Miserable symptoms dramatically improved
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Hello everyone. I've been reading these forums for quite some time, and finally have decided to write a post of my own. I'm 45, and have been suffering from many typical peri symptoms for a couple of years. Hot flashes, aches in my shoulders & lower back, heart palpitations, exhaustion, brain fog, insomnia, and terrible daily anxiety worrying I may be having a heart attack or some terrible illness!
After speaking with my Mum and finding out that she experienced much of the same at my age, I began doing research to find out what steps I could take to get all this under control and feel better. HRT is not an option due to cancer in my family, so I'd tried black cohosh and then Estroven maximum strength, but neither did much for me to abate any of the symptoms. I think I must have a soy issue because I seemed to have even more of the worrying heart palps when taking the Estroven which does contain soy.
Eventually I heard about a magnesium citrate powder you drink at night before bed. No more insomnia! I couldn't believe I was finally getting good night's sleep again, and around the same time I started this I noticed that the heart palpitations & anxiety dramatically decreased as well. Magnesium is amazing stuff. I don't think I've ever slept this well in my adult life. No kidding. (And it doesn't hurt that it keeps you 'regular' too.)
Feeling encouraged by the success of the magnesium, I also began taking a B Complex boost, containing B12, B6, biotin and folic acid and that helped with the lightheadedness and lack of energy. I no longer feel so drained and exhausted and foggy in my head. I added a liquid iron supplement and vit c as well, and at this point, I feel about 95% better. I still get the occasional hot flash, but they are very short and no longer accompanied by that terrible feeling of doom and gloom with my heart beating wildly out of my chest.
I thought at first that it was probably just an anomaly -- that feeling pretty good was related to what was going on with my hormones at that particular time of the month, but it's been several months now on this regimen and I do believe that with the help of this forum (and lots of internet research) I've found something that works for me, for now.
I want to thank all you lovely ladies for sharing your stories and advice! It's such a relief to know we're not suffering alone, and that there is an end to all of this awful stuff--eventually.
6 likes, 14 replies
ang77 justlease
barbara49965 justlease
joyyoga justlease
Thanks for this
I have just started a regime a bit like this - magnesium citrate, b vits, yoga, etc
I'm still not sure what works for me as I have alot of stomach pain and anxiety still and not much sleep! Am trying acupuncture too!
Good to know what I'm doing may have an effect eventually - even though my hormones appear normal on bloods!
Thanks everyone
Trevis justlease
marlene21102 Trevis
justlease Trevis
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HotDot7 Trevis
irene20565 justlease
justlease irene20565
BellaRubia justlease
andrea92630 BellaRubia
susan21149 justlease
I will keep your story in mind
HotDot7 justlease