Monolarin and die off....

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Hi all again 😃 Well I started taking Monolaurin yesterday. I read in a book about EBV that taking 1600 mgs twice a day is the recommended. I started taking it because I have had two relapses in the last about two months due to getting another illness on top of this. The last one was going away but I spent 5 hours car shopping with my husband Saturday and by 3 hours in I was weak and shaking. Had to do it again on Monday but for not as long. So I relented and finally decided to try the Monolaurin. (I have a script of acyclovir but I am scared of the side effects so I am trying natural first). I think I am having die off. My appetite is all but gone. I have a bit of a headache. I just don't feel well at all. Is this normal and how long does this usually last? Thanks. (P.S. I am 9+ months now if you didn't know....)

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    hi wendi

    start the monolaurin at a small dose most people do 600 mg twice a day then very slowly build up.. i say this as i started on it too high and it made me really ill so i stopped taking it . nothing worse than feel ill on top of feeling ill !

    i may try it again as i too relapsed after having a good day and doing too much im just heading into month 11.... and its still awful !

    • Posted

      I started on too high a dose. I am going to scale it back today but I am going to stay on it. I have noticed a diminish in my mono symptoms but it has caused me some upset stomach problems. Thanks for the advice 😃 If I can't tolerate it I am going to use the acyclovir. 😃

    • Posted

      Hi Wendi,

      Was just wondering how you have been doing this week, hoping that you are able to find the right dose and right supplement / medication to take and that these stomach issues can settle down. Might be worth taking 1 or 2 probiotics daily if not already doing that and / or something like peppermint, these things can be helpful for the stomach I think.


  • Posted

    Hi Wendi,

    I haven't tried the Monolaurin myself only really know about it through people posting on the site here....I do understand that when things prolong for so long and feel so hard that you would want to give something like that a go. I have read some people on the site talk about taking it, hoping they can post on here and give some good advice / support regarding this.

    And really hoping that you are feeling much better soon Wendi, remember for me it was 10 months before I seen a change and even then it still took time to reach 100% or as near as, so just hang in there I still believe you are going to see a positive change happen and things get better this year. Thinking about you.


  • Posted

    Hey Wendi! I have been on Monolauren for about five weeks now. They started me at 2400 mg a day and it was way too much. It made me feel like I had the flu really bad! So I cut it in half to 1200 mg a day and it cut back the symptoms a lot. Hopefully I will work my way up slowly to 2400 mg again. I have taken acyclovir twice - two months each time. It made me feel pretty great the first 10 days and then I would have my normal crash and start the whole cycle all over again. I don’t know if it helps at all but it definitely didn’t cause any side effects. The monolauren actually causes more side effects! Everywhere I have read said to start really slow and work your way up with that supplement. On a positive note - two colds have gone thru my family and I’ve managed to avoid both of them. So if anything else maybe it will help us from catching another bug!

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