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hi everyone. ever since I gave birth almost 9 weeks ago my legs keep getting severely weak and painful. they get so weak to the point I can barely move them. my doctor brought me in today. what he did was checked the strenght and reflexes in my legs. and everything was good he said. I had an mri on my back at 30 weeks pregnant and it was clear. he is booking me for a brain mri this time. he mentioned about MS and now im terrified. he said its unlikely I have that but just to rule it out 😭 I don't know whats wrong with me but my legs feel like they're gonna just go from under me. I do have a little pain in my back kinda above the left bum cheek. I am.just so scared. I honestly just don't know what to do. please please someone talk to me 😭

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13 Replies

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    rachel, I am so sorry that you’re feeling so miserable. it’s not that the doctor thinks you have MS, they just have to rule everything out. many times they order tests to cover themselves. So that they can say they did this test or that test.

    you Will most likely be fine. I know you want to get to the bottom of why you feel that way. That’s understandable.

    While you are waiting for your test., Just take one day at a time and I know it’s difficult but try not to overthink this.

    Do you have any friends or family you can talk to while you are waiting?

    if not, you always have us. The busier you are the better. I really do hope you have somebody you can get some support from while you are going through this. But send messages whenever you need to. We are here for you! You’re going to be OK! ❤❤

    • Posted

      always remember that the mind produces thoughts that are negative and not based on the real facts. We tend to overthink things and think only the worst. I’ve done that myself when it comes to tests. One time I thought absolutely for sure I had breast cancer because they saw something on my mammogram. While I was waiting I got myself worked up into a frenzy, got lightheaded and dizzy, started crying, etc. ended up being just some scar tissue.

      to calm yourself down, get on YouTube and search for panic attack calm down . take some deep breath‘s and listen to some of these.listen over and over if you have to.

      there’s also meditations for health anxiety. you will hear things that make a lot of sense and will relax you. These are the things that I do when i have nobody to talk to. Because with these it’s like somebody is talking to you.!

      take it easy.

    • Posted

      that is true. sometimes what I feel is so real that it's hard to believe I'm ok. like today my legs are still painful and weak. I think when i tell people my legs are weak they think oh just weak but I'm talking about extreme weakness. it just doesn't feel right. my reflexes are good the doctor said so i have no clue. all I know is that I'm so scared. my eyes feel so sensitive to the light aswell today. and now im definetly thinking MS xo

    • Edited

      Have you ever heard of conversion disorder? It’s when a person experiences symptoms that cannot be explained by a physical illness or injury. The symptoms usually start due to intense anxiety over a long period of time.

      When I was growing up, there was a young woman down the street who had this.

      just so you know, all of the symptoms are temporary . they are not the result of some neurological disease but a result of anxiety and stress..

      So this young woman had been unable to walk for a while, she was in pain and had other neurological symptoms.

      Eventually, when she got some mental health counseling she was able to walk once again, and the pain was gone. . This just shows you the power of the mind.

      many people don’t think anxiety and stress can cause all these symptoms that people get but it definitely can. just something to keep in mind.

    • Posted

      omg my doctor mentioned this to me yesterday and i couldn't think of the name. he said i know you l feel these things. Some people have this. they experiencing strange symptoms even though every test comes back normal. but it's the stress and anxiety manifesting like this. he said its definetly real and he said I'm not stupid because this actually exists. . really. ? and so she was able to walk again? I feel as though my legs will give up they are so weak. but my doctor said the reflexes are good and strong. . xo

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      also do u think if he said my reflexes are good I shouldn't have to worry too much??

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      Hi, im having the same symptoms and am also scared that i might have MS. I feel weakness in my legs and arms and get cramps all over my body. I cant stop thinking i might have MS or ALS and the doctors said my reflexes are good to.

    • Posted

      So so Rachel and Joaquin, When I was in my 20s I also thought that I had MS. I had all the same symptoms that both of you have including weakness so bad I couldn’t get off the couch, numbness and tingling in my arms and legs, muscle twitching, eye floaters, shortness of breath, etc I told my parents I knew for sure that I had MS. I had all kinds of testing done and it all came back normal. So it ended up being that it was all due to long-term stress and anxiety that was building up for a long time. It’s like the straw that broke the camels back. The body can only take so much before it has a breakdown. And that’s where we get all these symptoms. So I try to tell people on here that before you make your own diagnosis, think about how much stress and anxiety you’ve had in the past because it could very easily be what I had which is the conversion disorder. I am now in my 50s and I am doing well. I will occasionally get a little tingle here or there and I have anxiety but I basically ignore it and it goes away. Still everybody should get a yearly physical.

      still everybody should get a yearly physical. Hope this helps!

  • Posted

    yes it’s a real thing and it’s due to anxiety and stress. Yes the girl did end up walking again after she got help with her severe stress and anxiety. So try to relax about this. if the doctor said you were reflexes are good and strong, that’s a very good sign. Of course I’m not a doctor and I can’t diagnose but it may be that you are having that temporary condition.have you suffered from severe anxiety or stress in the past?

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      thanks Jan. I've always had bouts of severe anxiety and stress. today I find it hard to walk my legs are so weak and heavy

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      Yea i also still find it a little hard trying to walk but i also feel heaviness in my legs. I get scared thinking its something serious but my doctors say its nothing to worry about. I am going to see a neurologist about the weakness and about my symptoms in a week but my doctor said they arent going to find anything and it is just to ease my mind.

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