Missed HRT is this feeling due to this?
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Hi Everyone 😘 okay where do I start? I begin my journey in Sep last year, terrible headaches, depression which lasted 5 mts, I really didn't think I was going to make it, however for weeks I have felt on top of the world, I had my life back 💃🏽💃🏽 But during this time I stopped taking my HRT for the last week, the fatigue has come Bk, obsessive thinking ( horrible stuff 😳 I don't feel depressed but if my thoughts continue like this, I'm afraid it will all start again, I have started taking the HRT again, but wanted to know if anyone had this experience, need reassurance that the hormonal in balance has caused my lapse 🙏🏽 And that it will improve 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
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CatherinePebble angie_38564
angie_38564 CatherinePebble
Thank you Hunnie, will try 😘
jude84900 angie_38564
Hi Angie,
Just want to ask, what kind of hormone treatment are you on? Bio Identical or Synthetic ? Reason I ask is this. When women are going through peri and then full menapause our hormones are plummeting. Nothing is going to bring these hormones back to what they use to be when we felt our best except through replacement of these hormones. Our aging bodies are not making these hormones or very little of them at best. When we take hormones we get these levels up to where we feel good again. By quitting them, the hormones deplete again and this is why you start feeling all these yucky symptoms come back. I am on BHRT, I will be on them for life. I believe they are what keep women healthy as we age and free from other problems so we can enjoy this time of our life to the fullest. Big difference in taking synthetic forms of HRT though. They are not meant to be on for long periods. These synthetics contain pregnant horse urine. A good dr will test your levels and keep them at optimal levels. Just what your body needs and adjust accordingly. If your doctor isn't monitering your levels there is no way to know what you need. Good Luck
angie_38564 jude84900
Thank you so much for this, I will ask my doctor to test my levels, I'm happy to take these for life if it means I can lead a fairly happy exsistence...🙏🏽??