Morning doom

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Ladies reading posts here and from my experience, i just want to list a peri symptom as the morning doom!! It is just a normal symptom of peri /meno and dont feel you are alone when you feel this, it will pass but may appear again along your journey of menopause, just know that you are not alone! Xx

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    It is terrible, isn't it?  I wake up with it most mornings and sometimes end up crying.  I have found, though, that it's not quite as bad if I have a snack before bed that includes protein, nothing sugary, to keep my blood sugar from getting too low.
  • Posted

    I'm glad you posted that. The doom and gloom is one of the worst. It makes me anxious and my mind racing with negative thoughts. I don't have it all the time but when I do its horrible.
  • Posted

    Hello, everyone:  I don't want to discourage anyone on this board, however, I am 68 yrs. old, and I've  been in menapause since my full hysterectomy in 2001. I weat Minivale patches, one a week, and have since the time of my surgery.  Now, I have developed a vaginal prolapse from the straining of childbirth many years ago.  Both of my daughters are in their early 40's.  Does anyone else have a prolapse, and btw, I still wake up many times in the morning or from a nap with feelings of gloom and doom.  Any other older women on here think it will nver end....

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