mirtazipan withdrawal

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Hi everyone, it's been awhile since I posted on here, I am on my 5th week of withdrawal and having the worst time ever, bad headache all the time,nausea, upset stomach, terrible backache, feeling tremble, just to name a few things, the anxiety has gone through the roof, does anybody know how long this nightmare lasts for?and when things start to improve😖 would appreciate any advice, can anyone help feel so desperate.thank you.

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67 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Margret ive been trying to withdraw for the last 7mths,mind you that was from 45mg. I'm at the moment at 15mg.but the withdrawal is terrible. I suffer with chronic IBS which some idiot doctor seem to think Mirttazapine was the answer.  The problem I'm Haveing comeing off it is extreme bad temper,more so than I've ever been in my life,my poor husband taking the worst of it.  My Stomack is extremely painful, my GP says to stay at 15 mg till after Christmas. So when I come Down a little lower I dread to think how I'm going to feel.    So all in all I think what your feeling is the withdrawal. You never said what your down to, and how your withdrawing?
    • Posted

      Hi Norma, I took my last dose 5 weeks ago, the longer the time span the worse it seems to be, I never thought it would be a walk in the park, but I was certainly not prepared for the torrid time I'm having.I keep reading that it does get better,I live in hope.I wish I'd never taken this drug which can only be made by the devil himself, when you are prescribed these drugs you should be warned about the terrible withdrawal, alas we are not told, the doctors want stringing up, all mine can say is to restart it again.no thank you, I wish you well with your continual reduction.
  • Posted

    Oh Margret every word you say I totally agree with, my Stomack is killing me. I was given this drug for IBS don't know why. All it's done is made my tum worse. My GP says just let it settle it'll be fine, it's been settling now for about a month, but it's no better.   As for GPs,consultants,phsyciatrist, or Endocologist I've just about had enough of them I could do there job better. All I keep getting is its government guidelines. Rant over take care Margret .
    • Posted

      Hello Norma, poor you, I personally don't think your doc should have put you on mirt for ibs I really don't think they know what they are doing, I have no faith in my gp, they have no time for you, I'm lucky if I get to see mine,everything is done buy telephone conversation, just a fob off, I am doing this all on my own, so have nothing to thank them for,I'm afraid they dish out trains like sweets and to help with the consequences.take care and good luck.x
    • Posted

      Hi Margret, My GP of 15yrs has retired, so now I see whoevers available. I'm trying to deal with so many problems, but no one seems to be listening.              First the Mirttazapine withdrawal,which GPs don't seem to understand. Then a nice lady who picked me up on the IBS site, said because I have an Underactive Thyroid if it's not being tested properly it could be adding to my Tum problems,She told me to get a copy of my blood tests and put them on the Thyroid site and an admin will read them for me,who told I'm not Haveing the full blood test. When I asked the GP he said it's the rules to just do the one test, so my body could be lacking something.  And my poor husband says he don't know me anymore, I have no patience at all. I just feel as though I'm going round in circles with pain to add to it.  A big SORRY for ranting to you Margret.  I'm just at my wits end. And then they say the old days were bad. At least the GPs cared then.  Xx
    • Posted

      I do so agree with you Norma, unfortunately nobody cares today, we are just a number at the docs, too many people on their books.I'm so sorry that you are having a lot of pain, I too have an underactive thyroid, I have a yearly check, I do know that if it is not checked properly you can get a lot of problems, this indeed could be contributing to you problems,I hope you get sorted soon. Take care.xxx
  • Posted

    Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time. You don't say what dose you were on, but I hope it soon settles. Have you asked your Gp for something to ease the nausea. 

    I must have been lucky I was taken on mirtazapine 15mgs without reducing and I had no withdrwal symptoms but my mood has really deteriorated I was only on for 8 weeks but did see an improvement in mood.

  • Posted

    Hi there.

    I'm also on my 5th week of withdrawal. I'd say I've got almost exactly the same symptoms as you.

    No appetite, upset stomach, terrible back ache, bad anxiety, I was trembling when I woke up this morning.

    We'll just have to hang in there. I was on 45mg for almost 3 years and reduced the dose slowly until I stopped completely 5 weeks ago. I had to stop as the good effects had worn off and I was just left with constant fuzzy head and heaches.

    Good luck, hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Hi there, all of what you describe is exactly what I am experiencing, I was on mitt for 18months, ranging from 15-30 over this time, I can't say how many headache tablets I've taken ,lost count,nothing seems to help, I guess it's just a case of hanging in there, I don't know about you but I sometimes feel I'm going mad. Do you feel that everything is too much trouble and there is nothing in life to look forward to? I never ever used to have these thoughts,don't like it!!I have read that it's a devil of a drug to come of off.I wish everyone well there has to be a light at the end of the tunnel it just seems a long way off.
    • Posted

      Hi there. Yes, that's exactly how I feel. I haven't got any enthusiasm for anything.

      I was just prescribed this drug when my wife left me 3 years ago, and exactly as you say, nobody warned me about the terrible addiction I would have in the future.

      It's not fun, but we just have to get through the next few weeks and get our lives back.

      Pop a post up here if you're stuggling at all and I'll be glad to respond. All the best again.

    • Posted

      Hi, Ted Id really just like to say the same as Margret thank you. A little more kindness in this world wouldn't go amiss.  THANKS
    • Posted

      Thanks, Norma. No problem.

      They really are a total pain these drugs. They just prescribe these drugs and leave us to deal with the aftermath by ourselves.

      I'm having a bad day today. My stomach is really upset and I got hardly any sleep at all last night. What a complete pain.

    • Posted

      Hi Ted, like you I was given 45mg, I have chronic IBS, and I think they gave them me because they thought I was depprest, ( well of cause I was I had chronic IBS!!!!)Anyway I've got down to 15mg that's took me about 8mths, but my Tum is just killing me the lower I go,my GP said to wait till after Christmas before I go any lower to let my tum settle, fat chance of that. I did have a lot of help off a fellow member,he has put a blog up for people to have there say about this drug. Take care here's a BIG HUG.
    • Posted

      Norma, that sounds terrible. You're really not having a great time.

      It will get better though. You just have to get off this drug, very, very slowly. I reduced mine from 45mg starting over a year ago.

      It's a pain and it takes a long time, but that's the only way to do it.

      I really hope you start to feel better and I'm sure you will.

    • Posted

      Thank You Ted, and by the way try and have a nice Christmas and a better   New Year.
    • Posted

      Hi Ted, how are things with you today? I'm having the most awful day, no sleep last night, today I feel like I have the flu , like I've been kicked in the back, terrible head, upset stomach, just how long do we have to put up with this? This certainly isn't living, I keep telling myself another day off this devil drug, when will it all end. Are you taking anything to alleviate the symptoms? With Christmas just around the corner I really have no interest in any of it.lets hope the new year will bring us all good health.hugs to everyone suffering.
    • Posted

      Hi Margaret!

      Sorry to hear you're having a bad day again. But maybe it will be a bit of comfort to know I've got exactly the same. I had a terrible night last night. Couldn't get to sleep at all, and my stomach has been churning non stop, oh and headaches as usual.

      We just have to keep telling ourselves that this is just withdrawal. We're not getting ill again and it's not our fault. It's putely because we've been put on these tablets without the proper advice.

      Every day we do is a step closer to getting better.

      I've been having Andrew's Salts to try and help calm my stomach, and I've just bought some Magnesium tablets as I've heard these are great for sleep and muscle relaxation. I'll be trying those tonight, so I'll let you know how I get on.

      Try and relax and just know it's withdrawal and it will get better.

    • Posted

      TED and MARGRET  I can't stand to here your both in so much pain.                 I think it's even more difficult to deal with pain when your lacking sleep.         I don't know if any of you have tried sleeping tablets but they work wonders for me.     Once you get over the worst of the Withdrawal ,you could come off them, also how about asking for 5mg of Diazapam just to help you through the worst of it.  Don't lose sleep unnecessarily 
    • Posted

      Norma you're such a sweetie!! I spoke to the doc today as i can't go on without sleep, she agreed to give me 14 zopiclone tabs,she was very reluctant to give me any, she clearly doesn't know how desperate I am, with no sleep things are a million times worse, she suggested I take up yoga, I have to say that I am not one for these things, just have to plod on, I have faith that things will get better,well we can hope,our poor bodies certainly have to cope with a lot don't they.xx
    • Posted

      Margret, just take them Untill you get over the worst. You can always stop them again.  Just remember Margret there a drug so if you have any adverse effects stop.   Sleep Tight.
    • Posted

      Hi Ted, how are things with you? Got up this morning feeling like death! When will this nightmare end, can't stand much more of I

      t terrible nausea, my head doesn't feel like it belongs to me, legs all of a tremble ,can anyone shed any light as to how long this will go on for? It seems like it will never get better, how do people cope with everyday life? Seems like there is nothing to look forward to, I know its the same for most people but when will it all end?can anyone answer when things will get better, it's almost 6 weeks since I took the last dreaded pill, I could just scream, do you have bouts of tearfullness, I get these from time to time, sorry to be a pain by going on but I don't know what else to do.

    • Posted

      Hi Norma,yes I did take the zopiclone I did manage to get some sleep but I woke up several times, having a really bad day today, it's true to say that the withdrawal tricks you into thinking your illness is back, I just hope and believe in what I have read, sorry to be such a misery.
    • Posted

      Margret your not a misery, the reason I asked you about the Zopiclone was you said you keep feeling like crying and it feels like your illness is back.       Now I don't want to worry you as you know our bodies are all different.             A few years ago my GP took me off Tamazapam and replaced it with Zopiclone, I was on holiday when I began to take them which you would think I should have been happy. At the end of the week I've never been so depressed in my life,when I seen my GP he said it was an allergic reaction to them,and gave me back my Tamazapam which has no side side affects for me at all.   Now don't get worried as I say our bodies are all different, but just be aware of how you feel.   Any worries go back to your GP and stamp your feet for some help.   Big Hug. Norma
    • Posted

      Hello Ted,

      I've got the fuzzy head feeling now with the headaches and I've been on it for 2 years now but need to get off asap , I'm also getting quite bad dizzy spells , never had them before but seem to be getting them more lately.

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