Mood swings

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just questioning for my own sanity, with the mood swings do any of you sometimes feel like you are going crazy? aim up/down, sometimes angry sometimes sad, in the mood to do something, next not in the mood and want to hide in my room all day..then throw in the anxiety. Sometimes I even question if I'm bipolar.

Just seeing if anyone else feels like this at times, I'm getting tired of it and just want to feel calm again.

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20 Replies

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    Yes, but more recently my mood has totally shifted down all the time.

    Wanting to cry and anxiety through the roof.

    I am 56, spotted a few months ago, so my GYN said I still am in Peri.

    I told her how bad I am (wanting to cry, not wanting to do anything etc.)

    She suggested hrt patch or antidpressants. (a year ago when I saw her, I was not as bad and she didn't suggest anything more than exercise and eating properly) This year she saw how bad I've become.

    I did not want to do hrt so I went to my regular doctor who prescribed Zoloft.

    I haven't begun taking yet, but I know I have to since this anxiety etc is very, very bad.

    • Posted

      I am.the same. I cannot take HRT due to history. My gp proscribed me something for anxiety /depression. I bought the tablet (not cheap) But I am holding on. Can't decide if it is the right thing. Worried about the side effects too... But I want to be normal again. All the best to you all the ladies who suffer.

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      omg that's exactly how I feel, my doctor prescribed lexapro but I have yet to start. I'm scared of side effects, I'm a mess as it is, afraid the side effects might just add more fuel to the fire.

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      Or they may make us feel better. We might even say 'I wish I had started it sooner' who knows. But still very difficult to make a decision dear ampat1. I hope you make the best decision for yourself. Big hugs.

    • Posted

      My Dr just prescribed lexapro yesterday and i feel the same way you do, im horrified to try it. I have to laugh when i see the commercials for these medications -altho ive never seen one for lexapro- and they list all the side effects, I think to myself im already experiencing all of these things now (and more) and im not on anything wtf is going to happen if i take it, its not going to change the hormones or how they affect me so like you i feel like id be adding fuel to an already blazing fire. I do know 4 ppl that are on lexapro that have been helped by it if that helps you. Im still scared haha but hopefully that helps you- Good luck please lmk if you try it.

    • Posted

      hi!! i couid have written this!! i am totally with all you ladies!! sucks big time!! 😦

      everyone pushing me to try antidepresent.. just something else to make me feel like crap!!!

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      hi ampat... i tried it for 4 days couldnt handle it... made me feel more weird and bad!!! wish there was a safe magical pill that we could all take!!!! ❤❤

  • Posted

    YES YES AND YES to everything youve just said. I convinced myself i had early onset dementia at first i was terrified . I can go through a huge range of emotions in a very short space of time from tears to anger to then almost feeling hyper. Anxiety through the roof which ive never suffered from and mood swings from hell . I dont even like being around me so god knows how my kids and partner must feel. I just want the old me back

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    Yes yes and yes. Add on ocd, vivid awful dreams every night and over heightened senses. Hinestly reaching a point where i dont know if i can deal wth it anymore.

  • Posted

    Yes!!! I'm really bad right before my period and it sucks when I have 'things' planned. My poor kids often ask 'what is wrong with me' (hubby is used to it)--- Each month it happens--- I should go to a therapist at this time or do acupuncture to see if this help. I'm not a drinker but I'm wondering if a glass of wine would help too.

  • Posted

    Thank you ladies, I've tried talking to friends and even some co workers but they don't want to hear it anymore. Not that I'm glad you feel the same but inside my own head I feel like I'm going nuts half of the time.

    my kids are young adults, I'm 47 and was a single mom at 27. I figured this would be my time of life finally, now I've been going through this for 7 years. I'm in perfect health physically. I can't date as I get all anxious about it and scare the men off, I can't go out all the time, I don't make much plans as I'm scared what mood I'll be in.

    Lol, that was my rant, thank you again ladies ☺

  • Posted

    Ur not alone mam

    my mood changes alot...sometimes i feel like crying and had argument with my hubby without anything much imp

    i always what is happing to me y i am behaving like this.

    Strange phase of life it

  • Posted

    Dear Samantha - I use to be a very positive, vibrant, never complaint, happy person. Since the onset of peri-menopause I have become, negative, tired, anxiety, depression, low energy to name a few. My anxiety was so bad that I was prescribed Xanor SR.5mg. I also went on HRT. I had 2 fantastic years and felt human again. Unfortunately, as Xanor is highly addictive and after some time of use, your body will not be able to cope without it, I decided to wean myself of these meds. I investigated healthier alternatives, changed my lifestyle, started eating healthy and took up exercising etc. This too did wonders and my anxiety and mood swings where under control until about 2 months ago when I got influenza. From influenza to bronchitis, from bronchitis to sinus infection and from sinus infection to middle ear infection. I have been sick for 8 weeks now. I am on my 3rd coarse of antibiotics and cortisone, saw a ENT whom said there is nothing that they can do for me, as my body needs to fight the infection in its own time. This lead to my anxiety to flicker up with a bang as well as severe depression swings. All I have been doing for the past 3 days is cry. I am beyond tired and depressed, and I think peri-menopause worsens my existing situation.

    We truly are going through a difficult time in our life's, and it seems like depression, anxiety and moods swings are of the most uncontrollable and uncomfortable ones to deal with. I know most practitioners prescribe antidepressants and mood stabilizers but believe me when I say one should really consider your options before you decide to take them. If your situations is completely out of control, yes consider, but if you feel you can still cope without, rather investigate healthier alternatives. But also take in mind, that is only my opinion as I have been on this road.

    It does however help a lot to chat on this group.

    Keep well ladies.

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