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Hi does anyone else wake up in a panic like tge second you open your eyes your in that fight or flight mode and feel very fidgity i know i spelled that wrong.
Been up since 330 tossing and turning
have to get ready fir work, vivid dreams the few hours i did sleep.
Feel hot and wired and panicky but exhausted wth weird pressure in my sinuses and eyes but no congestion.
Also is a year today that my father passed:( I have been feeling this way for about 4/5 years i truly cant take it anymore plus so many other symptoms.
My brain is going non stop 24/7 everyday i cant take it and its random crap if not worrying and crying over things that havent happened. Then the anger and rage omg im done i cant do this anymore
2 likes, 12 replies
christina81747 susan39015
yes been like that for last week feel like losing my mind my body shakes as soon as i open mybeyes and i feel panicked and want to cry think it will never go away im so hyper when i shower i can feel myself shake its like i dont want to move cause i think itvwill get worst i know inhave been atressed this last week and kids home from school and i work from home im 49 know im peri but inlybon 11'day of my irregular cycle and felt a mess since day 2 totally want to cry but have been holding it this whole time feel very angry and fustrated like inwill explode then it makes anxiety worst i end up thinking about how i feel all day long and it sucks i know it will pass but it doesnt feel like it i dont say anything cause i thinknthey will think im crazy my chestnis so heavy maybe if i cried ibwould feel better scared i wouldntbstop lol!!
pam90720 susan39015
yessssss!!!!!! ive been up since 3:30 and was going to post the exact same thing!!! girl, im with you and i feel you!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
grace50455 pam90720
hi Pam,do you ever get sweaty hands and feet with all this nervousness and anxiety?
pam90720 susan39015
every single morning.......:-(
pam90720 susan39015
going on 3 years for me... 😦
long long story for me......
catherine73049 susan39015
I now how u feel feel like its never ending awful worst feeling ever xx
Thank u ladies ❤ All i keep thinking today is I could end all of this
but I have 2 daughters, teenagers, my ones grad party is in a week and a half. Truly feel like ive lost it. Random memories pop up out of nowhere that i cant even believe i remember. Its so bizarre. I just wish god would take me but i want my daughters with me , the thought of them going through this when theyr older and the memories that they must have of me over the past 5 years and what ive gone through and am going through is too much to bear. Just like you pam its such a long story.
grace50455 susan39015
yes,yes,yes, I was in ER on Monday and was admitted for neck and chest pain. My labs were good except for one which they couldnt rule out a blood clot so they ran x-rays , ct scan and all was good PRAISE GOD! I wake up in the morning feeling nervous ,shaky, nauseous. I am trusting God to help me get through this for H e has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind so I meditate on this word when I am feeling scared or anxious. I hope you feel better because I know that this feeling can be overwhelming but with God , Family and people on this site who are here to listen, share and encourage each other we will get through this.
God bless you , I will be praying for peace.:)
Jaynie12 susan39015
yep....up at 3 am. in a panic. i fall back sleep a little tgen up again bout 430. feels like im suffocating. weird squeezing headache. dizzy. and my nose feels stuffed but not stuffed. everyday. ill feel " weird" for hours wuth fluttering heart. ill get s break here and there then it gets worse closer to night time. i dont understand why nights are so bad..anyone else get it ???
pam90720 susan39015
just posted an article about morning anxiety... the moderator has it...
emmeline93814 susan39015
I can relate. Hot sweets, inability to go to sleep, agitation, bloating and constipation, feeling heavy and weak, afraid of most things, even walking up the road. He thinks I'm making up excuse when I say I can't sleep demanding to know Why!? Like a Sargent major
Nettie261962 susan39015
I experience all of what you mentioned. its awful. The mornings are the worst. Sending a big air hug!