mucus in stool

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I see mucus in stool can it be a cause of bacterial infection .., I don't have any abdominal pain but I feel gassy after I eat , fullness in my upper abdomen. And also I feel dizzy in the morning

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    And also I forgot to mention that my bowel movements are inconsistent and not like before ,. I feel like I can't empty my bowels fully

  • Posted

    Best to see a gastrointestinal physician.
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    My GP said that its not gastritis .. Doctor said its stomach infection ... I have done CBC blood test came out all normal, liver functioning test that is also normal, ultrasonography also came out normal
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    No I haven't tested for h pylori .,my GP doesnt think I have h pylori

    • Posted

      My doctor did a routine test for h pylori, simply to rule it out.  It came back negative.  It may be worth while asking for this test.
  • Posted

    May be Ibs you can google the symptoms that can come and go also check your blood pressure if u are elderly and get your sugar checked for anemia which can cause light headedness

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