Mono Month 9 and losing my mind! :)

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At age 43, I was officially diagnosed with Reactivated Mono last October. When it first started I thought I had the flu: headache, muscle aches, sore throat and fatigue for a few days. The intense flu-like feeling left, but I was left feeling extremely fatigued and with all the other symptoms, just not as pronounced. After 3 weeks of this, the doctor did blood work and I was diagnosed with Mono. I was told to drink fluids and take it easy for 3 months.

Three months in, I did start to feel better and then a month later it all started over again! The doctor said the Mono was "back." She thought I overdid it once I started feeling better (and/or I had gotten Influenza and it had lowered my immune system causing the Mono to reactivate). I was told to start over with constant resting. Then once I felt better, to take it very slow and ease back into life.

In the last couple of weeks, I have started to slowly resume life activities and then 2 days ago, I woke up with the same intense flu feelings. The fatigue is back to where I'm needing to sleep mid-morning and in the afternoon. Plus, I ache all over. I'm beginning to think this cycle is never going to stop.

Most of all, I hate how useless I feel. I'm too tired to fix meals or look after my family. It's very depressing. Plus, most people question me as to why after all this time, I'm still having Mono problems. They wonder why the doctor hasn't cured me and some think I need to go back to the doctor. People questioning me only makes me feel worse and makes me paranoid that there is something else wrong with me or that I'm never going to get well.

I really appreciate any words of wisdom you can pass on to me. I don't know anyone else who has ever had Mono last this long and I feel very isolated.

Blessings to you,


I also have this weird tingling, burning sensation on my left ribcage. It's more of a discomfort than a pain and itching the area will relieve some of the irritation. This started when I got the Mono. The doctor says my body is just out-of-line from laying around so much, but I think it's Mono related. Anyone else have something like this?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Kristin,

    I was diagnosed in October 2017 and was on and off with the same feelings you describe, it was 11 months before  I stopped relapsing. I got it from my granddaughter she also gave it to her sister and aunt and everyone of us took between 9-11 months to get over it, my daughter is still getting over it.


    • Posted

      Oh my! To have so many in your family get Mono. That must have been awful, your poor daughter who is still dealing with it. After reading many of the posts on here, I have gotten it in my mind that month 11 will be a big turning point for me. I sure hope so!

      It has been so encouraging to read what others have to say about their experiences. Definitely helps me to not feel so alone. Thank you for responding to my post.

  • Posted

    Thinking of you Kristin, I just want you to know that and know that you will get through this virus and make a full recovery. It's such a horrible thing to go through - my doctor said 6-8 weeks at first to me but it took me 10 months to start to really turn the corner. All these symptoms are normal and you WILL make a full recovery I totally totally believe that.


    • Posted

      Hey month 10 isn't that far away for me. Maybe I'll turn the corner soon! I appreciate your encouraging words. This whole experience has been so strange and disappointing to feel as if I'm losing so much time in my life. Fortunately, I love to read and I've been able to read many good books. Something I wouldn't have done if I had been feeling healthy. I've also been able to really practice "letting go and let God". Thank you for responding to my post. Keep well.

    • Posted

      Thanks so much Kristin, been struggling myself with pain and disappointments lately, feeling weary and weak also - yesterday I seen a pain psychologist for back pain I've been having and he tried to tell me I would be in pain the rest of my life and take hope away from me - I couldn't and can't accept that because there is no basis for me not recovering other doctors have said, it was quite distressing.

      You're so right about letting go and letting God, I wish I was better at putting that into practice too!

      Yes I really hope your turning point is soon Kris and Poppy, I do still fully believe it will come so hang in there.


  • Posted

    I feel the same kris onlybim at monthb5 and thinking is this ever going to end!!!!! I agree extra hard when you have a family!! So disheartening thats theres nothing anyone can do! I keep thinking everytime these pains are back around that there something other than mono because how can something be so up and down with symptoms/feelings really hope we all have a speedy recovery but it seems its going to take a very long time!!!!! Its like i need confirmation of when im going to feel better.

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