more pains
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hi all,
just wanted to ask if anyone has real pain in their hands to the point so that you cant form a fist. my fingers feel swollen but are not, also the soles of my feet even hurt. just waiting for my appointments to come through for the pain clinicand hope that they can tweek my meds to help as i feel that the gabapentin is not working any more.
kind regards
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tiswas24537 dobie2
iv noticed i cant cross my fingers any more be interesting to see if i can when the weather cools down, i am going back to soaking my feet in magneisum flakes helps relax the feet reduce pain, and after several months will increase my magneisum levals which in turn will help with sleep and pain .and fatigue.
moandshass dobie2
dobie2 moandshass
i have been on gabapentin for well over 2 years now taking 900mg 3 x a day. i feel that they are no longer helping with my pain so i am going to have a word with my gp once i have the letter from my rheumatologist. i hope that you get some relief with this medication as i did at the beginning.
kind regards
kimhawkstone39 dobie2
terig dobie2
dobie2 terig
thanks for your response. i have just received letter from rheumatologist saying that he is handing my care over to my GP and that he does not want me to se him in clinic. My GP is to refer me to pain clinic and i cant wait. the pains in my hands and feet is chronic
specially in the morning when i am trying to get out of bed. the first
1hour out of bed is horrid. i to have problems with my knees they are so sore and keep giving way which i a pain specially when i am carrying hot coffee and when i am trying to get out of the bath.
i am going to make appointment with GP to see what the next step is. i need a letter of her for DWP as i have been placed in the WRAG and i feel that i need to be in the SG. fingers crossed she will give me such a letter.
kind regards
moandshass terig
moandshass dobie2
tiswas24537 dobie2
and before anyone thinks i cant be in that much pain or that stiff i would like to say your wrong ,i have a tiny dog weighs 12lbs when he jumps on me it hurts like a great dane just jumped on me, if i someone pokes me with a finger or i knock my calfs on anything the pain is sickning,
i have the depression, moods swings, sweats ,irated bladder blurred vision ,
and the worst of all the fatigue, ibs
but i control them with some bloody mindness i must admit.
,and good quality supplemments, watching what i eat noting what causes problems,and why
, using chillo mats in bed, and ice blocks during the day, to keep cool, and iv reintroduced my foot soaks of magneisuim, which stops the jumpy legs and eases the foot pain, along with my new pain relief oil and relaxtion cd , iv found my why to keep the pain at bay,
its still there but instead of being at 20 its about 8 , most of the time. it does flare when i am upset or stressed,
but i dont seem as bad of as most of you , you just seem to be going round and round on this pain trip , and its proberly them in some cases thats causes the dizziness and the extrem fatigue, like some of you i have other condition,aspergers syndrom which makes me sensistive to stimulus,and have poor cordination, and i am 54 so proberly going thru the menopause i say proberly because iv felt worse these past 2 yrs , and as i had a hyestorectomey in 97 i wont have a any physical signs .
PLEASE dont think i am saying any thing negative about people who chose to go the medical way, i just have had bad things happen to me and my family thru wrong medications, and wrong medical treatment, and to be quite honest except for check ups to make sure theres nothing new going on i stay away, from my gp,
just like my gran did she lived till she was 89, and my great nan was the same and she lived till she was 95
, a friend of my mine had empty nest syndrome was really out of sorts she listened to other people went to the doctors she was in there 5mins came up with a perscription took the first tablet that evening she drop down dead few minutes later, just 48
.doctors for me are always the last port of call. when iv tried everything else. meds are chemicals chemicals are toxic .name
one condition they can actuly cure with tablets , they control the symptoms and mask pain , even antibiotics dont work so well now,
they now use maggots to save people limbs when good old antibiotics dont work, in the past they treated ear infections the same, dropped a maggots in to the ear plugged it left it a few days the maggots ate all the bad stuff and then fell out of the ear ,i find that really squirmy as i cant stand maggots but if it meant loosing a leg i no id give it a try.and leeches are used in hospitals to reduce scaring.
julie-tired dobie2
I can relate to both symptoms!!!
my fingers also feel when you used for a long walk on ahot day and the blood kind of pools in your hands.
The solesof my feet feel as if I am walking on a beach with big pebbles!
tiswas24537 julie-tired