same but been on 45mg mirtizapine for over 9 years and looking to come off soon but scared really as reading all the horror stories on here but my gp reckons they are one of the easier antidepressants to come off .
I think not many people talk on the internet if they have come off them ok that's why we only here the horror stories hopefully .
Just wondered how you are doing now since stopping them as it's hard for me to find anybody who has been on them as long as we have and have withdrawn successfully.
Thanks Shaun
mikeyboy100uk shaun29979
shaun29979 mikeyboy100uk
Thanks and it's good to know it can be done .
craig2828 shaun29979
shaun29979 craig2828
hilary95948 shaun29979
craig2828 hilary95948
shaun29979 mikeyboy100uk
mikeyboy100uk shaun29979
gina01020 shaun29979
HI Shaun.
I've been on Mirt for 7 years and the doc got me to go cold turkey 4 weeks ago. He started me on another anti depressant straight away as well.
It's not been pretty but last week was the worst ( I Hope)
I only found this forum yesterday and didn't realize it was the Mirt withdrawal cause my symptoms and was blaming the new meds. Although I think some of it is the new meds as well.
It's all so frustrating and worrying to feel like this and the Doc never once mentioned withdrawals or anything. The chemist questioned him but he told them he'd researched it and knew what he was doing.
The reason I was put on Mirt was because my last anti depressant had given me an ulsa and Mirt is the kindest one for your stomach.
My stomach is now burning even though I'm on meds to stop it. Worried now that this new med will do the same and I'll have to change again. Augh!!!!
denis38536 mikeyboy100uk
I'm glad you are fine. My doctor tells me that you should only taper down if you are taking 30 mg or more. When you get to 15 mg take it for 3-4 weeks then stop altogether. She says it can cause problems if you taper down from 15 mg. She did explain but i didn't really understand what she said! I have great faith in her though. She's very experienced.
connie08861 carole06985
Khurana2 London_ridge
Hi rose
I was taking 7.5 mg mirtzapine for
6 months and then stopped as I was feeling I am not getting cured now it's almost 5/ weeks as still getting internal shaking and panic attacks when I am out . Seems imbalance . Vomiting sensation is not there now but body itching is there. CAn you tell when your panic attacks or internal shaking stopped ? Wbatu done
l39242 craig2828
jenny55612 denis38536
Hi Denis not sure if you'll see this as it's 3 months on but il try anyway. I'm tapering from 15mg to 7.5 and having huge problems, can you remember anything your doctor said about why not to taper from 15 as I'm desperate and don't know what to do? Thank you it'd be a big help
ann55375 Khurana2
AllisonShaffer London_ridge
Hello Rose
I was wondering if you could help me. I been on Escitalopram Oxalate 10 mg for over 4 year now and I been having very bad stomach pains for the past 4 months and been in and out of the doctor office and hopstial over 10 times and no one knows what is wrong with me. Turns out i had colon infection and had to go to a GI Specialist to find out,. Well at first the doctor told me I had depression and put me on Mirtazapine 30 mg and Venlafaxine 75 mg and i took it for over 2 months, He Switched me to those without weaning me off the Escitalopram! Which i read you suppose to be at least 4 weeks weaning yourself off to switch. well i started having financial problems to where i couldn't afford the Mirtazapine 30 mg because my medicade was droped. So I stop taken that and cant afford to go to the doctor, but now I cant sleep, but now last few months have been horrible. I also have night sweats so bad i have to change clothes in the middle of the night. zero appetite, nearly puke trying to eat most times, When i was on it, i ate ate ate, i use to weigh 98 pounds, now i only weight 92. sleep is terrible, exhausted always. I have sm bowel cramps, stomach pain. during the day my body temp is crazy, I can go from ice cold to hot flash for no reason, sweat pores from me and im not even hot but i can have my hand a few inches away from my face and feel the heat. It like i have a fever but dont. very shaky, weak, inability to concentrate, trouble communicating with others. migraines all day and everything pss me off so bad, head feels numb and pressure, ears and eyes are killing me, the lights are terrible!. If you found a way to help me pls let me know. I need to know how you cover came this.
melanie81850 mike12543
Hi Mike, I've been on Mirtrazapine 45mg for just over 3months now and the side affects that I'm going through are horrendous.
Severe swollen ankles and feet
Stomach cramps
High blood pressure
No Sex drive
Severe pain in my gallbladder but the worst so far is the weight gain, in the 3 months that I've been taking these pills I've put on nearly 4 stone!!!!,
I'm going to see my Dr on Monday and ask to be taken off them, if I had known the side affects of Mirtrazapine I would never of went on.
They have helpt with the insomnia and depression but the cons weigh out the pros.
I'll really worrying about the withdrawal symptoms and the effect that this will have on my family
asherholic melanie81850
Hey Melanie,
I stopped taking it a week ago, I've had the worst nausea. I was taking it for four months and gained 34lbs in the first four weeks. Then gained 20 more until I stopped it. I have never been over weight. I want to sue my doctor for giving me this horrible meds. Granted they made me sleep but I would rather not sleep then be overweight.
ann43144 layte39112
Hi I wanted to coming off mirt because all it did was make me like a zombie and nothing else. I contacted my surgery and was advised take the last 15mg mirt Sunday nothing the next day then start 10mg Citalopram That was two weeks ago I am in a living hell wake at 5am immediately my inside are doing cartwheels, can't think straight ,wrenching ,diarrhoea,they have given me 2mg diazepam but have double it to 4mg three times a day.I agree with you I wish I had been advised of the possible side effect when trying to come off these demons
gina01020 ann43144
I had to do a swap from 30mg Mirt to 20mg Escitalopram the next day...I took 10mg as the effects were terrible...never again..I will do a slow taper next time..
I had to use Diaz to get through it too and am now trying to wean off that without upsetting my body again..easier this way.
I didn't know what was what as far as side effects of new drugs or withdrawals from Mirt..
The doc didn't believe me and said I'd just googled the symptoms..I wish.
I will be more prepared in future and research myself and not rely on the doc s advice..they tell you nothing about all this
I hope you feel better quickly and settle down with the new drugs.
ann55375 gina01020
gina01020 ann55375
Hi Ann,
I find Escitalopram totally different..to anything I've been on before.
I have terrible anxiety and panic attacks so have to stay on something. Would be lovely to not have to take something..
Escitalopram seems to block or stop the worrying and thoughts like I am really claustrophobic and this has settled also...it is suppose to to very good for OCD etc which I can imagine it would be. It also doesn't put on weight..a huge thing for me..
I do find I have trouble remembering things and have taken ages to get the brain fog to disappear...unfortunately, it could partly be due to the Mirt withdrawals..you would never know.
I would certainly try it. You will never know if you don't and most seem to love it. Just start on a low dose first. It is better than living in constant anxiety..an awefully way to live hey.
angiesin mikeyboy100uk
I seen your post. You have successfully taken down mirtazapine. Do you have insommia problem. I am having insommia and am on 7.5 mg mirtazapine per night. I wonder this medicine can really help insommia. Having some side effect now. Please advise. Thanks
asherholic angiesin
Hey Angie,
I went cold turkey and couldn't sleep for days. Got zzquil and that helped. Now I'm like a month off and I sleep on my own most of the nights!
steve27598 asherholic
Hi All
Been off Mirt since May 5. Unfortunately, now feel terrible, and at my lowest ebb. I've already posted symptoms, which haven't changed, just a million times worse.
I'm going back to Doc this week to ask for further assessment by neurologist. For record these are overwhelmingly physical and consist
Excruciating nerve pains-emanating from spine but then affecting arms and legs.
Unbearable muscular stiffness, weakness and exhaustion.
Permanent head tremor.
Eye fatigue and sensitivity to light.
Voice constantly hoarse.
I know we all react differently to withdrawal, and not certain whether this is withdrawal, original anxiety or new symptom precipitated by stopping Mirt?? However, would be good to tell Doc that canvassed others and these symptoms untypical etc.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks for your time
jamie24499 mike12543
Hi Mike,
I was on lamotragine keppra amytriptalyne and depakote for 6 years. I also dabbled in topomax cymbalta and numerous anti anxiety meds. The next 6 years I was on mirtazapine 45mg and lamotragine 100mg. I received the diagnosis of fatty liver and found an all natural remedy for my nerve pain... Coming off 12 years of heavy meds has been a nightmare version of mr. toads wild ride. I thought I was dying, I thought I was loosing my mind, I could not eat or sleep for weeks and was in the ER panicking with horrible symptoms. I'm starting week 3 of withdrawals and I've decided to take time off work until I recover. Lot of rest, lots of water, healthy diet and walks.
ann55375 steve27598
i am replying to you as, after two years on 7.5 couldnt get it higher, i want off. I have done what the books say, lower very slowly. 5mg for a month, now 3.75 for a couple of weeks and the situation is dire.
nausea - dr gave me pills for this
diaerhoea - have had it on and off during med
IBS - reappeared
Colon pain
waking every 2 hours in anxiety
dr doesnt think these are result of lowering I know how bad i feel, never felt really well on it anyway, just all worse now.
dr did give me extra diazepam for discontinuation so must know anxiety will get worse
hope you get your symptoms sorted out. Interested to know outcome
ann55375 jamie24499
I ended up,on mirtaz for two plus years as itmgave me a sleep. Never really worked otherwise as i couldnt stand high dose, was only on 7.5. I am very sensitive to any meds.
coming down now i have got to 3.75 and want to drop again but the side effects are bad. I thought i was losing my mind woke one night with that. Taking lots of water, eating very little. Ache in ibs area nausea. How long will this last i wonder. Dont even feel like going out. Depression will hit if im not careful.
any helpful,hints.
Zara136 ann55375
Hi Ann
Sorry I can't offer any tips as it seems no matter what dose you try to come off results in endless nightmares..I was started on mirt last yr 15mg to 45mg over a period of 4 months felt worse on them, reduced dose overnight by my doc to 15mg (awful time) but no long short been on 15mg for a yr told my mental health team that I felt worse from I started taking these Meds, told 3wks ago to double up again to 30mg stuck that 3wks had to get in touch with mental health team again who has now told me to drop down to 15mg for 1wk then I have to change onto douslpin which I was before doc changed me to these....doc didn't tell me what a hell of a time I would have getting of these meds... I have felt unwell from I started mirt but I dread what the road ahead will be like for me as the WD from 30mg to 15mg has been awful.... reading lots of sites I have not saw anyone come of this med easy it's all been a nightmare ....yet doc says there is NO withdrawals.... wish my doc could feel how I'm feeling today !!!!
ann55375 Zara136
Zara136 ann55375
Docs really make me so mad..im of for a weeks holiday tonight which to be honest i dread but its been booked from last so forcing myself to go.. i will drop down to 7.5mg next wk when i return home and dear only knows what will be ahead of me but the way im feeling now i really dont plan to switch to another tab anytime soon...What dose are you now taking ? are you feeling any better ?
Tracejane ann55375
Im new to this forum, dont no how to work it propper or comment
I have been on 45 dose and looking at all these im thinking why has the doctor put me on this!
Tryed coming off it and get muscle aches and pains and tingling and sorness in joins and feeling sick and panic and anxiety, looking at comments I must be mad going cold turkey!! Started a week ago then looked it up, should have done it other way round! But guess what I got from a health shop CBD oil, its legal in small doses in england apparently, so I stopped then took the oil, its good for anxiety, depression, nausea, pain, ms, adhd, cancer ect doctors are not allowed to suggest it for anything, I accidently came across it in a shop 20quid, its helped! I only started takeing a few drops 3 times a day then you work your way up, its up2 you if you want to try it, your not allowed to take other or sertain medication because it works like grapefruit, stops you body from absorbing it normal and medication I think build up in your body over time which is not good. I would take cbd over any medication, thc is not in there just the good oil.
Gretel jenny55612
Been taking 15 mg for 4 months. I started skipping doses to every other nite. I am armed with melatonin and benadryl. Am scared to taper to 7.5mg. I may just keep skipping doses. Seems its rough to taper down. Any thoughts? BTW gained 40lbs. since May. Hope you are doing well.
Gretel denis38536
Saw your post about taper problems below 15mg. Been on 15mg only for 4 months. I started skipping doses. Do you think that is a good approach to get off of this vs. Tapering to 7.5mg? My Dr. isnt saying a whole lot. I armed myself with lots of melatonin and benadryl. Sure glad i checked this before I went all out cold turkey. Thanks so much. I hope you are well.
ann55375 ann43144
ann55375 Tracejane
Interested in your post. Does cbd oil really work? I take diazepam and warfarin and i bet dr would say no. Where would i buy it, health food store?
Gretel asherholic
Hope this finds you well. I appreciate all the info. I am about 2 weeks into stopping mirt 15mg. Im down to 7.5mg everyother nite. So far...ok. curious to see how others are faring. Thankyou.
Gretel ann55375
Wondering how its going. I am at the 7.5mg every other nite mark. Been on 15mg for 4 mos. Gained 45 lbs. Curious to see how you are doing.
ann55375 Gretel
Gretel ann55375
ann55375 Gretel
Tracejane London_ridge
I have been suffering muscle aches and pains all over my body and I have to been awful! If you have body aches and stuff go to the doctors, I had my vitamin D tested and it's extremely low, before the aches and stuff I had tingling in my fingers and hospital tested me in October 4th after that day I got worse, didn't no I was until hospital told me go doctors last week, the doctors apologised, I identify idiot no identify identifies true but matazapine can cause vitamin D difficiency, if anyone is getting muscle aches go to docs ASAP! Let me know. Theres a long list of symptoms for it, docs probably disagree, but depression, anxiety, sick, bad muscle aches/pains, chills, hair loss, dry skin ect
gina01020 Tracejane
Hi Tracjane,
That's very interesting as I too had a Vit d deficiency last year and took a course of vit d for a while
No one believed the amount of withdrawal symptoms I had.
ann55375 Tracejane
michelle77685 ann55375
Gretel michelle77685
michelle77685 Gretel
ann55375 michelle77685
Gretel michelle77685
michelle77685 Gretel
steve27598 ann55375
Hope withdrawal not too bad for you. I’m almost suicidal now. Been off for 7 months now and symptoms utterly unbearable. Head tremors, muscular stiffness (all over, but worse around neck, jaw, cheeks and face), eye fatigue and sensitivity to light, exhaustion and some mental confusion. Having to take more and more time off work, so job on line. Bloods normal, but Doc finally referred me to local hospital for further neurology assessments. Will have to wait ages for that, and unable to tolerate for a second longer. Apart from that feel ok.
Bye all, and good luck in your situations.
Gretel michelle77685
ann55375 Gretel
ann55375 steve27598
do you have any problems with your digestion at all, i can empathise with the sensitivity to light and exhaustion. I am waking feeling so sickly and a sort of juddering inside. I have not had muscular stiffness vut i am still on 3.75. I am petrified of lowering again in case my symptoms crash.
My friend has been on this at low dose for over five years alongside her prozac and lives a normal life, i cant understand how we all get such severe problems.
i do hope you get a conclusion soon.
Please post when you do.
steve27598 ann55375
Thanks for concern. No, not sure the symptoms entirely down to withdrawal, especially after such a long period, and when they are getting more severe.
Could also be return of anxiety, a new problem precipitated by coming off? Either way, both scenarios would seem to be devastating for nerve endings, neurotransmitters blah blah.
ann55375 steve27598
wish these people knew what they were doing.
Guest steve27598
sorry you are having such rough ride.what dose were you on?and how did you taper?over what time?I was on 45mg,and have tapered down to 15mg (will hold until after new year then taper down the rest) I like a lot of us suffered all the withdrawels,been spared insomnia so far thankfully.I too had severe muscle spasm and ridgitity in upper back and neck,so bad that it completely trapped up nerve and all down my arm,reinstated dose I had previously dropped from,but took 10 days and very strong analgesia and muscle relaxant diazepam for this to resolve.when I tried drop again,same happened,but didn't trap nerve but.straight away halved the previous reduction,and that went OK as far as muscles concerned.stil had migraines sweats nausea tinnitus etc though.this is not an easy road to tread,but keep faith,that you will get there.very best of wishes that you get some relief soon
steve27598 Guest
Thanks for interest. I realise I probably tapered too quickly. (30-15mg for two years and then 7.5 for a few weeks then zilch. This was agreed by Doc)
However, going on for 7 months now and symptoms getting worse. Can’t prove but certain damage done to nerves, which is probably irreversible. Problem is that medics subtly and conveniently say symptoms mirror damage without actual damage. At the moment feels like something between Parkinson’s, MS and MND😡.
Thanks again.
kit53307 steve27598
Just wanted to jump on here and say a couple of things. Firstly, Steve (and everyone else here) it sounds like you're all having a really rough time. Everyone's bodies handle this stuff so differently and it's hard to know how each person is going to react. It's important to keep in mind that we all have different body make-ups so one person's experience will never be exactly the same as the next. Although it is comforting to hear of other people experiencing similar things. We also only tend to hear the horror stories because people don't really post about that on forums like this.
I am 26 and have been on Mirtazapine for almost 4 years and have just recently come off it (hopefully for good). So far it is going quite well. I realise that it was a big change for my body and that it is just going to take some time to adjust. I started on 45mg for a couple of months, then went to 30mg for about 2 years then went to 15mg for the last year and a half. Something that NO ONE told me until recently is that the way that mirtazapine works is that the higher the dose is the higher the anti-anxiety/depressant effect, and the lower the dose is the higher the sleep-help effect. So as I dealt with my anxiety I mainly just needed it to help with sleep, hence the drop in mg over time. So you should be on a higher mg dose if it's treating anxiety and lower if it's mainly treating insomnia.
Anyway, something I've come to realise is that it was my doctor's best effort at trying to help me get better. They don't know how my body is or isn't going to react to this drug. All of the side effects I've experienced or read through on this site so far are listed in the drug information that is provided about mirtazapine. Something that has helped me get through is to set routine exercise. At the moment it is just walking or slow swimming as I'm pretty wiped out but it really does make a world of difference. It also promotes healthy blood flow in the brain, which by the sounds of it is just what we all need while dealing with this nasty med!
ann55375 kit53307
i did experience a hard time dropping from 7.5 and expect to get similar migraine, nausea, fatigue etc. When next drop comes. What i would like to know is, is this worse when you stop them? Does the fatigue become unbearable? What is the worst symptom?
i see you can now swim, i cant somthats out, but i do try to walk every day to keep the blood flowing. My social life is impeded due to all,of this and i just want to get back to normal. Cant believe i was fine till this hit in my sixties, i hope i dont have this for the rest of my life.
ann55375 carole06985
Guest jamie24499
ann55375 steve27598
wondering how you are getting on now a month has gone by and if you got any further with the investigations as to why coming off mirtaz has been so bad for you. I hope you are feeling better and can manage without this med. maybe they have given you a newer one to help. Do let us know how you are.
steve27598 ann55375
Have been referred to neurologist at hospital, but v long wait for that. Reality is that they will say not linked to central nervous system, so no tangible help. Still getting shakes, stiffness, nerve pain, muscular weakness blah blah. Other problem for me is BP. I was already being treated for mild hypertension, but notice that my resting pressure (diastolic) is up by 10 points and stays there. Systolic BP is ok and controlled by meds, but this change is worrying. Don’t know if the neuropathy is causing it directly, or just worrying about it??
Hope you’re feeling ok.
toria_07298 steve27598
steve27598 toria_07298
That’s a v good question. These are mainly head, arms, leg tremors, fairly constant, visible in mirror, but not necessity to others. Would be good to hear how you differentiate.
toria_07298 steve27598
Guest carole06985
Guest kit53307
Hi kit
how you doing on your Mirtazapine withdrawel journey? and what dose are you now? I like to try to walk and slow swim,and stay as busy and distracted myself from withdrawels (doesn't always work),but helps.
hope you are doing well.
ann55375 Guest
i have dropped down to 2mg and still feeling down and not seeing friends.sleep with help of diazepam.
just wondering when or if i will feel any better, or if i come off this will dr give me more mind benders if i srill cant function. Wonder sometimes what it would be like to be on nothing as i was four years ago.
do you feel any better without it?
Guest ann55375
Ann was originally on 45mg down to 22.5mg (tapering since last May).will drop to 18.75mg in a weeks time.every taper I get hit with withdrawels usually between weeks two to four,then they settle,but I have a long way to go.
although I sometimes don't feel like it,make myself go for walk,or meet friends for coffee,and try and keep busy,tv,listening radio,music,easy read magasines,anything to distract myself.
you are doing so well,and will be off this drug very soon,it's not doing you any good from what you say,so you will be better either when off this drug and withdrawels have gone,or you try a new medication that will work.
ann55375 Guest
i do try to walk each day, can watchntv at night, do a crossword but every morning i wake so depressed. Cant shift it, some days it lifts a bit, others it doesnt. Just cant meet for coffee, so anxious. Maybe this will go once off it but its been like this even at highest dose which i got to was 15 which made me like a zombie so going higher was awful.
i feel there is no,hope,out there for me.
Guest ann55375
Try not to think too far ahead,and take one day at a time.
ann55375 toria_07298
Gretel ann55375
Go into FB. Go to search bar at top of screen. Type in mirtazapine withdrawl support group. It should pop up as a selection.
dave141258 toria_07298
Toria how are you doing , I've been looking for your FB page , really had to stand back and take a good look at things , this mirtazapine really is the pits I've got from 30mg down to 7.5 mg which I've now been on for about 4 weeks , I really thought things were starting to come together but how wrong can you be . Yesterday I started to feel not well it's like I've crashed and need to up my dose but that isn't going to happen .Please let me have the FB link Toria , hopefully i'll speak to you soon x
Gretel dave141258
Message Toria Stockford on FB. Thanks
dave141258 Gretel
Hi Gretel I've tried the FB link you gave me for Toria and can't find her can you please help me any further sorry for being thick x
dave141258 Gretel
Morning_Rain dave141258
Contact Toria Stockford on Facebook. In order to do that you’ll need to have a Facebook account.
Once you have an account, search for “Toria Stockford” and message her a request to join her Mirtazapine Withdrawal Support Group.
Hope this helps!
dave141258 Morning_Rain
Hi Jo tried this and don't seem to be getting anywhere , has she got longish dark hair
dave141258 Morning_Rain
Hi again Jo I've had a FB account for years but really don't seem to be getting anywhere with this , it's driving me nuts lol any other help you can send me would be gratefully received , thanks Dave x
Gretel dave141258
Yes she has hair like that. Just message her and she will add you.
dee73349 steve27598
teresa41752 Khurana2
Gretel teresa41752
teresa41752 Gretel
Gretel teresa41752
teresa41752 Gretel
Gretel teresa41752
teresa41752 Gretel
Gretel teresa41752
Morning_Rain steve27598
Been a few months since you last posted. Still having mirtz w/d effects?
ann55375 teresa41752
ann55375 steve27598
lloyd_28589 mikeyboy100uk
Hi Mikeyboy , just reading one of your posts from a yr ago an was wondering how you are coping now ?? Are you still off Mirtazapine? ? Im going thru Withdrawals from Zyprexa for past 10wks and i also reduced my Mirtazapine dose from 60mg to 30mg some 4-5mths ago and im not sure if some of my Withdrawals from Zyprexa are over lapping with the reduction of my Mirtazapine. I would like to get off Mirtazapine eventually but not till ive recovered from my Zyprexa Withdrawals. Hope you've been able to beat Mirtazapine? ? Take care an best wishes for the future mate. . Lloyd from Oz
soccer_dude Tracejane
hi, who mentioned that Mirt can cause vitamin d deficiency? That interesting as my levels went from 70's to 60's then 40's while on Mirt. was even taking some
vit d at the time off and on. Now I'm taking it daily. Seems to help.
lee33478 asherholic
me too
im third night without it and no sleep tonight at all now im feeling lightheaded this is horrible
how are you doing now
Suej123 mike12543
Your dr tapered you too much too fast. Reminds me of when i stopped taking xanax. Talk to him about what's going on. I feel you sister.
gargi2368 mikeyboy100uk
you are lucky , i am struggling since 2/3days as i stopped taking since 5days and today was my worse day
becky3333 London_ridge
Hi London, did your internal trembling & other symptoms eventually go away?
becky3333 ann55375
Hi Ann,
Did the shaking & other symptoms eventually stop for you?
becky3333 teresa41752
Hi Teresa, did your internal trembling & other symptoms eventually stop for you?
becky3333 Khurana2
Hi Khurana,
Has your internal shaking & panic attacks stopped?
tim85208 denis38536
hello ...i cud not sleep going from 15 mg to 7.5 had to take the other 7.5 to get my lousy 4 hours of mertazapine sleep . and your doc recommends no tapper at 15mg.??? i went straight of merts and onto zoloft on doc advice..ended up in hospital after reaching out to mental health 10 days straight no sleep suicidal .. all the time i thought it was the zoloft now thinking was merts withdrawals. thanks
MajorA ann55375
For me, the sedative effect of 15mg Mertazapine was the problem. I'd be in a fog for half a day the following day and after 1.5 years had had enough of this drug. Lexapro is not sedative at any strength.
MajorA jenny55612
The most sedative dose of Mertazapine is 7.5mg. It will be toughest yet to reduce to this level as you'll live in a brain fog until you stop the 7.5mg.