Muscle twitches

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I'll preface by saying I am very anxious baseline and have different anxiety manifestations like tingling/numbness that comes and goes. muscle tension/aches, heart palpitations and a sensation like I forget how to swallow (I can actually swallow without difficulty) but it's like my brain says NOPE not yet! After a recent vaccine I started having muscle twitches that didn't last but a week afterwards but I think it's VERY likely this was anxiety related. the twitches are all over my body and come and go. they are not painful just annoying. I've seen a primary care, a neuro, a rheumatologist had an MRI labs and EMG all good. anyone else have weird twitching from time to time?

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3 Replies

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    Hi there! Yes, totally. A couple of months ago my health anxiety started really ramping up and I started experiencing twitches (more frequently than normal), slight tremors, slight tingling, palpitations etc. As I started calming down and repeatedly telling myself that it's just anxiety they started fading away. Of course, being a long-time health anxiety sufferer, I know that once a symptom is "resolved" and goes away, another might take its place.

    Anyway, I got my 2nd dose of vaccine over a week ago and the twitches reappeared shortly after, though not nearly as bad as they were months ago. But now they're back to normal. The only thing I've changed is that I've started taking Quercetin - a suplement with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects. Not sure why the twitches reappeared but I do know that my anxiety was really bad before and shortly after the vaccine (and still is).

    If you've been cleared by doctors, then I think you have nothing to worry about. Anxiety plays the dirtiest tricks on all of us.

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    nothing to worry about!they are extremely common with stress and anxiety. I started getting them in my 20s from anxiety along with several other symptoms. They are called benign fasciculation’s. They are harmless but just annoying. Athletes get them all the time with how they use their muscles. So I got them in my 20s and I’m in my 50s now so that tells you how harmless they are. I still get them occasionally when I’m anxious but I basically ignore them and they go away.

    if you can bring down your anxiety level the fasciculations and other symptoms will diminish. The more you think about all of this the more you will have them. Relax and take care

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