music playing in my head
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Since i entered menopause 2 yrs ago, ive noticed that i usually have a song playing in my head. Its not anything unusual, its usually a song i will have heard whether it be in the grocery store or at work.
All i have to do is hear it once, and its with me for hours maybe days..its really batty, and makes me feel cray cray!
Like i say, it doesnt matter what the song is, i will just incorporate it in the background of my mind and it will be playing, you know you you cant get a song out of your head?
this is what im talking about..anybody experience this?
The only thing i can think of is that im very auditory and play a bit of music, and know a lot of music? its so unnerving. I know im sane, but why the hell do i have to hear music all the weird and frustrating..
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mrs_susan74280 mauiblue
Yes me everyday, wake up to it, had a hospital oppointment yesterday, there was a old lady singing all the nice girls love a sailor over and over , now I carnt get it out of my head, mine has been going on for years, been on lots of antidepressants, now trying cbdoil, also I have bad dreams every night,
mrs_susan74280 mauiblue
Yes me everyday, wake up to it, had a hospital oppointment yesterday, there was a old lady singing all the nice girls love a sailor over and over , now I carnt get it out of my head, mine has been going on for years, been on lots of antidepressants, now trying cbdoil, also I have bad dreams every night,
sarah05599 mauiblue
omg me to! I thought it was just me lol the same song can go around in my head for days inc the night I wake up in the early hours and its still there .
sarah05599 mauiblue
Apparantely its called earworm a term used when a song gets stuck in your head for hours or days. It can be triggered by stress, memories and triggers in your envitonment not just hearing a catchy tune. If you google earworm theres lots of interesting articles about it. Also can be called brainworm, sticky music, stuck song syndrome. Im relieved its a thing and not me going insane through this peri hell.
mauiblue sarah05599
hi Sarah hi Suzanne
I believe it must have to do with hormones because I never experienced this prior to losing all my estrogen basically menopause you know?
I never had this prior and so there has to be a direct correlation you ladies and others have it .
I hate to say it but I'm glad I'm not alone it doesn't happen all the time but pretty much I'm going to have some kind of song playing in my head . unless I'm busy at work
thanks so much for sharing ,
sarah05599 mauiblue
Yes I definately think its hormones or somthing to do with feeling wired quite alot during peri, stressed, anxiousness produces more cortisol in the brain so perhaps its that to. I woke in early hours this morning with a song on loop.