MRI frozen shoulder
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Hi guys, Quick question. Does an MRI always show up frozen shoulder? I've had an X-ray and MRI but neither showed up any frozen shoulder but I've been attending doctor and physio for it for past 10 months. Not gettin any improvement at all so tried a new physiotherapist this week for another opinion and he say I don't have frozen shoulder at all! The problem is in my neck!!!! But I've all the horrible signs of symptoms of frozen shoulder so now I'm more confused just to add with the depression of this awful inflictment!!
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april10242 linda14673
linda14673 april10242
I'm seriously considering some kind of surgical intervention I'm sick to death of going around in circles and getting no where with it! Demanding my doc refers me to a specialist
april10242 linda14673
I had torn labrum surgery on the other shoulder at the same time. I am very glad I had the MUA. It hurt extremely bad when I woke up after the surgery, but I can brush and wash my hair without pain now. I still have pain doing other things but not as bad. My mobility is much better but still can't reach my back. I go to physical therapy 3 times per week.
richard43586 linda14673
I was not offered an MRI scan but had two x-rays. I was under the impression that frozen shoulder does not actually show up on X-rays as it is a soft tissue disorder. The X-ray is done to eliminate some other conditions which may cause similar symptoms. Hope this helps. I would try to see an orthopaedic specialist to get a definitive answer.
linda14673 richard43586
Hi Richard, thanks for reply. I'm seeing my doc after weekend so will get on to him.
Jay91157 linda14673
Hi Linda, A frozen shoulder will not show up on an MRi, but a bone spur would and that is sometimes the cause of the frozen shoulder. Interesting you mentioned your neck as when I was first diagnosed I was told I had a trapped nerve in my neck. The symptoms are exactly that of a frozen shoulder. Mine was my C5, of which a spinal injection is performed under xray guidance. It helped but over time the shoulder froze up for 3 years. So don't dismiss the idea of your neck. If anything is going to be done with your neck it will be a consultant or a highly qualified radiologist, but you would be seen by a cosultant first, assuming you are in the UK. I have been a year out of my frozen shoulder but the other side has started now and I am 9 months in and have decided to go for surgery, as I cannot bear the idea of 3 years of agony. I had everything possible with my first shoulder as in 3 ops, steroid injections, MUA, Physio etc. Have a look up on the interenet for trapped nerve, and ask your physio what he thinks is wrong with your neck. I would push your doctor once the physio has commited. Best wishes.
linda14673 Jay91157
Thank you Jay I'll look into that
tracy12563 linda14673
Hi Linda, unfortunately, from what my specialists tell me ( I've been to 3) frozen shoulder does not show up clearly on anything. My Physio's ( I've also gone to 3 of them over three years) all told me I had classic signs of frozen shoulder. When I
linda14673 tracy12563
tracy12563 linda14673
Sorry about that....
When I finally was sent to have MRI, Ultrasound and X-ray the only thing they showed was a torn bicep and early onset arthritis When I had the surgery for the torn bicep the surgeon found a lot of damage from frozen shoulder also, which he cleaned out BUT after the surgery I got frozen shoulder again and far worse !!
Since then I've had 2 cortisone injections whic have done next to nothing . 4 weeks ago I had hydrdilatation which has helped somewhat as I have more movement now but it is still painful on and off over the day.
All the best with yours !
linda14673 tracy12563
Thanks Tracey, I hope to try acupuncture this week and if that doesn't help I'm demanding a referral to an orthopaedic specialist from my doc .
hope4cure tracy12563
Once THE FS Has had surgery in some cases its can set off a flair and cause the collagen to fill the shoulder capsule again. Xiaflex injection is a protien which dissolves the collagen in the shoulder capsule.
i had it done in the US 8 months ago . Had a splint for a week then back to dr for manipulation the therapy. I have full rage of motion and no pain.
See more ore info at the FDA Org online for more info.
i can lift even a plant now a light one better than before. I couldn't even lift my arm to comb my hair. It was a painful injection brusing as it worked better than I expected.
sean66 linda14673
i have foraminal stenosis in my neck, so when my shoulder started playing up I thought it was down to this, it turns out that I have a frozen shoulder as well. I had an MRI done on my shoulder and the were able to pick up that it had frozen, plus other tears, but they all say the stenosis and the frozen shoulder are nothing to do with each other, not sure i 100% agree with that, but in answer to your question I believe an MRI does show frozen shoulder.
linda14673 sean66
FSconversations sean66
Yes, mine too showed up on my MRI as "Subjective thickening of the inferior joint capsule and a small amount of surrounding edema, which could relate to a mild capsulitis..."
For the intensity of pain endured with FS, this is hardly a fitting result though.
sean66 FSconversations
well I'm seeing an orthopediac on Monday and I will be pushing for surgery, i have enough problems with my neck, without having to put up with the FS as well