Missed Periods make you better or worse?
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I'm noticing when i miss periods I seem to feel worse and nothing I do to help is working. I posted earlier about being fatigue , well it hasn't gotten any better. I've tried everything , green smoothies, vitamins , minerals , etc. You name it , I've done it. It's more like a muscle weakness .. My eyes just want to close all the time, fatigue but wired at the same time and can't sleep. I can't seem to do too much because all of a sudden I get tired and shortness o f breath and have to lie down. But can't sleep because Im so wired up..if that makes any sense. I haven't had a period since Nov. According to my blood work , I am postmenopause. My hormones are extremely low. Do you all think this is what causing my tiredness? I also get real dizzy just moving around makes me dizzy. My thyroid was also low. This is really getting to me and not to mention it's starting to affect me mentally. I thought I would be done with this by now. 😢
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Guest mary27278
Hi Mary, most likely yes. I am the same way. Since July of 2017, they have been irregular. Longest was 57 days. I always feel more awful when I miss periods. My last period was early Jan. Lasted 1 day and super light. Have not ovulated, nor had a period since. Since then, I have had night sweats every night. I also feel more heart palps, more panicky, and all around terrible. Just had a round of blood work done last week. Based on my FSH level, I may not be seeing another period...my ovaries are toast. But, I still need to go a year period free. I have vestibular migraine also...no coincidence that hormones triggered it. I am more dizzy around my cycle whether or not one comes.
When you say your thyroid is low...do you mean the TSH reading was low meaning hyperthyroid...or high TSH indicating hypothyroid. Either one will cause fatigue on top of perimeno issues. Hopefully treating it will help.
mary27278 Guest
Lou my TSH was in the normal range but the t3 was on the low range. Can you explain the difference? But it has been this way before and it normalized itself. The last endocrinologist wouldn't treat it because she thought it would only worsen it. But it normalized itself for a whole year. I noticed when it was during the time I missed periods is when thyroid act up. I'm schedule to see another endocrinologist on next week.
Guest mary27278
Hi Mary, Thyroid is a very complicated area... I fully do not understand all of it...I have been to 3 conventional Endocrinologists since 2017. They all go by TSH reading to treat thyroid. My first ever TSH was .35 the lowest lab range was .29 I was just a hair in range from hyperthyroid. Then, my last visit was because my FT3 was high, indicating inflammation. That appt lasted a whole 10 min, my thyroid was fine.
It has since come up to 1.33. I feel no different. It can mimic a lot of different ailments.
Some naturopath type drs are adamant that everybody's issues are thyroid related and will treat it. BEWARE...I went to one that tried to tell me I was hypo prescribed me dissimenated pig thyroid. (after I was not sold on the lyme disease diagnosis) Good thing I did not listen to her...I could have gotten pretty sick.
audra86673 mary27278
Mary , low Ft3 can make you feel very tired. Having a "normal" TSH just means its within a wide range. You can still feel ill and have symptoms even if your TSH is in range.... my guess it its probably higher than it should ideally be. Also, thyroid issues can cause your periods to be irregular. Hopefully your new endo can help you and you will feel better.
sharcerv52408 Guest
Hey Lou you just described me. Migraines, heart palps, anxiety, night sweats, feeling run down like I have some kind of flu bug, tired, achy, chest pain. I have had inconsistent periods since October. I feel horrible when I go too long without a period. I just want this all to be over
Guest sharcerv52408
Hey Sharcerv, No kidding! I have felt lousy for a long time...but this is a different kind of lousy. Getting closer...hang in their girl...we've come this far! 😉
sharcerv52408 Guest
Yes, I know there is hope and that things will get better but when is always the big question.
rebecca_68782 mary27278
Hi Mary
I missed a period in November and felt terrible. Same symptoms as you, tired, weakness in legs, shortness of breath, vertigo off and on. Then had a month long period from December 12 to January 15. Now has been 3.5 weeks and I feel awful. Had to stay home from work. Vertigo, exhaustion, nausea....I am hoping as my body adjusts to these hormone fluctuations, it will feel better. I walk every morning and use Louise Hayes sayings to boost my spirits and minds. Hope it gets better for you.
amy341731 mary27278
Mary, I absolutely feel the same, when my period is late. I’m in a particularly bad patch I guess you can say right now, feeling very exhausted, slightly dizzy, weird head pressure, generally fuzzy feeling I’m just not myself. I do take vitamins I started a yoga class once a week and just trying to give myself a break and remember it’s only stupid hormones and then I will feel better in a month or two. sorry you’re struggling and I hope you feel better soon. Does help me a lot to know I am not alone in this.
rebecca_68782 amy341731
This forum helps a lot.
julee15466 mary27278
Yes! I think it's because when you get your period your hormones are doing their normal thing. When you miss, it's because they are all over the place. I skipped 4 months and was in hell. Once I finally got a period things started to level out. I've never been so happy to have a period.