mitrazapine side effects and diazepam

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Hi I have recently been put on mitrazipine. I am on 15mg and for this week only I am to take it side by side with diazapam which I have been on for over 2 months,  the mitrazapine is to replace the diazapam, which I was on for anxiety and panic attacks. Since taking the mitrazapine I have been really tired, even after 10 or 11 hours sleep, suffering from splitting headaches, and just generally feeling spaced out and unable to take anything in. Of late I can't even recall some conversations that I have had with people.

The doctor put me on the mitrazapine as I was waking up shaky and I was struggling to sleep. I was also getting really emotional, bursting into tears all the time. 

Is it the fact that i am taking diazepam and mitrazapine making these symptoms worse, will it get better once I have stopped the diazepam? 

Also, after a recent blood test it was found that I had an imbalance of certain hormones. I am waiting on a scan but doctors think it could be cysts on my ovaries. When I asked if the imbalance of hormones could be the results of my anxiety and me being unable to sleep they were insistent it could not be. Im

 not even sure anti depressants is the right way to go. 

Anyone any ideas?


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13 Replies

  • Posted

    If it's less than 10 days you'd better stop Mirta right away. 
  • Posted

    Hiya hun if i was you i would try get of mitazipine i was on it for ten years and its very hard to get of it ...its not a nice drug to be on try get of it liz 
  • Posted

    Hi I agree,I will never take mitarzapine ever again,my memory was shocking while on it and Elizabeth is right it is a nightmare to get off !! Let the docs sort your hormones out and you may feel a lot better,take care x
  • Posted

    Mirtazapine has made me fat and the first month or so angry, then the vomiting issue I had it helped remove, but now, even cutting down I go back to being more anxious, being sick, and it's torture. Even on it it hasn't fixed me. Maybe it will be different for you, but it is hell to withdraw from. 
  • Posted


    I have to agree that if I knew at the start of taking mirtazapine how the withdrawals would be then I would maybe have tried something other. However, I started taking it because like yourself, I simply couldn't stop crying, I was at the GP asking for something to help me sleep as I was like a walking zombie. He gave me diazepam but didn't see it as a long term solution as I was in their view 'clinically depressed'. This was due to an ongoing situation which was extremely stressful that I tried to just get through. 

    It took about 6 weeks for the effects to start and after two months I was so much calmer, able to sleep and get on with life in a fashion. 

    My zest for life has only recently returned but I preferred feeling very little at all opposed to feeling indescribably sad.

    In August I decided I no longer needed them, I went against my GP advice and withdrew quickly. The withdrawals were something I never want to experience again. If I ever did need to look at antidepressants (I have seen that they do indeed work and I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't had that help) Mirtazapine would not ever be considered again. 

    The lower dosages of Mirtazapine act more like tranquillisers, on 15mg I was out like a light within half an hour. The higher dosages have less of tranquillising effect. I was taking 45mg and they didn't knock me out at all. I did notice that my memory was quite shot and remember asking the GP if this was to do with the meds. She wasn't sure but I'm confident it was but only through experience and reading some of the others experiences on here. 

    Stay in touch on this forum because there are some knowledgable people here as well as those living through the experience. Not all GP's are aware of all the side issues with Mirtazapine. Coming here has really helped.

    Through withdrawal  I had real problems eating, especially swallowing. Fudgeybear mentioned this today and I drew a similarity straight away which in turn reduced my anxiety since the docs thought I had something seriously wrong with me (thumbs up Fudgeybear😊) I think more of it was that they weren't aware of all the withdrawal symptoms. 

    Anyway, I digress; I believe that on a lower dose you will feel more of a sedating effect but a higher dose will over ride that. Please consider though that the withdrawals are really really awful. If I had to do it over I would choose any other anti depressant before Mirtazapine. It did a fabulous job of helping get 'me' back but oh man I couldn't face the withdrawals again.

    Hope this helps in some way. 

    Brought to you by 'cut n paste' .... I have ios 8 issues as members (Manuel) will know 😁

    Ps. I started my withdrawal sometime in August (end or mid memory hazy) and today is the first day I have felt really better...... This is the first day I haven't had to take nausea tablets, changed temperature rapidly, fallen asleep after slight exertion, coughed or had palpitations. Yayyy! 



  • Posted

    Hi there i was put on mirtazapine 5 weeks ago today, they helped almost straight away! i was also on sertraline 100mg and 10mg of diazapam 80mg propanalol i have since come off my sertraline and diazapam still a little anxiety but much better! i started on 15mg of mirtazapine for 5 days and 30mg now been on for 4 weeks the sleeping reduces on 30mg, hope this has helped keep in touch Anne.
  • Posted

    I totally agree with everyone on here .Stay away from Mirtazapine find something else,they are really hard to withdraw from a terrible drug .I started to tapper down from 45mg about 4mths ago,and I'm still only down to 15mg.If you looke through most of the posts on this site you will find more people unhappy with this drug ,than the other way round also most people have a bad time getting off it .Really consider it before your on it to long 
    • Posted

      Yes norma your right i was on it ten years and have been of it 3 weeks and still getting side effects im now on citalopram 10mgs and i will get through this i will fight to stay of it its a nasty drug and made me ill in end liz xx
    • Posted

      I agree Liz I'll get off it eventually.I don't Beleive doctors know much about the drugs they give you nowadays.Good Luck to you stay strong you'll get there.
    • Posted

      Yes i agree norma the most problems im haveing is my jaw and face are stiff and no sleeping the pain i can sort ov deal with you stay srong too hun and fight to get of it liz xx
    • Posted

      Sleep is a problem because it plays a big part in how you handle the days pain.But I take Tamazapam which used to be very effective untill I started tapering the Mirt,now I'm finding I'm taking a higher dose which still don't work that well but I can't do without sleep and handle pain all day. Never mind Liz we will get there.
  • Posted

    Thanks for all you replies. They are much appreciated. I am definitely going to give some careful thought on what to do. I was reluctant to go on the anti depressants in the first place I I am honest as I had a bad reaction to citalopram, which is what I was originally put on. I am going to go back to my gp and try to push a different course of treatment. 

    Thanks again.


  • Edited

    Hi there i was in the same boat as u first given diazapam and then mirtazipine 15mg u should read my posts i was then prescribed rispiridone 1 mg cos i was told i was having psychosis feel the mirtazipine probably made me worse as it can cause suicidal tendancies and make ur depression and anxiety worse i tried to commit suicide again after being on the mirtazapine after recently reading up on it i truly believe the mirtazipine has made me like this doing things i wouldnt normally do like impairing myalready bad judgement docs didnt even ask if i was on any triptins before giving me the mirtazipine in the first place and it alters ur metabolism which i wasnt told about before hand and im type 2 diabetic diet controlled i feel all these tablets have messed me up so i feel for u totally im scared plus i chose the other day there to stop taking these meds but feel damage is already done sorry to hear u are going through this its not pretty i too was crying all the time but when the mental health people have been phoning me they didnt seeem to think the meds coild be ma ng me feel this way so they upped my rispiridone to 2mg i think its totally negligent of them for giving me the mirtazipine in first place

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