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Please I am new to this forum, I don't know life any one had a H. Plyori symptoms like me, I have had two failed triple therapy I and currently on my Fourth day of two weeks of Quadruple therapy , but I can still feel the severe indigestion ,chest pain and severe fatigue, has any one had this symptoms or has any one successfully eradicte this stubborn bug and symptoms .
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Please I am new to this forum, I don't know if any one had a H. Plyori symptoms like mine ,I have had two failed triple therapy I and currently on my Fourth day of two weeks of Quadruple therapy , but I can still feel the severe indigestion ,chest pain and severe fatigue, has any one had this symptoms or has any one successfully eradicte this stubborn bug and symptoms .
Plax daniel7346
daniel7346 Plax
Thank you for your information,
I will try Cayenne Tea and Green tea as soon as I finished my Quadruple therapy, I will keep you updated.
daniel7346 Plax
Hi Plax ,
Please can you forward to me the shop were you bought the cayenne tea, as I can only find Cayenne pepper at Holland & Barrent , if you are in The UK
Plax daniel7346
I am in Harare, Zimbabwe and i use the powdered cayenne pepper from Unilever South Africa. I am sure any other cayenne will work. Also when you take the green tea add canderrel which contains stevia. Drink the green tea as often as possible especially soon after meals.
daniel7346 Plax
I have been away, I am feeling so much better from H.Pylori , although I believe that I have developed Candida over growth due to heavy antibiotics use which killed the good bacteria, also I believed that H Pylori is gone, but this will be confirmed from test next week.
Plax daniel7346
daniel7346 Plax
Thanks for your concern, today is my second day of taking cayenne tea, first day was tough, but felt good , symptoms reduced massively , however, I hope to continue to take it as I just wanna get healed completely.
Thanks again
Plax daniel7346