Mood swings

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One thing I've hated about this and found hard is the emotional problems . I go from crying desperately one minute , to wanting to stab someone in the throat if they even look at me the wrong way I fly if the handle VERY easily .Then I have the periods where I feel great but behave bizzare , hyper , talk fast maniac loads of energy. Stressful situations send me through the roof i.e.dr appointments , people being unsupportive ,not being heard unbelievably this has  been the hardest part for me above the physical appearance stuff that and not having energy at all to carry out daily stuff with my kids ??It horrible I just don't feel like me as a previous bubbly, calm , non aggressive sort ,  it has been 7 years of this  and cause of length of time and not getting sorted out it has taken a massive toll on personal relationships, broke my marriage he got fed up waiting for me to get sorted out .People say they care but the truth of the matter is as time goes on you end up enduring lack of support from some of the people closest to you cause everyone is to busy with there own lives (understandably ) I'm not whining it's just the sad truth of the matter and I have heard many people the same ,  exactly this when diagnosis has been prolonged and in particular rare disease cases . I do not discuss any of my health problems  concerns with anyone at all ( apart from the 2 people closet to me , who have lived through it with me ) as everyone pipes up with there own opinion and I prefer keep things privately. I use this forum to vent and share as I think I'd go insane otherwise,  I apologise for my lengthy post . I will always try to keep an open mind with anyone on here and what they say because that's so badly what I've needed from others . One thing I've learned about myself is by god I'm strong and stubborn !  Peace all goodnight x

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Sending love & hugs. My Facebook update was a similar rant tonight. I’m fed up with it all.. Am loosing my hair (which is really long almost to my bum) it’s coming out in clumps which sucks! Ironically I have a load of hair on my face so totally backwards! My moods go up & down too. I’m a single mum of 2 girls (2&11) and it’s really hard to stay patient & calm, especially with the eldest! My mood tanks too especially when my belly is bad.. it’s a crappy disease, not helped by fact Drs misdiagnose it all the time 🙄

    • Posted

      I literally grew hair all over my entire body , I grew white sideburns it appeared with in an hour it was alarming the rate it was coming in but all if it is fine and fuzzy so it's like what somepeople normally have if you look close but mine just grew sooooo long , sudden and fast I was hairless previous. It seemes to settle and when I swell up it gets faster growing . I think because I feel uncomfortable with the fuzzy face thing I religiously removed all trace since it began so I think Drs think I'm being neurotic I just can't bring myself to let it come in just for an appointment people stare ! 

    • Posted

      Sending a massive hug back ??And your Ones recieved 😘x Sometimes we just need someone to say it'll be orite it'll be over soon I'll help you until we do it ,  and give us a big hug sadly that doesn't usually happen . But I am tough to the point of having zero tolerance cause really how much can one person take x night night and thank you for your reply it keeps me sane to know I ain't the only one 😘??

    • Posted

      You’re welcome hon. We have to keep fighting as much as it sucks... I call myself the honey monster (from the old sugar puff commercials) as that’s what I look like nowadays. Fun times! Xx

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