Misdiagnois with Urethral Stricture
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I was misdiagnois with urethral stricture. I had a procedure that was also the wrong procedure that left me totally incontinent. Urethral Stricture is a condition that I would like to talk to more women or find women who have been misdiagnois or diagnois. In order for us a women to move on in our lives living with bladder disorders....communication is viatal. Unfortunetly for me it was imperative for me to research deeply into this condition due to the total loss of incontinency. I later found out that there was no test that proved I ever had Urethral Stricture nor was I ever told that the procedure which was totally wrong would leave me incontinent. Please ladies, if you have urethral stricture by all means talk to your doctors to help you live you life to the fullest. I now have a team of doctors who truly know about urethral stricture and who are EXPERIENCE IN WORKING WITH WOMEN WITH THIS DISORDER. The issue with urethral stricture is the testing......and the fact that because it is RARE IN WOMEN...OUR DOCTORS HAVE TO BE FIRST HONEST IN DIAGNOISING. There's more but I will leave it to this for now, I am presently working on a voice so women like us can comment more.
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