Multiple periods on 1 month
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Hi ladies just wondered about all u ladies who have now stopped having periods. My periods are so erratic, I'm in perimeno, started a couple of years ago, I'm now 47, and having periods every 2 weeks sometimes 3 a month, it's driving me crackers, I seem to get a week to ten days rest then bam it's back again, how long does this phase go on for before periods start to slow down? Thanks
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amanda59745 haley30534
ellen20088 haley30534
Hello. I am 52 years old. And my menses is not the same anymore
It used to be a time when I knew I was going to come on my period now I don't. The changes started last year: Dizziness, nausea, extreme cramps and heavy menses missed work two days. in March I did not have a menses for 45 days. And now it has gotten worse. When I did finally come on I was on for 4 weeks straight causing me to be severe anemic - had to get iron infusions. for two weeks. Went to ER because i was having sharp back pains, they did CT and vaginal ultrasound and found that my fibroid are getting bigger. The doctor gave me a Lupron injection to stop put me into menopause until i get hysterectomy (which I do not want). Needless to say, the shot stopped my menses three days later, and then one week after that I was back on my menses and have been on it for two weeks. Last week I was getting out of the car to go into Walgreen's and I started hemorrhaging all on the ground with large clots. So I think with me it is the surge of estrogen and the fibroid.
Wow menopause aint no joke.
maria76995 haley30534
Hi Haley, that's how they get until they finish they get erratic and also they turn dark red brown light pink and so can take couple years..mine got heavy at the age of 47 and finish at 55 thought they would never end but will stop but MENO then heats up afterwards till,it dies down if you are worried about anything just see your Dr I know they can't do much but I guess someone to talk too, upwards and inwards God bless.
haley30534 maria76995
lori93950 haley30534
haley30534 lori93950
Sassykimmers haley30534
Hi Haley,
I'm 54 going on 55 this summer and the past 24 months have been full of erratic periods, flooding and clotting. After testing my blood, my doctor said I was no where near menopause and this could last for ten more years. Estrogen is a good thing she said. After discussing my options I decided on a ablation last Novemember and couldn't be more happy. I haven't had a period since. Such a huge relief knowing I don't have to go through another period again.
haley30534 Sassykimmers
Hi there ten years oh hell, what's an ablation? X
Sassykimmers haley30534
Google search Uterine Ablation and read up on it. My deductible was met last year in October so basically this procedure was almost free. I'm so happy I did this.
betterMonica haley30534
mary75120 haley30534
I'm 44 and mine have been coming on every 2 weeks or so, alongside that my emotions are all over the shop, had constant headaches and uncontrollable crying this last week, just staying in bed today.
I had my first hot flush at 38 after many years of troublesome periods (I started at 10), since then have had the whole range of symptoms including crashing tiredness, body aches, night sweats, hot and freezing flashes, monster fibroid (28 week pregnancy size, which after the first Zoladex injection I decided not to have any more injections for and used a vegan diet to get rid of instead).
If it means my periods are on their way out and I will soon be shot of them, then I will wave them on their way, good riddance! In my case, there was absolutely no point in having them, as I never wanted children/ was found to be infertile anyway. I'm not going on HRT, as I tried the Pill years back and felt terrible.
You would think, in this day and age, that they would have found a solution to all this!