Morning sickness

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I wake up feeling a bit sick but not actually being sick. It's a bit like morning sickness. I guess it could be hormones or stress? I'm 50

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I get this it's awful.i almost feel pregnant again.ive had it alot lately..

  • Posted

    yes feeling sick and nauseous and flu-like is quite common. do you have other symptoms associated or just these physical symptoms?
  • Posted

    I am 55 and I haven't have a period in almost a year. Anxiety is much much better ( this is for the ladies "is a light there"wink.

    I wake up the same way like you almost feeling pregnant and this past week something new in me, breast pain, it is like having a swollen breast very sensitive extremely I should said. Anyone?

  • Posted

    Most important Alison everyone is different hope your symptoms easy soon and you feel better 
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      Thanks Marcia. It is so comforting to hear from others. Hope you are feeling bit better now
  • Posted

    Strange one this but this is exactly how i would explain it like a pregnancy morning sickness feeling but im still feeling this even though post menopausal  now at 67.  But was also diagnosed with M.E.  which dr says a lot of his patients say they have the nausea feeling. Think Stress def can cause this also like a knotted anxious feeling and lets face it peri or menopause  itself is enough to cause stress and ive plenty of this at moment with son in intensive care.
  • Edited

    Hi Alison, do you ever get dizzy spells, or ear pressure? I get this morning sickness thing, but I also have ear pressure and have dizziness. My Dr has said it is menopausal caused motion sickness/ vertigo. Ask for some Cinnarizine and that should help you. X

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