My 11 year old son was just diagnosed with Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
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HI! My 11 year old son was just diagnosed Henoch-Schonlein Purpura. I am so lost and getting upset that I am not able to find answers, as I sit and watch him suffer. It seems that most doctors know of it but really haven't treated it ever before. I feel as though I am going crazy! How long does this last? Should his body temperature be going down? Should he be in so much pain that he can't even go to school. If anyone can help me out at all with any of these answers I would greatly appreciate any advice or information. When I ask the doctor I get no where but feel as though I am nuts. Please Help!
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It's stressful, do not worry about being frantic. We live in the Midwest in the US and our doctors had no idea what it was. They thought it was trauma for almost 3 days! Ugh! Then when the rash started, the Trauma doctor thought it was Staff infection! Thank God for the amazing doctor who had only been at our hospital for a year. She had come from Children's Mercy and had seen HSP before! The rash doesn't "blanch" (or turn white when you push on it) she said "It's vascular"!!!
I will be sending prayers your way!!! We go back to the doctor next week. I think we may be looking at a whole other issue with our daughter. Possibly an Autism Spectrum.. Maybe it is just a coinsedence that she hasn't been the same child since we got out of the hospital with HSP. Maybe it was so traumatizing for her to be in the hospital she is post tramatic stress or something. Something is wrong, that is for sure. She excelled in the learning disability testing we got for her. We did this testing due to her biological parents being on drugs at conception, through pregnancy and at delivery. There was cocain and oxycotton in my baby's system when she was born. We adopted her when she was one year old. She is highly intellegent and MAD all at the same time. Her brain goes way faster than mine does, I can tell you that! ; )
We have been told that this is not contagious, he can carry on with sports etc...
We have been told to test his urine every morning for the next seven days for blood & protein and to contact the hospital if either are indicated, thereafter we need to continue checking his urine twice a week for a further 11 weeks.
During the next three months they have told us that there is a possibility that the spots/symptoms (tummy ache/aching joints/swollen joints) can occur at any point.
Long term; they have told us that there is a chance of kidney infection which is why they need us to monitor his urine so they can take action immediately if necessary.
I was so terrified this morning when I saw my son's bruises/spots, all sorts sprang into my mind, although apart from the spots and a swollen knee, there were no other problems.
End of a very tiring day for us all, good luck to all out there dealing with this. God Bless x x
scary & distressing. Hope he recovers soon.
Alex has now started to get the rash on his arms & yesterday even had swelling on his forehead. Although the doctors are reassuring, they admit that they are baffled too. Many of them were very surprised by the head swelling and have never known this previously.
However, thankfully Alex is still the same little boy he was before HSP, other than the hobbling around on an evening like an aged person.
son to school or for any activities until he is well. He is in pain and he won't recover until he rests. All you can do is give him painkillers. Maybe explore anti flam to keep the swelling down? Not sure about that though.
Hope he gets well soon.
I am going back 14 years now but had a very bad experience with HSP.
My son, only 4 yrs old at the time developed HSP and was ill for almost a year, literally. There are different stages to this illness, which i am sure u have been advised by now, not all children continue to the next stage and the next etc but it is a terrible illness to deal with. We went to hell and back with my sons problems and at 4 yrs old was horrendous to watch.
He started with the rash, which came on over 2 hours, covering majority of his limbs. They actually looked like bruises everywhere. His temp was 101 so straight upto the hospital a/e we went.
My son was actually hospitalised for 2 weeks solid and we were in and out of hospital for the following 3 months also. Obviously he was only in his nursery year at school but ended up missing almost all of his first year. I found the most distressing part was the fact that nobody can tell you the cause, there is no cure, there is no treatment other than pain relief, its a sit and wait and watch as to how far the illness is going, as in will he get the next stage also or not etc etc. My son had a bad time and i have listed the various things he sufferred with below and in order:
Rash/brusing - high temp.
Temp continues, headaches.
Bruising develops around torso also plus above continues.
Temp, headaches, violent sickness - for approx 3 days.
Swelling and pain in all joints in arms and legs.
Pain in body increased to the point we could not even hug him, he also was either so weak or in so much pain had to be carried accross the hospital ward to the toilet he could not walk. I was advised this was a temporary rheumatoid arthritis?
Temp, headaches and sickness improve so we took him home however the pain and loss of use continued for at least another month. He was constantly tired and would fall asleep many times during the day, everyday.
Swelling and pain remained but gained strength back etc to enable him to walk again .
Pain in limbs continued for approx 3/4 more weeks.
2 weeks later the whole thing started again, right from the top!!!
I was also advised that the final stage of this illness is the kidney damage and this is the only stage my son didnt get thank god. This can result in kidney failiure in very rare occasions. Anyway we finally got there with him but i can honestly say it took around a year in all. In addition to that he had to continue with the urine checks etc for a further 12 months after this. My son had so much pain killing meds over the period of a year that the medicine damaged his teeth so badly, at the age of 7 my son had every tooth removed in hospital due to this.
He did not have any further reoccurence and i was told that there would be no long term damage which i have always worried about.
I am not so sure this is fact, although obviously i have no medical knowledge as such but over the years my son who is now 18 has had a stupid amount of broken bones, wrist x 2, leg x 2 and a finger. Although he is very sports crazy. This is the thing that makes me wonder about the long term effects, he is currently in complete agony with his legs and knees. It is so bad that i have just requested gp for a private referral to see a consultant - like now. BUT - GP suspects rheumatoid arthritis. ?????????