Mirtazipan withdrawal

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Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I posted on here. Just a general enquiry, can anyone advise as to how long this torture goes on for? It has been almost 18weeks since my last tablet, although I have had 1 or2 reasonable days on the whole I feel absolutely terrible, I have been in touch with cita and they say it is normal, To. Me it seems like an eternity, can anyone share their experiences as to how long it lasts? I know everyone is different but I begin to wonder if this will ever go away, nothing seems to relieve any of the symptoms. The torture begins from the time I wake in the mornings,terrible nausea, bad head, aching muscles, upset stomach just to name a few things, had I been made aware of the consequences I would never had taken this awful drug.

Would appreciate any feedback from your experiences.

I'm afraid my gp is totally useless, refuses to accept that its the Mirtazipan she said I should be free of all symptoms by now, I did mention cita to her and she said she'd never heard of them, more like she doesn't want to know, all they are fit for is dishing out the pills.Anyway thank you for taking the time to read this.

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Margaret, I was trying to find you to see how you were doing. Did you use the CITA protocol? Their site is gone now. Not enough funding, I think. Very sad about that.

    I tried getting off of it twice and did not succeed. Once was probably too fast.The second time I tried tapering from 7.5 with liquid mirt.....still couldn't do it. Have been trying to get up the nerve to do the CITA protocol. When I spoke to CITA they told me I could go even slower than their recommendations. I just haven't had the nerve. I know Manuel did it successfully, and I wonder if he is just one of the lucky ones.

    No one should go through the torture you are going through. I alread have nausea from anxiety, and it got horrific when I tried to WD from mirt.

    I cannot believe you are still going through this. Some people have recommended taked B complex, magnesium and Omega 3s while withdrawing and after, but I don't know if it works.

    I sure wish I could be of more help. Again, did you do the CITA method?

    Hugs to you for your courage in staying the course. How high of a dose were you on and for how long?

    Totally agree it's an awful drug....I think every patient should be told that this can happen so they can make an informed decision BEFORE starting the drug!!

    Hugs and sending good thoughts your way. May the light of day shine upon you very soon!

    • Posted

      Hi Kathy,nice to hear from you, as I said I am 18 weeks into withdrawal, what a long hard road it is, I never realized just how bad things would get, when I spoke to cita 3 weeks ago they told me it was early days then, I begin to wonder how long this torture will go on but I have to hang in there as I have come this far, you asked me what my final dose was it was 3.75 I did this for 2 weeks then stopped, looking back maybe I came off it too quickly, all I can say is I wish I'd never clapped eyes on this awful drug. You say that you have made 2 attempts to come off, I know where you are coming from when you say that you are scared to go down the route again, I too felt scared as I read what other folk have said about withdrawal, it has to be one of the worst times in my life, I do find it intolerable, I have days where I ask myself what it is all for, I just keep crying for no reason, I guess it's all the miserable physical disabilities that comes with it, all I hope that it doesn't cause permanent damage, makes you feel like that full of despair. By the way I have started taking 5htp, this was recommended by the people at cita, also omega 3 fish oil, can't say whether it is making any difference but have to live in hope.

      Sending you a massive hug, take care.xx

    • Posted

      Margaret, did you follow the CITA method by dropping a dose a week, etc? Or did you take 3.75 for 2 weeks straight, then stop? I am a tad confused, so forgive me.

      I know you have been going through Hell and I feel so bad for you. I admire your courage for sticking it out this long. Amazing...I understand about those days of "what is it all for" and I wish the doctors would find a way to make it easier to withdraw.

      Huge hugs to you....and I do hope you can answer my questions regarding how you got off of mirt from above....confused

  • Posted

    I'm only at start of mirtazapine reduction, dropping from 30mg to 15mg one night a week, and so far all I've noticed is I wake up early the morning after, but I can cope with that. what I would say is that my psychiatrist did warn me that some times the symptoms you get on reduction/ withdrawal can be the depression creeping back. Also remember that the CITA people deal only with people who are having problems. There may be many other people who come off drugs with no problems, but you don't hear about them. I really think your doctor should be the one to help. Do you need to find another, better one?
    • Posted

      You are in the early stages of tapering. It gets worse for a lot of people after you get to 7.5. Margaret's symptoms are far worse than before she took the mirt. You are correct that some people come off with no problems, but that isn't what this discussion is about, pixie. And I disagree that most doctors know HOW to help you off these drugs, especially when you have problems. My doctor, along with several others I spoke with didn't believe the extent of my W/D symptoms.

      Please don't take anything I have said the wrong way. I know what I have been through twice and I know what Margaret has gone through for over 4 months and is still going through. These are not the symptoms of anxiety or depression creeping back, but they sure as heck can make you anxious and depressed with all of the suffering involved. These are physical symptoms that persist for some people, a very long time after taking the final pill. It is real and there seems to be no solid answer for them but to bear it out or go back on the pill.

      I sure hope you tapering goes very well for youconfused

    • Posted

      Hi kathy! I know I am in the early stages of withdrawal and I know how dreadful I felt when I tried the psychiatrist's recommended alternate days on 30mg and 15mg, that's why I've gone to one reduced dose per week. I'm dreading the path ahead but I have to keep myself optimistic otherwise I couldn't go on with it. CBT has taught me to look at things that way. It is my decision to reduce my medications (although I have got the agreement of the doctors) and i shall take it as slow as it takes, I'm in no hurry. And I'm sorry if I seem to be belittling the withdrawal symptoms because i'm really not. I assure you i don't take anything you said the wrong way, it helps me to know what may lie ahead. That's one benefit of these forum sites. I will keep going and see what happens, that is all we can do. Mirtazapine was a very effective drug for me, at the time when I desperately needed it, but now I'm better I want to face life without it. Pixie.
    • Posted

      I dropped from 15 for a month, then 7.5 for 3 weeks, then3.75 for 2weeks then alternate days for 1 week then stopped.hope this is of some help.It seems to me that the lower the dose the worse it is.

      No two people are alike, some have little or no problems upon withdrawal,it's all down to the individual , I have read that it is one of the worst drugs to come off of. The people at cita told me that what I was experiencing was definitely withdrawal, I did say to them that I thought I was going mad, I was told that I wouldn't go mad and that in time it gets better. This seems like eternity, I wish you all the luck in the world.

      Take care and big hugs to you.xx

    • Posted

      So, you didn't skip one dose a week, then 2, then 3, etc??? At least, that's what I think you are saying. I plan on dropping a dose a week for one or 2 weeks, then 2 a week, etc...hoping that will help, as that's how CITA showed it. Did you know that CITA shut down? Ran out of funding. Very sad about that.

      Having tried it twice, I know what you mean about the agony of it. So, I am hoping this time will go better. I am not ready yet, but, soon, I hope.

      Always in my thoughts, Margaret....your suffering is so unfair. May it stop quickly and may you see brightness and laughter and feel great really, really soon.

  • Posted

    Did you taper off or go cold turkey, this makes a big differnce. After 18 weeks i doubt if its the mirtazapine anyway as its well out fo your system with a half life of approx 30 hours. i would consider other causes, have you tried natural yoghurt like yeo valley or rachels to settle your stomach, and yakult.
  • Posted

    Hi Margret I remember you ,as Kathy said you were amongst the people with manuelmanuel Rose and Fudgybear,who have all finally overcome this terrible drug.    I agree with you about your GP aswell they haven't got a clue about withdrawal.  I just like to say to you you've come this far so hang on in there. I also think what may help is when we get a bit of sunshine get out there for half hour or so and get plenty of vitamin D. I remember manuelmanuel telling me how important that is when WD. Im still trying to WD,at the moment Im on 12.5 and that's took me about 8mths because I'm taking it as slow as I can.   All the people on here who know you understand and we're all behind you so just hang in there you've come to far to go back.  Big Hug 
    • Posted

      Hello Norma,

      Nice to hear from you again, as I said it's been a while since I posted on here,how are you getting on? I think you are sensible taking wd slowly, as I know that you have other problems, I look forward to the nicer weather, I'm sure that you are right about the vitamin D, it's been a long winter and oh so cold, certainly doesn't help with the recovery. Have you heard from Manuel Rose and Fudgybear? Do you know how they are doing? Good luck with your journey, keep me posted.Big hug to you too.xx

    • Posted

      Hellow Margret, yes I have chatted to manuelmanuel privately,but he's closed the Mirt forum now, because he did finely get off it,Rose I do Beleive she's still on the site occasionly, but I think she's totally WD now,and Fudgeybear was on here on Tuesday again another one clear of the dreaded drug.  I'm still struggling but in a little different way to you with me it's mainly my Tum,but I'll get there.  You just look after yourself and eat well and get out in the Sun.  I think you've done really well Margret, so keep at it. Would your GP give you something to help take the edge off?  If it helps keep posting on here you never know someone may come up with a solution.   Take care BigHug and xxx

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