Monthly rash?
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Hello ladies. I was a frequent visitor on this board a year or so ago when I began to experience a million different symptoms that had my going out of my mind. It seems to all be perimenopause related and for the most part, my anxiety has simmered down and I tend to just chalk any random thing up to hormones now 😃 for better or worse. I do have a new question, though - does anyone experience a widespread hives-type rash that pops up every month, mid-way through your cycle? I first developed this rash in early October, thought (and doc agreed) that it was an allergic reaction to something, but no idea what. It went away after a short course of prednisone. I got my period 9 days later, but at the time, saw no connection. I did not get the rash in November, but it was a wonky month for me and my cycle was very long. Then, the rash came back on December 4th (2 months to the day it appeared in October). My doc had me see both a dermatologist and an allergist - neither of which could properly diagnose it. However this time, the derm told me to take Allegra instead of putting me on a steroid and it cleared up within 2 doses. My period came 9 days later. Incredibly, the rash showed up again yesterday (Jan 5th) and my period is due on the 14th. I'm beginning to think this is more than coincidence. The last 2 times the rash appeared, it was not itchy. This time, however, it is. I did take an Allegra yesterday and it seemed to stop the rash from spreading. I took another this morning and am hoping to see it begin to resolve. I plan on calling the allergist when the office opens, but also wanted to see if anyone here had experience something similar. Thanks!
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paula20385 tebrown96
Hi tebrown, I get a rash when I am due a period, it is not as bad as it us to be I get it on the top of my chest back of my neck did get it under my arm pits a few years ago
Now just get little patches it top of my chest and back of my neck
this is how bad it got 2years went too doctors told me too take antihistamines and some cream did not work ,went to see another doctor he gave me antibiotics cream .
hope you get it sorted
take care
Jen2541 tebrown96
Yes, I am 53 and had a mysterious full body rash appear this fall. I have also had some ovulation-type fluid and spotting (general cycle-like symptoms) despite not having had a full-blown period since fall 2018. I do think the rash may well have a hormonal aspect. I had not eaten anything new or used any new products. I do think stress also exacerbated it. In any case, mine was itchy and I did not want to take an oral steroid. I had good results with a steroid cream (triamcinolone) which cleared it up in about two weeks. If any of the hives reappear I plan to use the cream to head it off before it spreads. You might look into this. I also take less hot showers now because that seemed to make it worse, and also switched to a hypoallergenic shampoo in case I had developed a new sensitivity. Good luck!
sunaina1983 tebrown96
Thank God i find link here about tash..
From few months worried about every month rash..Its mostly come during my mid cycle time and along with rash i sone white thing come put from vagina. .thick white semi liquid.. .i think its my ovulation time. and in 5 or 7 days rash its disappears .Mine was purple colour......Sometimes in legs sometimes in my hands....sometimes its colour is dark purple sometimes light one. From last few months worried what going look scary....It looks as if someone hit me at that point..
I am in Peri from last 20 months..suffering from soo many other symptoms too.
Its hard to believe Hormones cab do so much to our body
Thanks for the replies! I saw my allergist on Monday and the rash wasn't too bad at that point. He does not think I'm crazy for suggesting it's somehow related to my cycles, but he did say that it is very hard to test for that. He wanted me to continue on the antihistamines and track when it occurs/my cycles. Anyway, it hasn't been responding to the antihistamines this time and has gotten steadily worse since Monday. It's really bad today (it's literally everywhere on my body) so I'm hoping to get in to see the doctor again and get SOMETHING that will provide some relief.
lesley55485 tebrown96
Ah I'm so glad I saw this. About 2 years ago I developed an itchy rash on my forearms. Couldn't pinpoint it to anything in particular. Took antihistamine to ease the itch and it went away. Same happened for the next 3 months. I made sure I logged it on my tracker app and it was the 4th month that I realised it was happening 6 days before my period was due every month.
Doctors said it couldn't be related. But strange it happened every loth at the same time. It happened twice more and then its never happened again? I'm convinced it was due to surge/drop in hormones and my body was having some type of allergic reaction.