Mucus VS Parasite?

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I have been having severe undiagnosable abdominal pain for a year now. I have chronic dirreaha that never stops no matter what I eat. And most of the food I do consume, does not get disgested. In the dirreaha, I started to notice very tiny holes in the stool. Very tiny and clear cut. I asked my doctor and she said they were most likly gas bubbles. The other night, I went to the bathroom and there was something attached to my stool. From the angle, it looked like a worm. I fished it out (gross I know) and tugged it off the stool. (I have been eating oatmeal for two weeks straight, considering how upset my stomach has been; so it isn't from the food) I have no clue what it is. My stool was also bathed in mucus. Lots of mucus, and I wonder if it was just an odd piece of mucus. But it is around an inch and a half long. It's clearish/white. When I moved it with a utensil, it kept it's shape and I was actually able to coil it into itself. I tried looking at it, but it's not the largest thing and I can't tell. I called my doctor, and they said they'd probably not be able to take it because it was not kept refrigerated. Is it that hard to tell the difference between mucus and a worm? Wouldn't a microsope see the difference? 

Also, I have kept it for over 12 hours now, in some fluid. It has completely kept it's shape.

I'm sorry for the tmi. Should I be worried if it is something? If so, how do I even tell what kind it is?

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    The substance sounds like mucus if your stool had a lot of mucus on it.  This is an IBS symptom along with the others you have mentioned.  Have you had any tests to rule out other conditions? Was IBS ever mentioned?  Try a food diary to identify trigger foods.  You could also ask your doctor about an Ova and Parasite test if you are still worried.
    • Posted

      IBS was mentioned. I have done food diary's and almost all the ibs treatments. None have worked and my symptoms seem to only be worsening. Some days I can barely eat or drink, and I keep losing weight. I keep ending up in the er. 

    • Posted

      I have been to so many doctors and the pain is unrelenting. It has only worsened over time. I haven't been able to handle normal food for weeks now. 

      I have tried probiotics, low fodmap diet, allergy testing and cutting out said allergies, gluten free, dairy free, meat free, fruit free, vegetable free, processed suger free you name it. I have tried acupuncture, hypnotherapy, exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy, birth control, immodium and peptobismol which have no affect on the D, anti spasm drugs, herbal remedies from a naturalist, healthy eating, and so on.

      The dirreaha does not stop. Blood and mucus appear in my stool. The stool is fatty and floats. I get horrible periods. With horrible bruising and blood in my urine. I have joint pain and fatigue. It is to the point where I have to be cared for by my family. Now what do I do? Why would ibs not stop? Why would I have sticky and undigested stool every day for a year? I have not once heard of ibs this bad. I cannot even digest rice. 

    • Posted


      Understand your situation I was in same 3 months back. Now I am feeling better with herbal diet plan by naturopath.

      Pls answer will try to relate.

      Have you had any diagnosis/blood test? .

      Any other symptoms like dizziness, mouth sore, gum issue, numbness, weight loss etc.?

      Your profession? To understand your physical activity, sleep and eating time.


    • Posted

      I have had no diagnosis. However, my doctor has found bleeding in my upper stomach.

      I have dizzy spells, have lost 20 pounds, abdominal soreness, and bleeding in my gums.

      I am from the USA. I have no profession, considering my health. I sleep 9-10 hours (never seem to feel rested), I havn't been able to eat it has gotten so bad. I had been eating bland things, oatmeal and rice, but the dirreaha kept coming along with the pain. I have been only able to handle liquids as of late. I exercise when I am able. An hour or so a day. 

    • Posted

      Ask your GI about Chrones Disease. Blood in the stool, soars in the mouth, diarrhea, etc.

      It's an auto-immune disease which attacks the digestive track. It typically is predominate in the small intestine, but it can affect anywhere from the mouth to the large intestine.

    • Posted

      Have you had a fecal calprotectin test since you are having bleeding?  This test looks for inflammation related to IBD?
    • Posted

      No, I have not. 

      I have had scopes in my large intestine though. And they saw nothing. Are there diseases only of the small intestine that can be overlooked? And bleeding in the small intestine... What color would the blood be? I have red blood... But they say my large intestine is fine.

    • Posted

      Bleeding in the small intestine (stomach) could be caused by a bleeding ulcer.  Dark blood tends to be more of a concern.  An endoscopy would examine the stomach to see if an ulcer is present. When you had your large intestine (bowel) examined, this would have been done by a colonoscopy which only looks at the bowel.
  • Posted

    Hi Roois

    You have mentioned you have joint pain and fatigue..have you been tested for inflammation in the body...such as an ESR Erythrocite Sedimentation Rate blood test, CRP blood tests C-Reactive Protein blood test and ANA blood test Anti-Nucleic Antibody blood test..these tests will show if you have inflammation which could indicate an autoimmune condition which is causing all your symptoms..ask you health provider to do these blood checks if they have not been carried wishes....

  • Posted

    Hi Roois, I am not a doctor not do I know what you have but I can offer some treatment. There is a herbal tea called Wormwood/black walnut and you can look that up if for more information but I know it's been proven to be a parasite killer and has helped with many stomach and intestinal issues that come up such as IBS, Chrones, bacteria/parasites etc. Give that a try, it might help.

  • Posted

    Fatty stool is called strethorrhea - there are multiple disorders that can cause it. have you been tested for coeliac disease
  • Posted

    Also the thing you mention is caused a mucus cast - i've been trying to work out what it is too as i have had 2 so far... Some people confuse them for Rope worm which is a made up term and they have been proven to be some sort of mucus or intenstinal shed but i can't work out what they are exactly either. Internet has too much information which makes it hard to find the right information! I think you can have them with ibs as well as more serious disorders. The bleeding is a big red flag tho - could be chrohns, colitis or coeliac disease if you are bleeding.. 

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