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i know there are posts and topics about this subject, but are there any recent users of this product?

And if so, did it help you at all?

I myself started today, so hopefully i can give some good feedback in a couple of weeks.

Happy Holidays everyone

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    start very low ... i started too high and herxed very bad . havent taken it since .

  • Posted

    i agree, start low and increase slowly. when i took it i did feel worse for 2-3 days but then i did get better. i took it for 2 months if i remember correctly and during that time i focused on letting my body heal as much as possible (not exerting unnecessary energy). i believe it worked.

    good luck!

  • Posted

    ive been taking it and I second what everyone else says about starting slow! it has certainly made noticeable difference though. Keep us posted on your experience with it. i hope it works for you!

  • Posted

    Ok this really works.. i'm in shock

    The days you take this stuff you will feel terrible, but i only take it on days where i haven't planned anything.

    The days where i don't take it are great.

    I have had 2 good days in a row, feeling almost completely normal.

    I can see the light, i'm not giving up now.

    Ofcourse i can't be sure it is because of this product, but even if it's a placebo effect i'm over the moon!

    Defo would recommend.

    • Posted

      Nice! I've ordered it as well. How did you dose it? How many days a week do you take it, and how long are you planning to take it? Thx in advance!

  • Posted

    Made the rookie mistake, took a bigger scoop yesterday and today i feel absolutely terrible.

    Hasn't been worse since the first weeks of mono.

    I keep reminding myself that it's my body fighting this f** virus.

    Anyone any tips on how to get past the herx effect faster? Would be much appreciated!

    • Posted

      just back off for a little while. work your way up to a higher dose. i started with 1000 mg a day and herxed bad. i took a break for a week and resumed at 500 mg. now i'm taking 3750 mg a day with no problem. herxing is actually good, it means it's working, but it's too much for your body to handle at the moment. just take it slow.

    • Posted

      you can never know for sure, but i think it did. as well as lysine. it's recommended to be taken together for no longer than 6 months in a row (3000 mg each)

    • Posted

      Still herxing really bad..

      How long does this last, it's day 3.

      Now i'm mad at myself for taking so much..

      My throat hasn't been this sore since the first weeks of mono.

      Night sweats are horrible

    • Posted

      i would always feel better in 2 days of flu-like symptoms. keep in mind that your dose will depend on your bmi and complexion. im tall and skinny, so taking significantly more than 3000 mg would be too much. last time i herxed, i stayed off monolaurin for a week, then i had to start with the smallest dose again. make sure you take something to help your body detox because your system is overwhelmed by all the toxic waste from the virus. i take a liver support supplement, vit c and as many antioxidant foods as you can (greens, apples, berries, celery, etc)

    • Posted

      hey kk,

      I have a complicated relationship with monolaurin. I herx even at the lowest dose (500 mg), but it also lowers my heart rate and alleviates a lot of the discomfort that that comes with the virus. it's difficult to explain, but it basically makes me feel worse and better at the same time. it's incredibly frustrating. I'm curious if the liver supplement had any noticeable effects of your herx reactions to monolaurin? I'm reluctant to spend any more money on supplements (i've spent hundreds), but monolaurin has such a strong effect on me that i'm genuinely convinced that if i can figure out how to combat the herx that i can return back to a normal life

    • Posted

      there are 300 mg capsules. try to take these, but spread them out throughout the day. lets say, week 1 (1 with breakfast, 1 with dinner). pay attention to how you feel on that dose. drink plenty of water, eat antioxidant foods (if you dont want to spend money on extra supplements). then, week 2, take 3 capsules (breakfast, lunch, dinner), see how you feel on that dose, and so on. at least that way you can experimentally find a dose you can handle, even if its just 600 mg (its still better than nothing). regarding the liver, i still think its worth trying to add liver support supplement because when ebv attacks, the liver becomes overwhelmed with all the toxins, so it becomes very sluggish. my take on it was to support my detox pathways as much as i could, so that i can help my body fight it

    • Posted

      get the pellets you can just take even one or two . i called the company as i felt so bad ..i was doin i g a full scoop of pellets but they said just try 7 ..

      i felt terrible .... not sure if anything helps . tried it ALL!!!

    • Posted

      i tried that but i wasn't digesting the pellets properly so they didn't have the same effect as the capsules. just going to lower the frequency for now

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