mirtazipan withdrawal
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Hi everyone, it's been awhile since I posted on here, I am on my 5th week of withdrawal and having the worst time ever, bad headache all the time,nausea, upset stomach, terrible backache, feeling tremble, just to name a few things, the anxiety has gone through the roof, does anybody know how long this nightmare lasts for?and when things start to improve😖 would appreciate any advice, can anyone help feel so desperate.thank you.
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norma72045 margaret77657
margaret77657 norma72045
norma72045 margaret77657
margaret77657 norma72045
norma72045 margaret77657
margaret77657 norma72045
Desperate_now margaret77657
I must have been lucky I was taken on mirtazapine 15mgs without reducing and I had no withdrwal symptoms but my mood has really deteriorated I was only on for 8 weeks but did see an improvement in mood.
ted81298 margaret77657
I'm also on my 5th week of withdrawal. I'd say I've got almost exactly the same symptoms as you.
No appetite, upset stomach, terrible back ache, bad anxiety, I was trembling when I woke up this morning.
We'll just have to hang in there. I was on 45mg for almost 3 years and reduced the dose slowly until I stopped completely 5 weeks ago. I had to stop as the good effects had worn off and I was just left with constant fuzzy head and heaches.
Good luck, hope this helps.
margaret77657 ted81298
ted81298 margaret77657
I was just prescribed this drug when my wife left me 3 years ago, and exactly as you say, nobody warned me about the terrible addiction I would have in the future.
It's not fun, but we just have to get through the next few weeks and get our lives back.
Pop a post up here if you're stuggling at all and I'll be glad to respond. All the best again.
margaret77657 ted81298
norma72045 ted81298
ted81298 norma72045
They really are a total pain these drugs. They just prescribe these drugs and leave us to deal with the aftermath by ourselves.
I'm having a bad day today. My stomach is really upset and I got hardly any sleep at all last night. What a complete pain.
norma72045 ted81298
ted81298 norma72045
It will get better though. You just have to get off this drug, very, very slowly. I reduced mine from 45mg starting over a year ago.
It's a pain and it takes a long time, but that's the only way to do it.
I really hope you start to feel better and I'm sure you will.
norma72045 ted81298
ted81298 norma72045
margaret77657 ted81298
ted81298 margaret77657
Sorry to hear you're having a bad day again. But maybe it will be a bit of comfort to know I've got exactly the same. I had a terrible night last night. Couldn't get to sleep at all, and my stomach has been churning non stop, oh and headaches as usual.
We just have to keep telling ourselves that this is just withdrawal. We're not getting ill again and it's not our fault. It's putely because we've been put on these tablets without the proper advice.
Every day we do is a step closer to getting better.
I've been having Andrew's Salts to try and help calm my stomach, and I've just bought some Magnesium tablets as I've heard these are great for sleep and muscle relaxation. I'll be trying those tonight, so I'll let you know how I get on.
Try and relax and just know it's withdrawal and it will get better.
norma72045 ted81298
margaret77657 norma72045
norma72045 margaret77657
margaret77657 ted81298
t terrible nausea, my head doesn't feel like it belongs to me, legs all of a tremble ,can anyone shed any light as to how long this will go on for? It seems like it will never get better, how do people cope with everyday life? Seems like there is nothing to look forward to, I know its the same for most people but when will it all end?can anyone answer when things will get better, it's almost 6 weeks since I took the last dreaded pill, I could just scream, do you have bouts of tearfullness, I get these from time to time, sorry to be a pain by going on but I don't know what else to do.
norma72045 margaret77657
margaret77657 norma72045
norma72045 margaret77657
eric32307 ted81298
I've got the fuzzy head feeling now with the headaches and I've been on it for 2 years now but need to get off asap , I'm also getting quite bad dizzy spells , never had them before but seem to be getting them more lately.