Muscle cramping anyone?

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Hey all, how are you doing today? lately I have noticed my muscles have a tendency to cramp a little easier than usual since being diagnosed with Mono. Don't ask me why but as i was sitting here on my couch, I started testing /flexing my hands and forearms a bit to test this. Simply put, I feel as if my muscles cramp easier than usual. Has anyone else experienced this same symptom?

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    Wow that is so weird right before i got the acute phase i was cramping up so easily doing stuff and still do now. If i straighten my foot out it tries to cramp. I am not dehydrated or anything and got plenty of vitamins and electrolytes in me.

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      Isn't it? Like, I make my hand into a fist and and flex it inward as far as it can go and hold it in that position. It seems to cramp up not long after. Same with my hand. How long into Mono have you been now?

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      At least 7 months December 21 2018 was the start pf acute phase i was fatigued before that.

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      did y'all ever have pain near your spleen? my son seems to get it a couple of weeks before any other symptoms start

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      I definitely got the spleen pain i also had gastritis at the start and now the spleen pain has just started going away at 7 months it doesnt bother me near as bad. Also in the beginning i had pain where my liver is too. It went away much sooner. Basically my whole abdomen hurt for three months. I could not tell you what helps it as i never found an answer until it slowly went away on its own seemingly.

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      is the doctor following up with you every few weeks or anything?

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      No my doctor basically said there was nothing they can do and rest and give it time. She told me i need to go back to leading a normal life. I have been to a neurologist gastrologist holistic infectious disease 4 General Practioners cardiologist and non have given me any information or medicine other than rest and one gave me some steroids so i could breath out of my nose for a week gastro did the usual here is some medicine for acid reflux but thats about it. Many test x ray scans and stufff but nothing was found.

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      i have not takem iron but i take a multivitamin b100 complex and vitamin c plus a drink called spiz as meal replacement shake for calories and its got almost all daily needs for vitamins

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      Hey 2Chr - it can be very common to get pain near that spleen area as it's where lots of glands are, it doesn't necessarily mean that the spleen is swollen although it's important to get that checked out with a doctor if concerned, it is usually easy for a doctor to tell from a physical examination if the spleen is swollen or not. I didn't have a swollen spleen but certainly had some pain in that area when going through mono, I think that can be common. But always wise to check with the doc regarding the spleen of course because if it is swollen it's important to protect that area.


  • Posted

    Hi Jayce,

    I do remember having all sorts of weird issues with my body during mono, particularly with muscles and joints. I think it can be normal to have things like muscle cramps when your body is under such attack from a horrible virus like mono, just hoping and praying these things settle down soon for you. Sometimes a bath with epsom salts in it can be really good for helping the muscles and preventing things like muscle cramps, or they say even I think taking some salt can be good for cramps I think, even eating a packet of crisps or something if having real bother (of course not too often as important to try and eat healthy during recovery as much as possible).

    Thinking about you Jayce and hang in there - better times ahead. God is with You.


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      Nice to hear from you Craig. I'm going to look into epsom salts and give it a go. A bath may help with the anxiety as well.

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      Thanks Jayce, it's nice to hear from you too. Been struggling a bit this week so grateful for your kind words towards me, means a lot.


  • Posted

    my son usually runs about 3 miles. he said he couldn't run at all the other day bc his knees hurt so bad

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      I feel better when i am moving around but to much makes me feel much worse. If i could kick the feeling of not being able to breath i would be doing much better. I believe i could run and be fine but it will eventually make me feel worse.

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      how has your son been feeling recently? Is he still dealing with knee pain? hope it has all subsided

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      hey jaycee. thanks for asking. he has been out of town for a few days and he said he is tired of me asking lol. He will be home today and I will see how he is. i will update!

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      Okay, I look forward to it. Hope hes feeling better.

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      As a son i always told my mother i was fine when she asked a lot but when i heart my shoulder and knee i literally told her i was hurt she didnt have to ask and we went and i had surgery. You can bet if he feels bad enough he is going to come to his mom first.

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      Thanks Josh. That is what I'm hoping. He did go to the gym today when he got home from out of town. All I can do is wait and watch and pray he gets better and it doesn't come back again.

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      well he got home and went to the gym. He says he feels fine. still has the swollen lymphnode. does that hang around for a while?

    • Posted

      I've read that indeed they can linger for a while.

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