Mole on Neck
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I'm 22 years old and have had a medium sized brown mold on my neck since I was a child with no problem. Recently I noticed a very small part of the mole turned black, now that I've read the internet I'm terrified. Could it be from a shaving nick on the mole, etc. something else? Or is it bad news?
Thanks so much.
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lynda20916 ryan_68711
Hi Ryan,
I can understand that you're worried, but no one on this site can diagnose what's going on with you, Best go to a dermatologist for assistance with this.
JoyKF53 ryan_68711
Hi Ryan. We are fellow patients on this site, not doctors I'm afraid. So the only way you'll find out is if you visit your GP. But don't panic, because if it is "bad news" it's treatable.
lynda20916 JoyKF53
Hi Joy,
How are things with you? Send me a private message, if you'd like! xx
JoyKF53 lynda20916
Not sure how to send private messages lol. Well, it's been an eventful few months. My husband was rushed into hospital for emergency surgery on a perforated bowel, peritonitis and a hernia, spent 2 weeks in hospital, came home and got an infection in 2 places under the surgical wound so was back in hospital for another week! He's seeing the surgeon again in 2 weeks. I'm ok thank you, waiting for my gamma knife surgery beginning of August and literally spending thousands at dentists as a result of past radiotherapy! How are you?
lynda20916 JoyKF53
Doing okay, mostly. Still have days when I don't feel up to par, but I usually persevere.
I'm so sorry to learn that your husband got an infection after his surgery! I hope he's doing better!
How you send a private message is to click on the envelope below another person's icon....
I'll be thinking of you. Please let me know how you get on! xx