More symptoms. I feel absolutly crazy!
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I have read the symptoms on the list for peri and lucky for me, I have most of them. IM 46 this month and I have had my hormones checked twice over the last six months and The doctors keep telling me they are "fine". If they are fine then why do I feel insane?
I have experieinced Vertigo, nausia, headaches and migrains, anxiety, sleep disterbances (feeling like im not sleeping well and some nights waking multiple times), digestive issues of all sorts, severe anger!, I work hard to keep my mouth shut because I often feel like I shouldnt be this angry over most things, Crying a great deal, blurry vision that comes and goes, not being able to concentrate or remember what I have just read (I'm a student of Phychology) although Im typically a great student the last 18 months I feel like a total idiot not being able to recall words or ideas, small areas of transient hot spots, thinning hair and hair falling out....again!, bad taste in my mouth, feeling detached from loved ones or apathetic about participating in day to day activities with people, numbness or tingling, feeling disconected or like im viewing life as a dream, vaginal odor that comes and goes with no discharge or itchy even though im a super clean freak, constant sinus pain and drainage with persisitnt throat clearing, I had two episodes of what I believed as well as the parametics was a heart attack but after being hospitalized and extensive testing there was no evidence at all of any cardiac issues, feeling too cold sometimes even when others say it feel fine, feeling tired and lethargic often and not able to complete physical tasks that I had been able to do two years ago with no problems. I was a fire fighter for ten years and finally decided I couldnt keep up any more so quit that job and went back to school to become a Phychologist. I feel like Im going insane but given my studies I dont fall into any "crazy" catigories.
So here is what tests have been done and the findings:
CT Scan normal (outside of a small fattly deposit not affecting any surrounding objects in the optic chiasm) We have known this was here for many years and it remains unchanged. This CT was done to find out why all the sinus issues and headaches that seem to be located in the sinus areas of my face and forehead. Nothing of interest noted!
MRI: same findings, Nothing of interest noted.
Extensive eye exam: nothing noted outside of general changes due to aging and possibly allergies.
Extensive Phyciatric testing and two years of follow on counseling: nothing noted outside of anxiety and mild depresssion due to unresoved medical fears. Dr. continues to see me at my request and not because she thinks I have unresolved issues.
Allergy testing and shots to "fix" the allergies that were cusing the sinus issues and visual problems. Didnt help either.
Hormone levels checked twice and advised that they are all in normal range.
I have a refferal to neurology with no appointment schedualed yet, still waiting
Appointment schedualed with ENT next week to check sinus issues.
Final comment on all of this. I began taking an over the counter estrogen suppliment about six weeks agao and my migrians, vertigo and nausia went mostly away. I forgot to take them for three days and they started to come back and once back on them they have been mostly gone since. It doesnt seem to help any opf the other problems though but if my hormones are normal then why does this help any at all?
So the big question if you have stuck with me and read this far is: are any of my symptoms not something that others are experienceing? Does anyone see anything that they think I need to address as outside of the possibility of peri? Do you see any thing that I am experienceing that you think isnt peri related? I feel like I should be instatutionalized some days. PLEASE, please comment if you have any advice at all!!!
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teresa33877 lorin2362
lorin2362 teresa33877
dee53012 lorin2362
lorin2362 dee53012
michelle46271 lorin2362
Hi Lori
Poor you. It's awful isn't it. To this day I can't believe fluctuating hormones can cause so many horrible symptoms.
I to saw an ENT specialist for my sinuses and nothing was found. I also had a Mri scan of my head and all ok apparantely. I also saw a specialist in oral health and he diagnosed burning mouth syndrome which was so depressing. I had this for 3 solid months. As for the anxiety and panic attacks I never knew it could be this bad.
Try to tell yourself your head and sinuses are ok. That's what I am doing. Convince yourself it's peri because it is. Most doctors are so unhelpful and you have to do all the searching for yourself. Take care xx
lorin2362 michelle46271
michelle46271 lorin2362
I went on HRT and that has helped with certain things. Not all of them but there were so many. I still get the jaw problems and tingling face. The neurologist thinks it is paraesthesia and prescribed tablets but I am trying not to take them. If you took all the medication that doctors prescribed for different symptoms you'd be rattling 🙄
lorin2362 michelle46271
liz67338 lorin2362
I so understand how you feel. Im also 46 and have had all these same symptoms for the past 2 years and multiple tests all coming back as normal including seeing a Cardiologist recently due to tightness in my chest and shortness of breath, also came back as normal. All the "normal" outcomes have reduced my anxiety a bit. (I also religiously do all the 'well being' stuff, eat well, excercise, meditation, yoga, accupunture, sauna etc..all of which give me temporary relief...such as after swimming I feel good or "normal" for a couple hours, before the symtoms come back again) what I've realised is that menopause/hormonal in balance is far far more complex and unique to individuals then most doctors I've experienced understand. I think our bodies become super sensitive to most things such as stress which brings about alot of the horrible sypmtoms and to make it more worrying those symptoms are the same as if other scary issues where going on which makes us more anxious. I've had comfort from now knowing I have nothing life threatening, had heart, liver, lungs, vitamins, diabetes plus checks youve had. If you can find any comfort from any of these checks if you haven't had and knowing you are giving your body the best support you can by eating, excercise, overall wellbeing I truly hope it helps you during this period which will NOT last forever. Ps i started taking bio identical hormones 3 wks ago and has helped me to sleep through the night without waking up constantly.
michelle46271 liz67338
Liz I've been suffering badly with a tight chest and finding it hard to catch a breath. I don't worry about it as I know it's hormonal but I must admit it's really getting me down now. I am on HRT but unfortunately it hasn't helped with the tightness etc.
lorin2362 liz67338
liz67338 michelle46271
Yes that's one of my scariest symptoms Michelle, .and doesn't seem a very common one...really gets me down some days too...I can't even talk to people it's so bad some's very hard some days not to panic..(seems worse on buses and in cars or stuffy non ventilated places) but like you I keep reassuring myself it's just the hormones...the bio identical hormones haven't helped that symptom either. The best relief I get for it is spending a few hours at local spa in steam and sauna whenever I can.....really helps.
liz67338 lorin2362
Completely understand, when I get my particularly bad days I convince myself they must have missed something! I ended up seeing a menopause specialist in London .. that's where I got the bio identical hormones. As you say sleep deprivation was a major concern and making every day life a serious challenge so I'm thankful for now getting a solid 7 hours sleep sure (please please please) after a few more weeks of better sleep will help other stuff too. Ive also started bathing in "Epsom Salts" not sure if you've heard of it? it's a mineral and you soak for 20-40 mins and your body absorbs the magnesium which aids with sleep and releases toxins from body. (Great for skin too) I got mine from amazon. I have a red bush tea (a herbal tea known for its ability to relax muscles) beforehand then after mineral bath feel more relaxed and sleepy.
gailannie lorin2362
I realize you have had your hormones checked several times, but what hasn't been discussed is the wild and wide fluctuations of preimenopause. Normally when you get your blood drawn, you are getting just a snapshot in time. One day, at that moment. But if you haave ever seen a chart of hormone levels in perimenopause you'd understand what I am getting at. They can look like a roller coaster.
There's no doubt that at this age your hormone levels are declining. And it sounds like they are taking you for quite a ride. Our body likes consistancy. I went through some this also in perimenopause. Once your body adjusts to lower levels, some of this may even out a bit. But I know how it feels to think you are literally dying and that there must be some really serious disease that no one is finding.
I'm sorry you are going through this. You certainly have done your due diligence and checked for something other than normal perimenopausal symptoms. But as most of us would tell you....been there and felt that.
Kris1012 lorin2362
You and I could be twins! I have seen about ever specialist there is. FEEL as thou I'm going crazy. Alays having different symptom. Makes you worried could there be something really seriously wrong!!!! I'm so glad found this website!