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Hello all, I think I am developing this, and I wondered if anyone else experienced it? For about 3 years now, I have been sensitive to noise and noticed if people called my name, I'd jump. I hate sirens, things clattering and just odd noises on occasion but its the TV through the floor that really triggers me. Could this be yet another symptom of the menopause? Someone has suggested that it's also connected with having nothing in one's life (I work and that's it, pretty much) and therefore a fixation occurs on a noise. So it could be that as well. I know I'm not coping brilliantly with the menopause and it may be that the sudden onset of anxiety is causing this problem or it could be the other way around,
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Sochima822 Mayfly1
Mayfly1 Sochima822
Do you think you will get over it? I am going to start going out more and get some more interests going but I'm hoping it will go eventually.
Sochima822 Mayfly1
I'm completely over it. My support group wouldn't leave me alone, they were constantly asking me to go somewhere with them or walk or go to a store, or just to put gas in the car. Anything to get me out and about and within about year give or take a few months later I was over it.
2chr2015 Sochima822
Sochima822 2chr2015
A support group is anyone, friends or/and family who are keeping you in mind that they're going to help you get out of the slump.
2chr2015 Sochima822
Thanks sochima. I don't know very many people where I live. I just have you ladies. And I have a therapist I go to occasionally.
Mayfly1 2chr2015
I've been trying to find groups, but they all cost money in one way or another. But for my sanity, I am trying to find other things to do. I have also downloaded a free app on my phone and tablet which produces white noise. I'm hoping that this will help. There are noises all around me which should be background stuff and it's like having someone run fingernails down a chalk board. Bass noises are so bad.
Have you tried your local church? I am an atheist but perhaps I am missing some spirituality in my life, so I'm thinking about going along - it's not that I dislike the Christian faith, I just don't believe in a god. Christmas is a more 'churchy' time for my whole family, and I don't wish to lose that altogether.
brendababy Mayfly1
yes Mayfly, I'd say sensitivity to noise is another lovely peri symptom. I have it amongst lots of other symptoms and I know other woman who have or have had it during the change. It will eventually subside when our body's adapt and settle down
Best wishes xx
Mayfly1 brendababy
Oh good, I'm hoping to lose it as it's quite intrusive. I'm waiting for the HRT to kick in but I think I may need something to help cope with the symptoms meanwhile.
Sochima822 Mayfly1
If the HRT hasn't started working after say 2 weeks, you will need to try something else. I tried 3-4 different hrt pills until I found the right one for my body. When I found the right one my body immediately calmed down, within a week all my symptoms were gone maybe even sooner.
Mayfly1 Sochima822
I've only been taking them for four days. I don't think they have started working yet, although the hot flushes may have died down. I've been doing very physical things today so it's difficult to tell.
2chr2015 Mayfly1
Hey mayfly. Yes me too. I can't listen to the radio in my car anymore and I don't like riding with my husband anywhere bc he likes to listen to it. I am trying to listen to some soft music around the house now to lift some depression. Crazy symptoms!
DaisyDaze Mayfly1
Oh I can relate. No one understands that when I am quietly working at my desk and they suddenly slam the door, it completely startles me. But, I've had that my whole life. The other day someone was unpacking boxes and every time she emptied one, she threw it down the hall, landing near my office. I was jumping out of my skin. I finally closed my office door (so much for the open door policy)!