Muscle spasms after revision TKR

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How do you deal with muscle spasms that can come on at any time day or night.... They can last up to 3 hours... . I get very agitated and frustrated... tried standing.stretching.. sitting lying down.. heat.. ice... massageI'm going nuts here ..It's every day and night. 😣 any ideas ?. ..

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14 Replies

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    Have you talked with your doctor about this? Sounds like something he/she should know about.  

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    Have you tried magnesium? It helps with spasms. Also, be sure you're drinking enough and not dehydrated.
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    Up to three hours, my heart goes out to you Mary.

    I get the occasional spasm, only lasts minutes. I put a wet towel (cold water) on it and stretch.

    Sorry I can't offer more.

    Though someone told me that they had spasms and they exercised on an exercise bike for 5 to 15 minutes before they get into bed and it helps (I have not tried this).

    Other 'old Irish wife' tales is to eat pineapple and drink tonic water helps.

    I have no idea if there is any merit in these.

    I wish you the best,

    Take care,


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      The tonic water def helps s it contains the ingdiant Quinne which the GP prescribes for leg cramp

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    I've had this and I know how painful and frustrating it can be!

    Fingers crossed, I keep on top of it by drinking litres of water every day, and by using a magnesium spray on my legs after every shower. Oh, and I break the usual dietary rules by adding salt to my food, especially in hot weather.

    Hope this helps.

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      If you drink too much water, you will flush out the minerals that are already in your system, creating more health problems, adding too much salt in your diet will place a strain on your kidneys.  Green leaves and berries. Get doctor to prescribe quinine for you, you need only take them for a month, if that.  If you HAVE to drink loads of water, add electrolytes to replace what you are flushing out
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      Everything in moderation, of course, sueisobel smile When I said I added salt, I should perhaps have said that I use no salt at all in cooking, and eat mostly fresh food (lots of fruit and nuts) in hot weather I do sometimes need salt.

      When you say add electrolytes, can I ask what exactly you mean?


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      Electrolytes are salts and various minerals in your blood.  If you look at marathon runners and other high intensity athletes, all that sweating dehydrates them.  You are liable to faintness, achy joints, headaches etc, you can either buy them in sachet form and add them to water/juice  or make a salt/sugar combo yourself.  Drinking lots of water will flush them out of your system.  Sorry for assuming.    Do you use sea salt; much more beneficial for you. If you are prone to pain around the joins, go onto an arthritis web site and download their "diet" sheet of dos, dont's and maybe's.  it's a list of foods that cause pain,that are good for you,or should be avoided.  For instance, my main no no's are tomatoes and peppers, I love both, but the extra pain is not worth it
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      Thanks for answering smile So I get what you mean now about electrolytes. Yes, I do use sea salt, and yes, I do have arthritis. I have the same no-no's as you.....tomatoes and peppers. Was on holiday in Spain once, where it's pretty hard to avoid them (and they're delicious). Never had such pain from head to foot in my life....I'm not going to forget that in a hurry!!


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      cheesygrin Maybe we should start an Avoid Food Forum, that should create a few laughs. Sometime the things we like/love are bad for us and depending what it is, we eat anyway, just because we "need" to.

      Seriously though, the list is a good one, if nothing else to see if, (when pain in our joints occurs after eating) the food we have just eaten is in one of the categories, as opposed to reading and memorising the list and taking the fun out of cooking/eating etc.

      Take care;-)

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    Are you having pins and needles as well.  Go to your doctor, tell them and they will most probably prescribe quinine.  Unfortunately the quinine in your gin and tonic is not strong enough.  Also you have learn to relax, if you are stressed, your muscles with tighten and cramp, do deep slow breathing exercises, no stretching.  During the night do not put on the lights, do not read, do not go walk about, just lay still, let the pain wash over you, until you are in a position to move into a more comfortable place
  • Posted

    Just had another thought Mary.

    At night I find the slightest touch of the bedcovers tend to set cramp off. So I try to fall asleep with my leg out of the duvet, however cold I am, Then put leg under covers when I have to.....this does work more often than not. 

    Also I agree with sueisobel, it's important to try and stay calm.....easier said than done, I know!

    Good luck smile

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    Mary,  I was having bad muscle spasms right after TKR, in hospital and for a few weeks after coming home.  I was already taking multi vitamin and have always drank plenty of water.  The doctor gave me a muscle relaxer.  Get in touch with the doc.  I understand how very painful these spasms can be and how sore they make your muscles.  Good luck.


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    Increase you water throughout the day and before bedtime. Do some simple streatching excercises. Stay away from caffeine in quantity. This includes coffee, cola, chocolate, tea and any other foods or beverages that contain high qantities of caffeine. Excer dc ie and walk but don't spend a lot of unnecessary time on your feet. Some recommend tonic water several times a day.

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