Missed period stress? Lack of sleep ? cysts?
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Hello I'm 49 next month still menstruating regularly until last two months I have been 3 days early and this month it hasn't come (due on yesterday )I have been very very worried and not been sleeping due to concerns over complex cysts on my right ovary and would anyone think major worry and stress and lack of sleep could mean I may miss a period ? I am convinced I have ovarian cancer as I have complex cysts I wee frequently and am constipated. can anyone help me as I'm scared to death thankyou Michelle x
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sarah92c Michellestar87
Stress has a BIG impact on your menstrual cycle
You will find that more thaan likely the stress is causing your irregular periods .
Go to your doctor and explain your concerns tell them exactly what your thinking dont leave anything out
One it may help just speaking to someone about it
Two they may givee you something to help with the anxiety
Three they can discuss your cyst problems with you
Xxx sarah
Michellestar87 sarah92c
sarah92c Michellestar87
With your worries I think that the doctor would have told you and sent for more test if he thought the same as your self and I think that maybe your looking for symptoms that are not necessarily there although you have the cysts which unfortunately I dont understand how that feels but I hear that it is seriously unpleasant .
But when it comes to any form of cancer even if its aa scare doctors tend to me very hot on with it by this I am not saying nothing is wrong and I realy would suggest going back to your doctors and talking about your concerns
But as I say I think because of all the stress you are under at the moment I think that the stress is leading you a stray and its picking out just little bits of information rather than seeing the full picture but seriously speak to your doctor tell him everything get them to explain everything about the cysts you have the more information you have the better because some times its the not knowing that causes the most stress
Michellestar87 sarah92c
Not convinced but I do suffer extreme health anxiety which doesn't help.i have reread your message and it makes a lot of sense thank you very much.i google everything and it's so bad to do this as
Convinced I am ill.thankyou so much Sarah for being so kind and letting me see things at a different angle I appreciate it very much thank you Michelle xx
sarah92c Michellestar87
Sometimes you just need someone on the outside looking in and
GOOGLE is a big no no when it comes to illnesses it can convince you that your basic cold is ebola stay away from it your better on sites like these where you can ask the questions you want to ask rather than just reading all the bad things over the internet and automatically assuming the worst
And yeah if your doctor is refusing your referral you are okay
And its no problem at all happy to help my best friend Suffers with anxiety and we have conversations like this all the time .
Anytime you need to share your concerns or just even someone to talk to in general please feel free to message me at anytime .
I will reply as soon as I can
Michellestar87 sarah92c