Most Severe Perimenopause Ever? Plus Sagging Skin - Desperate

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This is my first post.  I am not exaggerating about anything I am sharing here. All is completely real and serious, and I am so very desperate for help and direction.  I thank each and every one of you willing to read and reach out . . .


My nightmare started just over one year ago when I turned 44.  It was my birthday, and I woke up to what I now realize was a hot flash.  I am a college instructor, and I went to work.  During classes, the hot flashes came one after the other, intensely, as well as severe anxiety and panic.  Within hours, I noticed severe heartburn, nausea, ringing in my ears, and a significant feeling of genital arousal.  The nausea intensified, and I ended up heaving in the bathroom.  I noticed my skin seemed very deyhdrated, so I drank extra water, and then, I called my husband at work in tears, telling him I did not know what was wrong with me.  I somehow suffered through my afternoon classes and scheduled an appointment with my OBGYN.  My family doctor had recently retired.  Upon getting home from work, I experienced tremendous fatigue.  I was unable to even prepare a meal for myself.  I wondered if I had a viral infection.  The exhaustion was indescribable.  Later, it would become clear that my adrenals were crashing each day after surging cortisol until they could not any longer.

Complicating matters was the fact that I had just gotten out of a false "friendship" with a man who contacted me through a health network for a rare neurological disorder from which I had recovered years before.  I wanted to help and be a support as this condition is quite isoloating.  It turned out that this person was some sort of sexual predator with psychopathic traits and zero conscience.  

I was emotionally abused at a distance (since I never met this person) over a period of nearly a year.  He was an intelligent professional in a respectable position, and I was fooled by his mask.  Over months, he systematically manipulated my emotions, though I excused much because of his "illness".  He began to subtlely berate me, my appearance (though most people compliment me), and things that are meaningful in my life.  His behavior became more perverse and cruel, and eventually, the mask came off.  I was so unbelievably traumatized by this whole situation, as I had attached to his fake persona.  Then, the cyberstalking and hang-up calls began, and they have continued over the past 18 months.  We have disconnected our phone, email, and changed cell numbers.  Anyway, I became ill with symptoms about six months after I stopped contact with him.  The damage to my self esteem and sense of worth and value would prove to be very difficult to recover.  I sought professional therapy and found great help there.

My symptoms became so severe, I began making plans to take medical leave at work, after 11 years of barely using a sick day.  My symptoms were intense and continuous 24/7:

Hot flashes, night sweats, persistent genital arousal (which often progressed to a type of nerve pain down there), heartburn, nausea/heaving, thinning hair, dryness everywhere, ringing in my ears, sound sensitivity, pins and needles sensations, EXTREME fatigue every day, body temp;erature fluctuations - hot and cold, insomnia, panic attacks, anxiety, and OCD symptoms, as well as body dysmorphic disorder, suicidal thoughts, depression, and loss of appetite/weight loss, and loss of muscle mass.  I noticed that my symptoms worsened on changing body positions.  For example, rolling over in bed in the morning could cause my heart to begin racing.  Also, going from sitting to standing coiuld do the same.

I have a history of mild, generalized anxiety, (never took meds for it) but these new symptoms were far, far beyond anything I had ever experienced before.  The symptoms were either on or off.  When on, ALL of them were happening at the same time and to a high intensity.  Otherwise, they were off, but there were very, very few periods of this during the first four to six months.  

I was beyond miserable.  I wondered if I had cancer (due to fatigue) or perhaps some other disease.  Surely, this could not all be due to hormones shifting.

My OBGYN performed blood tests, and my estrogen came back at 90-something, which she said was fine; that I was not menopausal.  She said my issues did not seem to be menopause related; that I should see an encocrinologist.

I scheduled with an endocrinologist who tested my cortisol levels, which came back elevated throughout the day but not high enough to be Cushings disease.  He said my symptoms did not seem to be endocrine related and that I should see an OBGYN.

I visited functional medicine specialists who said I should be taking bio-identical progesterone only.  I was skeptical, as I had already been taking a progestin for years due to endomentriosis pain, and of course, never had a problem with it, but now felt terrible.  No one mentioned estrogen.  They claimed I was "estrogen dominant" even though I was experiencing severe hot flashes, hair loss, dry, thin, sagging skin, and all the rest.  I was scared to try the progesterone cream and go off the med I had used successfully for endo for many years.

I contacted a sexual health specialist about the persistent genital arousal disorder, which is very rare, and he said he believed the cause of mine to be "central", meaning originating in the central nervous system.  He said there is no cure, only management of triggers.  This seemed devastating, as I was having a really hard time functioning at work, teaching, with the nonstop genital arousal/pain.  He said the discontinuation of SSRI meds can cause this problem from a decline in serotonin, though I was not taking any such meds.  Later I would learn that estrogen boosts serotonin and that a decline in estrogen produces similar effects to SSRI discontinuation.

I went to another functional medicine specialist who retested me and claimed I was estrogen dominant; that I needed progesterone cream.  I just did not believe this, as my breasts were now deflating/sagging, and I was losing more hair and suffering hot flashes.  My mother was fully menopausal at age 44.  I told every doctor this information.  My periods were no longer regular after years of clockwork.

I SUFFERED for months and months, trying to manage my symptoms with diet, stress reduction, and nutritional supplements.  I contemplated suicide, but I have a child with a disability, and that kept me from carrying out a drastic end to my unrelenting pain.

I finally scheduled an appointment at a big, respectable medical group in my state with an endocrinologist.  She said I most likely have an underlying neurological disorder, such as dysautonomia (a disorder of the autonomic nervous system) which is aggravated by hormone fluctuations.  She iimmediately indicated that I NEEDED ESTROGEN and prescribed me a small dose of a bioidentical estrogen patch to supplment my progestin pill.  She shared that she has seen estrogen literally stop many strange neurological symptoms in menopausal women.  I decided to wait until classes were out to try it.  By this point, it was six months since the start of this hell.  

I tried the patch, and within one day, my symptoms stopped, but I did experience side effects of nausea and migraine.  The migraine did not stop, even after weeks, and so I eventually removed the patch because it was intolerable. 

I noticed that my skin has sagged significantly in the past year - all over my body, but especially on my face, stomach, upper arms, and inner thighs.  Also, my body composition has really changed, with a major loss of muscle tone and excess jello-like fat everywhere.  I weigh under 110 pounds, but my butt now hangs and jiggles because it is complete fat, no muscle.  My mom has saggy skin and osteoporosis.  I am concerned this is happening to me.  It is so hard to take at this age especially.

I have a history of autioimmune-type disorders including antiphospholipid antibody disorder, endometriosis, sun allergy, and chronic, systemic hives.

I felt okay for a while off the patch, but soon the symptoms returned.  I went back on the patch, but a different brand.  It helped again, right away, and for about three months I felt great.  I even signed up to work on my doctorate degree.  

Then, I made a huge mistake.  I thought I was seeing melasma developing on my face, and I discontinued the patch.  I was operating from a place of fear due to my OCD and Body Dysmorphia.  This was so stupid.  I was okay for about a month, and then all of the symptoms came back.  I was not able to easily stabilize on my original dose.  I incerased above my full dose, per doctor's instructions, but it did not cover my symptoms.  So, I had increased up to .0625, and no relief.  I was still having hot flashes, night sweats, and anxiety, etc.

My doctor said I could go on a low-dose oral contraceptive since I am not fully menopausal yet, and that's what I did this past week.  It has worked to stop the symptoms, but I have some nausea and headache again.

My questions for you are about the hormone therapy:

I need to make a long-term decision about hormone therapy.  I would prefer bio-identicals, however, it seemed that the doses were quite low for the level of symptoms I am experiencing.  I am concerned that as my hormones continue to drop, they may not be sufficient.  I am trying to keep working and functioning through this all - ugh!

I am moving toward the end of peri, I think, so it is a time between oral contraceptives vs bioidenticals.  It is so hard to make a decision with so much conflicting information out there.  Synthetics are supposed to be bad and bioidenticals good, but yet, the doses are so low of the bioidenticals.  They are HRT doses, not contraceptive doses, which apparently, some younger women really need for the severity of symptoms.  

Due to my age and severity of symptoms, the bioientical doses do not seem to work for me consistently.  I could have gone as high as .1, which I did not, and maybe I should have before jumping on a birth control pill.  Also, even though I took bioidentical estrogen, I was still on the synthetic progestin, as my doctor did not want to change two variables at the same time.  Also, functional medicine specialists seem to label every woman as estrogen dominant no matter what.  That is surely not the case for me, and I suffered longer for not having the estrogen, which is the ONLY thing that has helped my symptoms.

Meanwhile, my skin is SAGGING.  Oh my gosh!  Please tell me this is normal.  I feel so bad.  It is affecting my self esteem.  I have also read that skin sagging on the outside is consistent with osteoporosis on the inside.  My nails are also brittle and dry, and they used to be so strong.  

So it is important to me to take a hormone therapy that helps these issues.  Can anyone give direction on this?  Bioidenticals supposedly preseerve/restore collagen, but will the oral contraceptive do the same?  I cannot seem to find information about this.  The oral contraceptive is supposed to protect against further bone loss.

I am seeing a dermatologist soon about my skin issues, just to rule out any other possible causes.  I cannot tell you the hit to my self esteem over this, which fuels my body dysmorphic disorder and anxiety, not to mention post-traumatic stress from the relationship with a psychopath who picked on my appearance.

Trying to gather enough information to determine if I should stick with the oral contraceptive for now or switch to a high dose bio-identical therapy (which is still very low dose), especially as it relates to sagging skin and osteopporosis prevention.

Please help, anyone.  I am exhausted physically and emotionally.  It's been hard to find answers to questions that will help me make a decision.  Often information from one source/doctor is in direct conflict with that from another.  I do not know a soul who has suffered with meopausal symptoms this severe, especially at this age.  

Thanks so much for reading, and I am thaniful for this place....


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21 Replies

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    Here is my p0st I wrote last week...i am also 44..I have a gyne appt scheduled this Friday to talk about hrt.. I cannot believe how horrible this is if this is menopause!! I'm so sorry you are going thru this too.. it's horrible!! I am turning into a hermit because I don't want to make plans in case I'm having a horrible day!! I just want my life. Back. I am going to maybe ask for her to check my estrogennlevel ..Here's my post...

    Hi I have been through hell past 3 months .. I haven't had a period for a year. Spotted in October very little.. December starts with feeling of lump in throat told reflux.. then the nausea, hot flashes, spacey brain fog feeling, headaches, blurry vision, not sleeping ...started seeing doctors. Because the nausea increased ( now I believe was my anxiety over having cancer) did it but. Because of it I have lost over 20 pounds in 2. 1/2 months.. so needless to say they thought I had cancer .. I have had a cat scan of pretty much my whole body, endoscopy, blood work.. all they found was reflux and a hiatal hernia... I went to mg gyne first and was told she thinks it's gastro problems because menopause causes you to gain weight not lose weight .. so 5000.00 dollars later here I am with a prescription for Prozac and an appt with the gyne next week.. I am so discussed I took a leave from work and am trying to pull myself out of the funk I'm in.. I'm scared to take the Prozac (low dose) so I think I'm gonna wait till I see the gyne to see what she says.. I had my fsh blood test and it was 113 😳Says postmenopausal.. what do you all think!!! I'm a mess

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      Amber, do sorry that you are going through this. We are not alone, though, it seems. I think it's important to keep trying to find what helps. It appears that menopause symptoms can be more severe in younger women. I hope all goes well for you at your appointment. Thanks for posting.

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    Hi Amelia,

    I am sorry that you're going through all of this, especially at such a young age!  In reading your post, I noticed that you have looked to hormone supplementation to alleviate your symptoms. I also noticed that if you felt you weren't receiving any benefit from what you were taking that you tended to look for something else. A woman's body is a complex system, especially her hormones, which wax and wane hourly.   

    HRT has benefits, but it also has many side effects and risks. That is why low dose HRT is used in post-menopausal circumstances. There is no one substance that can bring about the end of your symptoms without generating some side effects, such as nausea.

    Have you considered how your general health and nutrition could also be contributing to what you're experiencing?  Though achieving balanced hormones plays a significant role in how one feels, they're not the only components of good health.

    Best of luck to you.  Please let me know how you get on. xx  

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    Wow, there's a lot here to sift through.  But you've hit a woman who can relate to most of what you have experienced (leave out the psyco man). I was 42 1/2 when I went into perimenopause. Started with some small things, tingling in hands, extreme sweating of my feet, weight loss, afternoon crashing, unbelieveable loss of hair one time after my shower that was severely frightening, night sweats that had me changing sheets, a spontaneous orgasm in a Target store of all places, sagging skin on legs, you name it I got it!  The whole thing was horribly frightening.  My doctor put me on a birth control pill and it was like an over night miracle drug. Come morning, EVERYTHING sprung back to normal.........including all my grey hair went away, and sagging skin on my legs went right back to normal!  I have often hesitated to mention these things, because I don't want people to think I was totally nuts. Seriously nuts.  But that's how profound this was for me.  Problem was,  after a few days I started bloating like a water balloon.  Horribly uncomfortable and I quit the pill and tried bioidenticals.  Than that was a TOTAL DISASTER.  

    Will mention here that I'm sorry the awful man entered your life, as I'm sure the stress of that situation kicked some of this off.  But he's gone now, so do what you can to rid your body and mind of that attack. 1) Write him a letter that you ceremoniously burn, 2) everytime your mind pulls up his words immediately and consciously stop that loop of thinking and refuse to allow it, 3) write out the whole story, put it in a folder and then forget it by putting it aside.  You will know you are emotionally healthier when you can accept your role in allowing this person into your life.  (Sorry, I know that sounds horrid to say, and I mean NO OFFENSE!   But it's about no longer feeling like a victim, and instead, knowing that you made this decision and have gotten through a horrible situation, no matter how difficult, stronger and wiser.)  I believe you did just that!    

    So here unfortunately comes the bad news.  When we are in perimeno our hormones are bouncing wildly.  Try to find some of the charts available on this.  It's like looking at a roller coaster.  Somedays we are off the charts with estradiol and other days it crashes.  Progesterone is sometimes absent and other months very high. There is nothing regular or stable about our systems, hence the BCP as it shuts off our normal production and replaces it with something steady, albeit synthetic.  Then top this all off with our adrenal glands that go wild because they are attempting to keep up with our lack of sex steriods and help out with production, and you have a total disaster!  UUUGGGGH.  Fun isn't it?  (PS it is normal for cortisol to be high and outside of range for menopausal women, as our body is feeling stress due to lack of estradiol, and adrenal glands kick into high gear.  This is what causes horrible anxiety for many women)

    And yes, the sagging skin thing is the worst!  I'm 60 and dealing with this issue big time.  But have seen changes and help with hormones on this, even though we are always told that we will age with or without hormones. And I also had very strong thick finger nails my whole life.  Got into meno and that changed, but even with just vaginal Estrace within a month, BOOM, long thick normal nails came back for me!  (I wasn't even connecting the dots to the vaginal estrogen at the time, just saw it happen and was thrilled.)  So yes, i certainly know about the physical effects of these hormones that are never in the charts.  

    I hate saying this, because I'm a women who NEVER did well on a BCP (not even in my 20s) and I don't think they are good for us (synthetics that are shutting off our system) but if you feel really good on it, that's what I'd pick at this time.  It didn't work for me, but I wish it had.  I had a Repro Endo put me on Loestrin and I crashed very hard, shaking and crying all afternoon in peri.  I did better on a higher estrogen content pill, but it still didn't feel right.  And I consulted an expert in this field and he told me to get on bioidenticals and stay on them.  But again that didn't work bacause I was bouncing all over the place.  I tried for two years and finally went off everything.  It took awhile for my system to regulate itself again after all the messing around I had tried, but it did, and I continued periods for another 10 years.

    I know you are worried about early menopause, due to your mother. And the possibility exists that you could have an earlier meno than most. It's about finding something that does help your system settle down and makes you feel better.  But I can certainly relate to your story more than you know, and I don't think you are being crazy.  Like me, just a women who knew your body well, and is very sensitive to the changes. But most people think we're simply nuts!   I hope what I can offer has helped you in some way.

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      Hi gailannie - when you were 42 and first went on birth  control to combat your symptoms - how long did it take for your skin to return to normal?  I just turned 42 in May and by end of the month I  started having sudden symptoms like skin changes, sudden muscle loss within days and within a month - volume loss in my face.  I just started a BCP and it seems to have paused any continued facial volume loss and I was hoping to see skin improvements (I also am seeing sagging now after just two months of these symptoms kicking in - my skin was totally normal before that) - it's just been a couple of weeks.  I'm on a 30 mcg pill now, but wondering if I should go little higher to maybe 35.  I did go through a lot of stress for a few months just before this happening - so am sure that did not help my hormone levels and it seems to have come crashing down in May.  

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      Hi Patricia, I was having horrid peri symptoms, including almost non existent periods.   My doc put me on ortho-novum.  And since I was a couple days behind on my cycle, he had me take two pills for a couple days, then back to one per day.  

      So, I took two and BY THE NEXT MORNING my skin had pulled back up and looked normal.  No kidding it was that fast.  I absolutely felt great and thought I had found the answer I needed.  The problem was, within a week I then started bloating and felt horrid.  BCP never agreed with me, even in my young 20s.  So I did go off them.  

      I later had a reproductive endocrinologist put me on Lowestrin.   OMG it was horrid!  I'd shake like a leaf and cry/sob every afternoon for no reason.  That pill had a lower estrogen content.  

      So I wish I could tell you that BCP worked for me, they didn't.  But I will say the overnight change was fabulous.   Just know that every pill has a different content.  Some will agree with your system, others not so much.  There's actually a manual called Management of the Contraceptive Pill Patient that helps trouble shoot problems.  

      Good luck.   

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      Thank you for the information! Once you stopped Ortho Novum did your skin revert back to the way it was before?
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      Patricia, at that time, I went from BCP on to trying bioidenticals.  I had a hard a very bumpy road for two years trying to find something that worked with out side effects.  Eventually, I finally went off and back to my own hormone system. And yes, my skin came back, it looked fine.  I wound up having periods for an additional 10 years.  I was nearly 53 when I had my final period.  And honestly I didn't notice much as far as ugly skin changes for several years after meno.  

      Now I'm nearly 62, and due to vaginal atrophy and dryness, attempting hormone replacement again.  It's not going very well.  Lots of strange sensations and side effects, as well as horrid skin sagging.  It's devastating.  It's hard when you get to that point where you can't wear sleeveless shirts or anything above your knee.  

      But apparently, no matter what you do, your skin will age, and things will sag and bag.  I hate it.  

    • Posted

      Hi Gailannie, saggy skin can be avoided if you exercise with weights. I was having the same issue and once I started lifting weights my skin has become tighter and less saggy. As for vaginal atrophy and dryness i found a natural hormone pill that reverses that issue and if you have a man in your life it will make you both happy. I was looking for something that would help with hot soaking flushes, well it has helped a little but what i wasn't expecting is that my vaginal atrophy would go away. I bought it at my health food store. I will admit it has made me bleed a tiny bit, but I feel better that I'm no longer super dry. I'm not sure they'll allow me to post it here. If you want the name send me a pm.

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    You asked about bio identicals I started mine just over 6 weeks ago. My main reason for finally going down the bio identical path was my severe unbearable mood swings. I have also suffered the usual hot flashes, extreme fatigue, nausea, no period for 7 months, etc but the unbearable moods were taking over my life. I thought I was estrogen sensative and progesterone dominant and iv since had that confirmed with my blood work this week. So my first troch which I took for 6 weeks has now been adjusted with estrogen reduced, progesterone is same and testosterone has been reduced too. My estrogen would go through the roof when I should b getting a period even though I haven't bleed for a long time and it would throw me into emotional turmoil. The agitation and anger would be uncontrollable then the crying would start. I would wake up in the morning incredibly angry then start to cry. I would cry at work in between serving customers and it became too much to handle. I had some moments when I truly questioned my sanity and it scared me. You need to have your hormones balanced properly so with bios if your doctor is good that's what they should do. Its about all hormones not just one. If one level is too high or low it will affect the others. Also its never an easy fix and the bio identical may need to be adjusted slightly a few times until they are right. They take a while, 6 weeks or more to really take effect and this week which is my 7th week I'm actually feeling reasonable normal. I thought long and hard about using bios and the doctor i chose has been doing hormones only for a long time now. He is the most amazing doctor iv ever encountered with his understanding of what women experience in Peri and post menopause quite astounding, so I completely trust him which I feel is very important. My blood work this week also showed I am now post meno and my doctor is of the opinion that with the adjustments he made to my bios this week my symptoms should be very minimal from now on. Only time will tell if its right or not so its a bit of a waiting game now. I hope this helps a little and one last thing I realized recently is that hormones are very powerful and play a very strong role in who we are.

    Cheers Rosemary.

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    Taking a low dose HRT, was the best decision I made, although my doctor pretty much said let's try this and see how it works. I went through several different pills  dosages until the right one worked. My doctor said, since bioidentical doses are so too low, she wouldn't recommend them for my severe symptoms. 

    However, if you're getting headaches with the low HRT, you need to change that pill asap. It is a health warning when you get a headaches with HRT. Your blood vessels are constricting and not allowing enough flow to the heart/brain.  You should report this to your doctor right away.

    Sagging skin issue, I went to Sephora, a cosmetics store and started trying creams to help my skin revive it's youthfulness. Lond story short it worked. I use creams, I use hydrating masks, I use a peeler, and cell rejuvenator cream a friend gave me.  I look young again and no one can tell my age or I shock them when I do tell them. I also took Biotin, which helps restore, hair, nails and skin conditions for which I have always known to work since I worked in the ob/gyn.

    My diet changed to almost all vegetarian except eating fish.  For the nausea, try peppermint tea or ginger tea.

    Osteosporosis occurs when you lack strength training exercises. My mom had it but didn't suffer any pain from it.  I tend to exercise, or lift weights when I can or walking at least 20-30 minutes a day. Also, when my symptoms were severe, I exercised and this seemed to alleviate a lot of the symptoms. This was made on my doctors suggestion to get out and start moving. 

    Last, if you're still suffering from this idiot who played you fool, go back to your therapist and put an end to talking about it. Best of luck.


  • Posted

    Hi there... I’m listing this awhile after all of the other posts.   First, i want to say that I’m sorry all of you experice anything like these symptoms they are horrible.  Second, i have to say I feel less hopeless and alone reading these.  I have been experiencing something terrible the last year.  About a year ago I was walking for exercise and got this sudden intense feeling, a wave of heat and a feeling like I was being lifted out of my body.  I got the spins when I tried to walk home.  Went o ER the next day thinking it was from a chiropractor adjustment I had a few days earlier.   They did a bunch of tests  and ct scan and I was fine.  Spent   The next few weeks living with my parents since my husband was on tour.  I was weak, dizzy, seeing spots, and felt my breathing was diminished.. it got to a point I was afraid to go to sleep.  By January I felt better and all thru  march 7th of this year no episodes.  Started to feel like a normal person.  Then one day I was making a sandwich and bam!  I felt it crawling up me (heat dizziness feeling of blackout). and thought I was having a stroke.  Crawled to my front porch in case I needed help form my neighbors .  Fast forward a year... I’ve been having the same episodes on and off.  Since May they are more frequent and I notice more  around my period or ovulation.   I’ve been to a cardiologist , ENT, gastro, endocrinologist and I can’t tell you how many ER and urgent care visits.  To the point he urgent care now blows me off. And 90% of the drs just have me Xanax and said I was having anxiety. rolleyes   All tests were ok , in normal range etc.   I feel like I’m dying, literally.   I get migraines with stroke like symptoms and I  have developed panic disorder because i don’t know when it will strike and I’m afraid it’s a stroke or heart problems, cancer, you name it.  I don’t hang out socially with people anymore, can’t work or drive, and I’m afraid to be alone. I’m a very independent woman and always cherished my alone time.   this has affected me to my core, it’s affecting my marriage and my family and friends.  It’s all I can talk about and think about.   I’m terrified.. sad and hopeless.  Trying to maintain and hold on.  I’ve recebtky been testing my blood glucose as woe endocrinologist instructions, and my blood levels are normal.. I am looking for a obgyn.  I’m only 41.  My periods are the same time every month . I’m in hell.  I now spend way to much time looking for help on Internet for possible reasons, discussions like this and any sign that I’m not alone. 
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      Read the post called 66 menopausal symptoms. I just left a reply there. I forgot to mention a change in body odor and breath odor and not for the better! Besides all the other distressing and painful symptoms. My worst symptom is anxiety and panic attacks.

      I was fine on Monday and a quivering mess by Tuesday evening.

      Ihave just about every menopause symptoms on the list of 66.

      Having insomnia too, that is why I am on this site at 12:40am Colorado time.

      I went for acupuncture and homeopathy treatment on Wed. I hope it helps. It has before.

      I hope you find relief soon.

    • Posted

      You are not alone. I am here and so many others are here for you too.

      I have had success with acupuncture and homeopathy. Look into Sepia. AndAnd other homeopathic menopause remedies.

      Hope this helps.

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      Thank you for your response.  I really appreciate it.   I’m sorry you are having symptoms as well.  I have tried acupuncture before for other issues and it has helped.  I am thinking  about going back to my Chinese medicine doctor.  I hope it works for you.  I prefer holistic approaches for issues.   I have read the 66 list and basically have all of them rolleyes

      These attacks are causing me to have health anxiety which is just the worst because then I think I’m dying of everything.  I have been basically shut down for this whole week after a ER trip and yet another waking from sleep with insane heart beat and urgency to urinate 20 times.  

      It’s amazing to me if these things are perimenopausal and menopausal ... which is a natural transition, why more people don’t discuss it.   I never heard anything beyond “ oh the change is weight gain and occasional hot flashes”

      I’d seriously Love it if it was just some weight gain and occasional hot flashes. I’m bummed this started at 40 for me.   Not that I want to sound sorry for myself , but it’s been so debilitating I have a life , work , family and marriage to deal with and I’m basically useless these days.  I’m holding on to the smallest amount of hope, it has to get better.  I hope it gets better for you.  This part of life shouldn’t have to suck so bad.  Let me know how acupuncture works. Again thanks for taking the time to reply,    I hope your holidays are happy.

    • Posted

      Hi mandara,

      I know whay you're going through I'm perimenapause,dizzy fatigue nasious, aches pains ear teeth and jaw pain I even have a burning sensation around my body that comes and goes if you need to talk you can message me.

      I live in florida usa.

    • Posted

      Thank you Jacqueline. I too have the jaw and teeth pain. Ive been to the dentist three times this year thinking im riddled with cavities. I am not, but it feels like my teeth are rotting out of my head. Not to mention the bad breath this perimenopause has given me. Although the awful attacks are not as frequent , when i have them they are horrible. I ended up going to a specialist in Arizona. I have an autonomic dysfunction that is worsened because of perimenopause.

      I hope you are doing better since you posted.

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We want the community to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the community are not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in respect of any healthcare matters. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek appropriate medical assistance immediately. Use of the community is subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified as being in breach of those terms.