Muscle aches and pains

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Anyone has muscle tightening, cramps , or pain in their back? Buttock discomfort? Pains are hitting me in legs, arms, butt. Its like my falling apart.

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37 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi mary,

    Yes I get muscle pain in different areas of my body, I'm in perimenapause and also I have thyroid hashimoto so  I do feel it ,but my biggest issue is fatigue every day .

  • Edited

    Hi Mary, yes I have it bad today! Feels like I'm stuck when walking tight and weak like my legs don't want to move.. Its very scary making my anxiety really bad on top of it thinking something worse wrong..

    • Posted

      Dont worry Gypsy, it is highly unlikely to be anything other than the dreaded menopause. Aches and pains and cramps and sharp stabbing pains are common. Alot of people think that the menopause is just loss of main sex hormones. But those hormones control allsorts of other chemical messengers in our bodies so they all get out of sync aswell which causes allsorts of havoc with our bodies. Dont panic. Thats the worst thing you can do because that will just make matters worse. Take care hun XXX
    • Posted

      Thanks Tina for the reassurance, every time you think you have the worst symptom ever, another one comes along and tops that one!!I'm weak tired and forgetful and feel like my leg muscles just don't want to move.. And I've been diagnosed with RA and hashimotos so I'm thinking the worst right now with autoimmune diseases.. My aunt always tells me stay strong this shall pass.. Its the hardest time in a females life, (menopause) but there is no getting around it, that we as a female must go through it, but that we will be better than before!! I'm waiting... And its hell... Not easy at all .

    • Posted

      Hi gypsy, 

      I have hashimoto snd I'm also going through perimenapause, my biggest problem is fatigue every day I do get the aches and pains nut they come and go,I have a question been that you have hashimoto do you get fatigue every day and what are you taking for that. 

      Thank you 


    • Posted

      Hi Jacqueline, yes I have the fatigue, and honestly ive had the fatigue so long now I can't remember what it would be like not to have it.. I don't really take anything fot it, I just know what not to do to make my symptoms any worse , or at least that's what I try and do anyways.. I have to watch what I eat, which can be a vicious cycle, I'm losing too much weight at the moment, but if I try and ad anything else into my diet the awful symptoms rear their ugly head, anything from gas indigestion more fatigue, well you get the picture, you eat wrong and there you have it a ton of uncomfortable symptoms.. None of this is easy by any means , I just try in rest when I need to , eat what agrees with me , stay stress free as much as possible, meditation, yoga, all that does help. And when I feel just awful with symptoms I just try and relax watch a movie and breathe and I keep telling myself it shall pass! What helps you with your fatigue and other symptoms??

    • Posted

      Hi gypsy, 

      I'm taking maca and also multi vitamin and vitamin d ,I'm going to try acupuncture, I haven't been on any hrt yet getting some examine done like cardiologist my obg  doesn't want me on hrt until I go through a cardiologist first, I do have hashimoto and I think it's worst with perimenapause. 

      Do you have any suggestions. 

    • Posted

      Hey Gypsy, dont be alarmed with your autoimmune problems. I have 4 autoimmune disorders withva 5th looming in the wings. As long as you are on meds for them you will be ok. I was on steroids Prednisolone for 31 years.I began getting side effects due to long term use so was changed to hydracortisone instead. I'm trying to get off them but it is looking like I have drug induced Addisons disease. I have a history of strokes and angina and they are all controlled by meds and I have full bloods done every 2 weeks. I know this will not last forever so I am trying to relax and take it in my stride. My pregnancies were bad enough but this makes them look a breeze by comparison. Still we are all here for eachother so if you feel afraid and need to talk feel free. My phone is always on and I sleep very little so I will usually answer quite quickly if you need me.XXX

    • Posted

      Hi Tina, well all these autoimmune disorders have been controlled I thought so through my strict diet and excersice, well since all my peri meno symptoms kicked into high gear I'm not so sure anymore its definitely worsened everything! And that's just it I'm not taking any meds, I've got anxiety super bad since peri hit me, and its given me really bad anxiety to medication.. But I'm ready to go to doctor and have them tie me down and shove them down my throat if it will make me feel better... Lol I'm at my wits end can you tell?? Well anyways I'm sure we all have to feel better one of these days I'm sure this can't all go on have so much on your plate too... Well I would love to chat some more my phone always on too, so p.m me if you want and we can exchange numbers and talk and text anytime.. Take care..

    • Posted

      Hi Jacqueline, the vitamins are good , the acupuncture I heard was great, never had it though, just always heard great reviews of it, driving I do not go very far at all anymore until this passes, store , gas station, you know that sort of thing, anything farther I don't do, I just stay around house.. I work when I can from home on internet, and that's all I can do at the moment.. Are the vitamins helping with any symptoms at all for you?

    • Posted

      You are so endless cycle of terrible symptoms..but through this forum, my anxiety has lessened SO much because it’s “just” hormones and so many women suffer the same exact thing! Always check in here, we are here for you! 😊

    • Edited

      Hi gypsy,

      How are you feeling, I've been really struggling with this perimenopause still have fatigue although it subsides at night but I do get achesand pains around my body that also comes and goes,when thing that started this week is jaw pain and ear ach.

  • Edited

    Hi there again Mary, dont panic aches and pains all over for no reason happen during the menopause. I'm on HRT and it hasnt stopped all the symptoms it has just dampened them down a bit. My gp came out to see me yesterday and was visibly shocked at my current appearance. I have lost 1 1/2 stones in weight without trying. My skin is like a teenager with acne I"ve got aches and pains everywhere and whiskers my cats would kill for! I hate the smell and taste of nearly all food and even water tastes like poison. The severity and type of symptoms is so far and wide and some of us have some things and not others, some of us have all the symptoms and more besides, and some very lucky ladies breeze through it all really quickly and without hardly any symptoms. So what you have will vary so much from one person to the next but you need not worry the aches and pains anywhere on the body are a common symptom. So are the stabbing pains they are like mini electric shocks up the nerves I get them all the time. Dont hesitate to ask anything on the forum there is always someone here to help you. XXX

    • Posted

      Oh my goodness Tina, so sorry to hear your having such a hard time.  You say about the aches and pains, well that’s me at the moment ! Even my private parts ache, the public bone and my bones in my bottom . . . . I keep thinking I must have a prolapse ?? It’s giving me major anxiety sad

      Deb xxxx

    • Posted

      Debbie that's me. My private and pubic bone ache. I've even gotten a mirror to look down there and if i feel anything out the ordinary ( dont really know what suppose to be down there)😩 but anything just freaks me out with anxiety. This is crazy..had no idea hormones could cause so much discomfort. I hope you feel better!

    • Posted

      Thank you Tina! Thank God for this forum because every friend or family member gone through perimenopause did not experience what Im going through. I don't understand why is it so hard for some and not others. That's me Tina with the losing weight. All Ive heard is menopause makes you gain... well not with me. I was gaining some back at one point but now im losing it again. I had the stabbing pain yesterday and it freaked me out! Some weird stuff is happening to my body . I dont think i was prepared for any of this. My gyn asked was I on something for depression or seeing a therapist? She said this is a very difficult time for some women. I hope you get better!

    • Posted

      Hi Mary,

      Me too ! Had the mirror down there to check ? I’m so relieved to hear you’ve had the same, only so at least I know someone else has had the same thing ! Not that I’d want you to have it.  I’m the same anxiety overdrive ! Surely it has to end sometime soon,  I’ve had symptoms for the last 10 years, I think that’s enough for anybody  ! Hope we both feel much better soon xx

    • Posted

      Thankfully Mary, because I have such a close friendship with my dr, he will come and see me at home, just if he is out and about and near my home. He drops by unannounced just to see how I am! I am so lucky to have him. Infact all the drs at my medical center are on first name terms with me and there are 20 or so of them. I am very well treated by all of them. So any problems I may get I can phone and talk to anyone and they always bend over backwards to help me. With that, my man and my boys, I am getting total love and support from all of them. I am really thankful for them I could not cope without them. I am sticking the HRT out for a while to see if there is anymore improvement but at least it has not stopped the menopause from happening just made it tolerable together with vitamins and meds. I am hoping that it wont go on for too long as I have been in peri for at least 7 years and final hormone crash last December. I'm praying that this change wont go on for too much longer and I wish the same for all the friends I have made on hereXXX

    • Posted

      Hey Debbie, whatever you do, try not to get anxious about it. All these aches and pains are a normal part of meno they are not necessarily an indication that you are suffering with anything serious. If you cant put it out of your mind then go and get some tests done to put your mind at rest. I am sure they will come back clear like all mine do every couple of weeks.XXX
    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply Tina.  Wish I had a Doctor like yours.  Must be such a relief to have that kind of support.

      Deb xxx

    • Posted

      Same to you hun, I hope the hrt helps you as much as it has me! I feel so much better than I did a month ago. I've started a high strength vitamin supplement aswell and it is really helping. I even think I may be able to start going outside again. I have been agoraphobic since this began back in December. I need to get back to some sort of normality before I go mad! Best wishes to you hun. XXX

    • Posted

      I am so lucky to have the dr I have got. I met him just before he qualified as a dr. He was finishing his training on the maternity ward where I was having my first son. Shortly afterwards I ran into him at my surgery. As we had already made friends at the hospital, I asked him if I could have him as my regular dr. He said yes and we've never looked back. We have been like brother and sister eversince! I lost my 2nd husband, he died at 35 yrs old and a year later my dr lost his wife to cancer. So we shared our grief! His own family emigrated to Canada and although he does see them a couple of times a year, I am here so we often confide in eachother. I always buy xmas gifts for him and his new wife and his 2 girls and I get lovely thank you cards and pictures sent to me which mean so much. He goes above and beyond the call of duty in caring for me and I really dont know what I would have done without him. I owe him so much. I wish everyone out there had a dr as and as caring as mine! XXX

    • Posted

      Oooh so do I! Our best doctor retired a couple of years ago. He still can't go anywhere without being stopped for medical advice! Of the remaining ones, one is coasting to retirement and the others fresh from University. When it comes to nutrition and staying healthy I know far more than they do!

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