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This is a general question and I am not after advice on certain brands and don't want to promote any. But I have only realised recently that I am going through peri, and found my answer to many aches and pains..... Would it be useful to try multivitamins? When I had my daughter 6 years ago, I was 40 and my hormones were over the place for a long time. I've probably started peri then. I was so desperate and kept asking doctors to check my hormones they haven't and said it wouldn't show me anything significant! Anyway, my husband suggested multivitamins and they helped. The doctor said it was likely to be placebo effect and that I had issues with anxiety and was healthy otherwise. I feel now similar to how I felt then and wondered about going back on multivitamins. My question is what type? Do I try just general ones or do I try some specifically for meno?
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donna48864 Daisy03
bobbysgirl Daisy03
I can't advise about multi vits, but I will say that unless you live in southern Spain and are out in the sun every day, you are probably Vit D deficient - we all are! Where I live they don't test for Vit D deficiency because they assume everyone is!! That came from my doctor, then she added 'and we are only just beginning to understand how important it is'. Sheesh, why aren't they telling EVERYONE?
So Vit D is a must have. I take it with magnesium, a mineral that is often in low supply today, due to depletion in the soil. I take it at night as it can make you drowsy. Take Vit D with food as it is oil soluble and works better with fat in your food.
I was on HRT (for the hot flushes) for a while but had a few problems. I started taking Vit D and magnesium and the flushes have diminished to the occasional warm glow.
I would say, you only get what you pay for. Those multi vits that say everything is 100% of your daily intake are probably best avoided, they may contain poor quality, synthetic vits. Look for a good quantity of Vit B12, as it is more expensive to produce and is often in short supply in cheaper brands.
You still can't beat a good diet, but if it helps takes multi vits and minerals. But whatever you decide don't forget the Vit D!
tina65315 bobbysgirl
bobbysgirl tina65315
our local, independent chemist is a smart cookie and does a good range of supplements. I would trust someone like her or other independent Pharmacies or health food shops over the big names. Don't bother with the Internet until you know what you are looking for - there is a lot of hype and rubbish out there.
I use a 'valu'
bobbysgirl tina65315
bobbysgirl tina65315
Zigangie Daisy03
elaine33371 Daisy03
lifestyle changes, for anxiety depression, do deep breathing to stay relaxed along with yoga, swiming, walking, eating little and often high protein low carb meals to avoid sugar imbalances, plenty of water to combat fatigue, and dehydration avoiding electrolytes going out of wack, and pace yourself dont over exert, as this will affect adrenalin production even more, which in turn affects cortisol, and sugar levels, and whatever you do DONT!! raid the fridge when you get the hunger pangs, eat protein to avoid them, and try and stay off the chocolate if you can, or, at least switch to dark chocolate, not bars just the odd peice,cos this is what makes us gain the weight................easier said than done we know!!
Some things work some dont, just depends on what your body is loosing due to fluctuating hormones, trial and error really, definately give some of the menopause over the counter meds a go they may work you just dont know until you try them, i think really its a combination of it all, lifestyle, supplements, herbal, even homeopathy, if your not going down the HRT route..............look out for Jamies post, she put lots of supplements recommended for menopause some of which i have mentioned, good luck with it daisy
bobbysgirl elaine33371
elaine33371 bobbysgirl
Daisy03 elaine33371
Elaine, you are right, it's about a lifestyle change, changes in the diet, habits, exercise and working gradually what works for us. Few years ago I would be very methodical about introducing such changes, now I find the idea of it quite overwhelming. My basic diet is quite healthy, relying on vegetarian, home cooked food. However it's the little extras here and there like a chocolate bar, snacking on cheese and biscuits etc.... I am on a go all the time with too young children but I don't do any conscious exercise, I use many mindfulness techniques but don't create space to meditate or do yoga which from experience can make massive difference to me. Sometimes I ask questions and really know the answers to an extent. I myself know that if I cut out off sugar, coffe, drunk more water, stopped snacking late at night, stopped eating ice cream, gave up wine (the 2-3 glasses I have a week) went swimming once a week, got on an exercise bike 3x a week and made time for yoga exercise another 3x a week I would feel much better. But it's so hard to change habits and to do things you know would be so much better for you, so hRd isn't it?