Mixed reactions to propanolol dose

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Can anyone explain?  I started on 40 mg propanolol two days ago, for abnormal heart rhythms.  The doc gave me a prescription for just one of these tabs per day.  Took first one yesterday, felt great all day, abnormal rhythms gone and energy returning but woke around 5 am feeling bad, slightly sick and very tired.  Then I read in the enclosed leaflet that I should be taking the 40 mg dose in four equally spaced 10mg tablets.  I have contacted the doctor for another prescription to rectify this and, meanwhile, have chopped one 40mg tablet in half and swallowed 20mg. Am planning to take the other half around tea time,  Best I could do for the time being.  

Trouble is, I am still feeling rotten.  Tired, ringing in the ears, tense but worn out, occasional dropped heart beat. Do I need more of the drug right now or is my system just catching up and getting used to this stuff? Would appreciate your thoughts.  Any clues?  

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    its a pretty low dose, 40mg/day, wouldn't have thought that it should make you ill. Might just be your system getting used to it
    • Posted


      I'm not sure what is happening but my bp is at an all time low right now (107/70).  Perhaps that is why I feel so bad as it is usually around 140/80. Puzzling!


    • Posted

      yeah, it will drop your blood pressure, maybe because you took the 40mg in on dose. For what it's worth, i take 40mg up to three times per day as reuqired
    • Posted

      Thanks for this conversation, el_shiraz, much appreciated!  I only took 20mg this morning, and that was 6 hours ago, so I am left puzzled by this reaction.  40mg yesterday was just fine,  I take irbesartan too, low dose, and doc said carry on with that whilst on propanolol but it seems to me to be too much. I think I should drop that one for the time being.

      Your dose of prop sounds hugh, but I know little of this drug.  How come you can take it as and when?

    • Posted

      take it for anxiety. But can be used for whole range of issues and think dosed up till near 200mg
  • Posted

    I am not sure that 40mg is a small dose? I take half of a 10 mg tablet for anxiety, & to slow my racing heart, & it works just fine. I might have 10mg max a day or less. But I can notice slight side effects even on this dose.

    I am sure I would have many more side effects if I had 40 mg.

    Try less before you try more.

    • Posted

      Thanks for this, terrysbiz.  I am now trying 10mg four times a day, instead of 40mg all in one shot.  That is what the manufacturer's leaflet says to do as the tablets are not slow release.  It is all so confusing to those of us newly on beta blockers and the GPs don't seem to know a lot about the different brands or dosage.  Maybe it is all trial and error to see what suits an individual.

      have a good day!

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