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Hello all,
I am 55 years old and haven't had a period in over 4 years. 2 weeks ago I had what I thought was stomach flu; vomited for 12 hours straight, then it was over. 2 days later I had what I thought to be a full blown period; heavy bleeding, cramps, etc. After about 9 days it stopped. Now, a week later after that incident, I woke up with a sore throat and heavy bleeding AGAIN. I am a little freaked out. Has this ever happened to anyone? I had a intravaginal ultrasound and an abdominal ultrasound about a month ago because I was really bloated and wanted to make sure all was well, and both tests were fine. I should also mention that my pap smear 5 months ago was normal. Are there any tests I missed? I am going to call my doctor Monday am. Thanks for your help.
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maisie05 susan_90031
Take care
susan_90031 maisie05
Thanks for your reply! I wondered that myself but I believe the bloating I had beforehand may have been an indication that something was about to happen. What concerns me the most is the fact that I was bleeding heavily for 9 days, and then again just a week later, very dark red blood. I've scheduled an appointment with my physician and will keep posting in order to inform others who may be in the same situation.
red_polka_dots susan_90031
I'm going through something similar.... Haven't had a period for 12 months then had a slight bleed.
Had ultrasound... endometrial lining 11mm thick. Booked in for hysterically and endometrial biopsy on Wednesday. I'm a little concerned.
Did the doctor offer you a biopsy when you had your ultrasound?
susan_90031 red_polka_dots
No, I was not offered a biopsy. My ultrasound was good at the time and all this occured after the ultrasound. Did your doctor say why they want to do a hysterectomy before the biopsy?
red_polka_dots susan_90031
He also said he could see a mature follicle..I can't believe I have a mature follicle at 55 years old.
susan_90031 red_polka_dots
red_polka_dots susan_90031
I just reached menopause.....i.e..... 12 months...
I am not on HRT but I do have polycystic ovarian syndrome which could explain the thickened lining but not sure.
For the last few months I've felt like I was going to have a period but I didn't have one. .. Mentioned a slight bleed to the doctor and he referred me.
I've always had heavy periods... Had two biopsies during the last five years... this will be my third. My lining has never been this thick though. I'm concerned and can't wait to get this over with.