Mt Vivity lens experience, would l go with vivity again?

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Hi past 6 weeks l had vivity in both eyes with mini monvision, THe right eye plano or distance and the left eye slightly near. If l could do it over again would l still go with vivity and what would l do differenly.? THe answer is yes l would still go with vivity again but l would not go with mini monovision, l would have both eyes set for distance or plano? the vision in my right eye set for distance or plano is totall 100% fantastic from distance to near, clear sharp and high definition both in good and bad light. But the distance vision in my left eye is only good in good light. For example if l am outdoors in good light the distance vision in left eye seems just as good as the right eye but as soon as l go indoors where theres less light the distance vision in the left eye goes blurry while the right eye stays good. The low contrast in low light problem is only in the eye set for for nearer vision while the eye set for plano or distance has great contrast in all light. lm thinking about IOL exchange in the left eye for a distance lens but worried about the risk

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19 Replies

  • Edited

    yes l am looking at my options like replacing it with a monofocal distance or perhaps laser to adjust it to distance

  • Edited

    I have Vivity in one eye. My goal was distance, but there was a "refractive surprise" of +0.75. Now I don't see clearly at ANY distance and need glasses for near/intermediate/distance/plano in that eye. I am still trying to figure out what to do with the other eye.

    I would gladly trade your outcome for mine and I would think twice about the risk of an lens replacement. Here's how I framed my decision:

    If this was my vision before cataract/IOL implant surgery would I risk the surgery to fix something that can be addressed with glasses. My answer is: no!


    Because the benefits are less (I AM seeing better despite the +0,75 refractive error) and the risks are higher.

    Either way, whatever decision I wish you the best outcome and many years of great vision!

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      If your 2nd eye ends up -1D or even more nearsighted, you could end up with difficulties fusing different sized images with glasses to correct your vision. The result could be headaches, etc.

      So, your result from the first eye really limits your choices of what to do with the 2nd eye. If you target -0.5D for the 2nd eye and get a near miss to -1D, you may find glasses will create lots of problems when you try to see binocularly. Uncorrectable binocular vision with glasses is a fairly bad outcome. Contacts or another surgery might be solutions in that case

      If you target plano, you risk a double hyperopic surprise. A fairly high risk of bad outcomes from fixing the 2nd eye before addressing the first.

      If you get the first eye fixed before proceeding with the 2nd, you'll have better options when targeting the 2nd eye. If you keep the Vivity and have a Lasik touchup - you'd probably want something close to plano. If you go with a monofocal IOL exchange, you might consider targeting a bit more near. If all goes well, you'd eliminate the risk of having uncorrectable vision with glasses.

      There's a tradeoff between the risks of another surgery on the 1st eye and the risks of attempting to match a hyperopic 1st eye with a 2nd eye surgery. Something you might think about before proceeding.

    • Posted

      My thoughts are that up to 1.75 D of anisometropia is tolerable. Also based on my consultations with two Lasik clinics they are very reluctant to attempt small adjustments to bring hyperopia back to plano or into myopia. I asked one what they do when hyperopic patients come to the clinic asking for Lasik to go eyeglasses free. They replied that they recommend clear lens exchange! i.e. cataract surgery.

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