More Questions about meds/symptoms/risks with AFIB and request for name of Dr.
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My mom (stage 4-5 ckd) was on Eliquis and Amiodarone (was put on these meds ever since her very first/only cardioversion in May 2016). I first stopped the Eliquis (about a month ago), She had been having massive nose bleeds (the most recent requiring her to have it packed with a balloon). The Amiodarone (my thinking -- I could be wrong) made her especially unsteady on her feet. I also suspect it made her feel too weak to stand on them. I coldn't see how we could risk a fall with a bleeding problem). Now am told the odds of going into AFIB a second time are 70 perceont without the Amiodarone. The risk of stroke with the AFIB is 6 percent. GP says okay to stop Eliquis, but best to stay on Amiodarone. She has had only one AFIB episode, but has mild Dyastolic heart failure.
One of the he most obvious and annoying symptoms has been loss of voice/hoarse voice. I looked this up, and it's supposedly a very low occurring side effect. Is it really? For those of you with this side effect and who stopped Amiodarone, did your voice ever return to normal?
Why is baby aspirin no longer recommended, as it was in the past? Is it an adequate sub for Eliquis?
Is it safe to take Simvastsatin with Amiodarone? Docs say it is, but I read otherwise.
Is 100 mg. Amiodarone effective? Cardio says 200mg is minimum dose to be effective. GP says 100 is effective. GP is also the one who gave stats on AFIB occurring a second time.
Has anyone stopped Amiodarone and NOT gone into AFIB, afterwards? Is this drug a lifeloong commitment?
And finally, want to throw this out there: Anyone highly recommned a stellar cardiologist between Menlo Park/Stanford and San Jose? Knowledge of kidney failure is a big plus. Not unhappy with cardio, but not overly confident, either; would appreciate at least a second/third opinion.
Thank you. I love this forum.
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betty47298 TMNA
TMNA betty47298
Thank you. She seems to be having some fluid retention in her lungs; is this a symptom, as well? Or is it more likely this is a symptom of heart failure or kidney failure? She seems to "gurgle" when she eats.
jay7196 TMNA
TMNA jay7196
THank you. The bleeding is especially scary, because if you bleed that easily when you bump into something, imagine the internal bleeding you can ge from a fall. The half tabletidea made sense, so I started to do this (maybe it was you who suggested it on this forum?)... and then got the contradictory advice from the two drs. The hoarseness really does sound awful. I just hope it doesn't get worse. And, thank you, again.
robynfromOz TMNA
TMNA robynfromOz
garry11136 TMNA
Sorry to heat about your story
I dont have afib but i have arythmia, severe at times. Poor old heart of mine
Simvastatin and cordarone.? Yes my dr. Prescribed me those meds..
I stopped taking cordarone, rythmol, flecainide. These meds ive been taking for so many years. These meds worked wonders for me.for some time.until they made things worst for me. I dont know why. At least the meds im taking concore 2.5 is helping me regulate my hb
Yes you can request taking baby aspirin. Or low dose aspirin. That works for me.
Hope you get through this....
TMNA garry11136
Thanks. Sorry that this has been a years-long challenge. I need to look up concore . I am being given the pick-between-quality-of-life-and-length-of-life lecture by her doctors. It's hard to accept this either-or philosophy when my mom still enjoys being surounded by family and her grandkids.
garry11136 TMNA
TMNA garry11136