Moderate Erosive Gastritis

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Hi all,

November this year I started to get upper reflux mainly in the throat 2/3 times with heartburn but mainly daily in the thoart specially while trying to sleep also with burping, I still have this but it's getting better with only taking rennies too many tho like 8-10 day caused me bad constipation so stopped them.

I had my endoscopy today, my gullet was normal, upper stomach was normal but the main part shown moderate erosive gastritis, however my Lower part into my large intestines was normal also.

I have been placed on lazaprozole 30mg twice a day for 4 weeks then 2 weeks at 30mg.

They also took 2x biopsy. My bloods didn't show the H. pylori but it states biopsy taken to check for infection/ bacteria.

I suffer with asthma and have spells of bad health axixity to point I don't eat properly, other than that my diet is ok, so I'm woundering what could of cause this?

Will it get better?

Will it ever go away?

Must I take this new PPI drug forever? As I'm only 27 and don't fancy this.

The doctor didn't come see me after I got a rude nurse who advised me all is on my paper work and my doctor will follow up after the biopsy has been processed.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    There can be numerous causes of gastritis, H pylori infection is a common one.

    Also poor diet/lifestyle and high stress can cause it.

    If you haven't got H pylori or any other complicating factors then you should heal in time.

    The key to healing is Diet. PPI will help heal quicker and reduce symptoms but if you neglect your diet you won't get better.

    It is quite a strict diet. No alcohol, fatty food, acidic foods or drinks, nothing fizzy, reduce dairy and hard to digest foods (raw and gassy veg) . Reduce stress also.

    Keep an eye on what foods/drinks give you symptoms And cut them out.

    You're right, you don't want to be on ppi for longer than a few months really. If you still need them you're not doing something right.

    Word of warning - your stomach will now most likely be sensitive for a long time, maybe for rest of your life. So you can't abuse your stomach anymore or else your gastritis will return. A healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle will keep you right.

    Good luck

  • Posted

    I forgot to add...when coming off ppi do it gradually. Don't come off cold turkey from a high dose or else you will get bad acid rebound. Use Zantac and gaviscon when coming off if acid gets bad.

    • Posted

      Thank Paul,

      I drink at all, my diet is ok, it could be better. I did used to have fizzy pop every night now only water or cordial with water.

      Do you have any good advise on diet?

      Good foods? Also not so good foods.

    • Posted

      Hello. It is strange why you've got gastritis then.

      I advise to keep a food diary as some random

      And seemingly healthy foods can irritate. I found bananas and coconut water irritated me. Strange but everyone is different. It may be the high potassium content.

      Good foods for me (all cooked healthily):

      - chicken / turkey / white fish

      - potatoes

      - soft fresh cooked white rice / noodles (packet micro wave rice did irritate me for some


      - whole meal bread (I'm not celiacs as I was checked)

      - weetabix

      - eggs (as long as soft boiled / poached / scrambled). Fried and hard boiled gave me symptoms.

      - lean beef now and then as a treat (fillet steak)

      - most vegetables when well cooked (although avoid fodmaps gassy ones - cauliflower etc)

      - low acid fruits (melon / pear / bananas)

      - porridge

      I could have a bit of spice but not chilli. So something like a chicken wrap with jacket potoato etc.

      You may be different to me though so keep a diary to identify problem foods / drinks.

      You will recover over time

      If eating right.

    • Posted

      Foods to avoid are self explanatory really...basically anything not healthy and whole and bad for you!

      Unfortunately it's all the things that taste so good !

      Pastries are a big no no. Same for ice cream and chocolate.

      If it's full of sugar and fat and crap it will aggravate your stomach

    • Posted

      No sure why I got it, I'm only 27 heathy BMI, I stress a lot tho with work and I have bad health anxiety when ever I get a slight medical problem I always google symptoms and believe it's the big "C" word.

      My died could be better, I don't eat fruit or veg at all and I do have 1-2 take always a week I did drink fizzy pop every night, but I don't drink alcohol or smoke at all.

      The last month I have cut out pop and fatty foods and noticed the burn in the throat is getting less and less.

      I'm start a food dairy tomorrow and my medication.

      Hopefully in 4/6 weeks it's gone.

      I'm guessing if I start the poor diet and stress again it will come back.

      How long you had it for Paul?

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