Missed you guys

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Hi everybody, I haven't had internet so been off for awhile. Well a lot has happened. Ended up in the emergency room due to anxiety blood pressure skyrocketed. They checked me for everything and nothing. Guess what period menopause anxiety. It finally came down and now I'm on seratapelune and emergency ativan. Thank the heavenly father. Had all my labs done everything's normal but still have joint pain and swelling tendonitis bony shoulders with knots. I told nurse p about arm swellings and she said everything normal. What's up and what should I do???? No response from my nurse practitioner. I miss you guys so much. Anyway good to be back.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Lennie, im so sorry you are feeling rotten. I was almost wanting to go to the ER today. The shortness of breath brought on a nasty panic attack this evening that im still reeling from. Its disgusting to suffer like this. Im glad everything came back normal though. Welcome back!
  • Posted

    Glad to see you back, Lennie, and I'm sorry you've been having such a rough time of it.  I haven't had the kind of swelling you describe... would it be possible to get a second opinion, just to make sure all is normal?  
  • Posted

    welcome back lennie,

    try to get the anxiety under control, everything will fall into place i pray for you

    remember we are trying to get used to the new normal smile


  • Posted

    Welcome back Lennie, I missed you as well. I'm sorry you have not been well. That anxiety is a nasty ordeal and hard thing to tackle. But on a lighter note I'm glad you're back.
  • Posted

    I too have been to the emergency room twice in one week recently due to migraines,high blood pressure ( even though I take meds for it daily). dizziness and anxiety attacks literally back to back. They finally ( the second time I was there) put me on 25 mg hydroxyzine for the anxieties and literally after the first pill I lost all symptoms! No anxiety attacks, migraines , dizziness and my blood pressure has went back to normal. I thought that I was losing my mind or dying but I didn't know which one but I'm thankful that I finally have some relief!
    • Posted

      I was put on blood pressure medicine and couldn't figure what was going on with that. I never had highg blood pressure. Well come to find out that when i'm anxious and the panic attacks happen, my blood pressure is though the roof. So when the symptoms come about and I get anxious it messes with the blood pressure. So now they say I'm borderline. My pressure has been good as long as I keep my anxiety down. Had no idea that pressure was linked to anxiety also. With this peri/meno thing, I guess anything is possible.
  • Posted

    Glad your back Lennie you have been missed, sorry to hear how things have been for you, you really seem to be struggling with the anxiety like a lot of ladies on this forum, swelling all over the body is perfectly normal during menopause, it can be one limb or, all over honestly dont know hwat causes it, except i have arthritis and i do get swellings with that particular when im fatigued, sure your tendonitis will be doing that also to you possibly, nice to have you back...............take care!!
    • Posted

      Hi Elaine, its good to be back. They put me on zoloft for anxiety and emergency ativan. As far ad what I think is the fibromyalgia brought on my perimenopause I'm going to a rheumatologistbut in the mean time in going to investigate natural treatment. Mt health food store guy told me sugar is a major problem and causes a lot of problems. I know its inflammatory so I'm going to go with loads of anti inflammatory foods. Coffee creates havoc so does chocolate which I love but its not worth the pain and swelling. Hot flashes aggravate it too.
    • Posted

      Thats great lennie,  rheumatoglogists great idea, the inflammation does cause the swelling and pain in our joints, so good one to see,  sugar is a major bad thing in our diets, sugar causes our sugar levels to go out of balance big time, yet you would think if our sugars are low, we should pack the stuff in, no, its that, that causes the vicious circle later on, similar to our female hormones, and we want them to stay stable also, sugars need to be levelled off, rather than up and down and its sugar that causes the up and down, so avoid it like the plague, we need to eat little and often, and put in protien fat, and low urefined carbs in order to do that, caffine will lower our sugars also, choc has caffine in as well, but yes love it also, a little of what you fancy though lennie wont harm, just keep it very small and in moderation, but stay off it during a  flare and you wil be fine, yes the hot flashes aggravates so much in our bodies, especially in the womb, so if you have fibroids, cycsts etc, all this will trigger during high inner temps, same with bowels and bladder, as they are all in the pelvic area also, so even walking will affect anything else being wrong in this area all due to inflammation,   caused by menopause, you have learnt so much lennie...........made up for you!! 

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