My Anteria and Posteria Repair

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Hi Ladies,

Prior to having my Anteria and Posteria Repair, mainly due to problems going for a poo, when to be frank it felt like I was trying to push the poo sideways out of my bottom, resulting in lots of pain and blood - making me very unhappy. After reading this and other forums, which I found very helpful (which is why I'm contributing now in the hopes that this helps others) I decided that although some people had not had a good experience it was worth the risk rather than putting up with the pain for the rest of my life (47 at the time).

On examining me the Dr found that I had significant bladder weakness too and he suggested that he could improve both - he did seem to focus on the bladder a little when I kept telling him it was my bum that was more of an issue - I digress a little as you know how dismissive doctors can be and how hard it is to stick up for yourself, especially in this area which not only affects you physically but psycologically as it impacts your sexuallity and self confidence too.

So I had the op in May 2013 and I recognise a lot of the other post-op entries on this forum but the main instructions were - 3 Golden Rules, number 1 - don't lift more than half a kettle for 6 weeks. Number 2 do pelvic floor exercises or it will all come back and need doing again. Number 3 make sure you stick to rule one and two.

I took 8 weeks off work (I have a desk job and a supportive employer) and followed the rules I, 2 and 3. Yes it was difficult and very frustrating also for the family to remember when you look fit and able but you can't bend to pick stuff up as it would pressure where you shouldn't have it.

It wasn't all plain sailing with pain and concern about stitches not disolving as quick as I hoped but I wanted to let you know that now (9 months on) I feel more confident, sexy and in control of my bodily functions. The Rectocele hasn't made things perfect but things are still improving even after so long so perhaps it will get even better but if not, its much much better than before.

Regarding the sex, thats better too and one thing I wanted to share - I noticed significant dryness for around 6 months, around the scar tissue but I', happy to say that this is also is improving.

Basically well worth having done and I would advise anyone to go for it. Prolaps issues should be taken much more seriously by GPs as it is embarassing to discuss and we deserve to feel 'Right' and everything that entails!!

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  • Posted

    You took 8 weeks off work?? Why??? It's not an issue here in the States to discuss things like this, but we go to our OB/GYN/UROGYN for it. GPs just refer you on anyway....Glad it worked for you. I've just had my second cystocele/rectocele repair. With 3 other procedures at the same time...Lots of sutures. I'm almost 3 weeks post-op. The lifting is hard to remember, and like you said, people don't realize just because we look fine, we can't do the heavy lifting. Nothing over 8-10# for me. Have a great day!

  • Posted

    Thank you Happy Lady. I'm having a double repair next week and am so confused about the different advice, even from professionals! The royal college of gynaecologists and obstreticians says you could return to work after 3 weeks and if you're not back after 6 you might need help to return! My sister said it was obviously written by a man! Seriously though I'm concerned I might be "encouraged" back to work before I'm ready. I work as an outreach teacher and can travel up to 40 miles each day. The advice from my hospital is very vague and my consultant says 6 weeks recovery time. Any advice from people who have actually been through it will be much appreciated. 

    • Posted

      Hi Gaynor I hope all went well? I understand the conflict in advice re work, royal college ob gyn advise much shorter than the general 6-8 weeks guess depends on age, health, job.

      I had anterior repair with sutures 2 1/2 weeks ago and back to work (full time desk job with 25 minutes drive) tomorrow. Consultant says uterine prolapse so bad should have had hysterectomy but he knew it was bad before and convinced me surgery would help. Fingers crossed it does as Physio and pessaries didn't.

      I got the doctor to reduce my sign off based on fact I will probably do less at work than home going up and down stairs etc. I haven't taken painkillers recently and had a bit of tightness but once soreness from pack and catheter went is ok. I am being careful not to lift but was okayed to drive and swim by consultant 2 weeks post op so job less physical than that.

      Your job sounds like it involves more driving maybe phase your return? If in UK I guess you are local government, like me.

      All the best

    • Posted

      I have just just had a double repair n I have been told I need 12 weeks off

      i am now 7.5 weeks post operation and don't yet feel ready to return.

      im getting better week by week

      listen to your body.

    • Posted

      It's urogynocology who should be advising recovery time specialists in pelvic floor repair. Some of the surgery is done vaginally unlike keyhole which may allow quicker rscovery!

    • Posted

      Thanks I had the procedure vaginally so I guess less chance of infection
    • Posted

      Hi Helen, 

      thanks for your comments. I'm now 10 days post op. I'm off the codeine but still need occ ibuprofen and paracetamol. I'm trying to walk a little each day. Also trying to do pelvic floor exercises but not sure if I'm doing it right! Yes I am local govt, I work across Kirklees. I hope you are ok back at work so soon x 

    • Posted

      thank you, I will. I still feel very tired and can't walk far, but I'm only 10 days pos op so I suppose it's still early days. 

  • Posted


    i too have had an anterior and posterior repaired together with a Tot sling.

    my operation was 19th Dec 2016

    i am just looking for some reassurance that my stage of recovery is normal.

    initially I had little pain, only tiered easily.

    3-4 weeks post operation started to get some niggly pains and drawing feeling in public area sometimes.

    bloated feeling like I have a low level stitch, nothing major but uncomfortable , feelings have continued 

    i have followed advice re not picking things up, started going out for walks within a few days building up as advised.

    started pelvic floor exercises at same time, as advised , listening to my body if I got tiered I stopped etc etc.

    i without doubt feel the surgery has helped , prior I was leaking urine and having bowel emptying issued. Now I empty my bowel daily, but have  difficulty because I'm scared of pushing.

    have been prescribed movicol to help whilst healing takes place.

    I do leak occasionally but slightly , but I think it due to having had an infection and hope it will sort out , I haven't yet completed the antibiotics.

    My concern is whilst I think I have done as I'm told, you get lots of different opinions and advice.

    i am quite flexible, normally sit on the floor etc.

    after my operation I was completely comfortable doing this and didn't in any way feel I was straining anything getting up and down.

    I do still ache as explained above, but am getting better slowly 

    my friend has given me a telling off saying it's all gone wrong because I sat on the floor soon after my operation, because getting up and down causes strain, even if I didn't feel anything.

    she doesn't feel I should at this stage have discomfort or any leakage or still be getting tired .

    Especially  as I had no initial pain.

    i am not due to see my consultant for 5 weeks, but am now getting worried my operation has gone wrong

    have I done anything wrong by sitting on the floor and getting up

    was I correct going out walking so soon and starting pelvic floor exercise, this was as explained what I was told to do by the medical staff

    i still have some discomfort and leak slightly, I am still not doing a lot, no way back to my pre operation self. 

    Im an still off work, my GP gives ladies having had this procedure 12 weeks, this is standard.

    i am 7.5 weeks post operation is it normal to feel like I do or should I be worried


    • Posted

      Hi Mary,

      sounds like you are right on track and doing well, however I know I would not not/could not have sat on floor in early weeks, would have been too sore and would worry as you say about causing any down pressure as that could cause repair to fail.

      You may have much stronger pelvic floor muscles and you are probably much younger than me so your recovery may be much quicker/better than mine. So try not to worry too much as sounds like you have been very sensible otherwise.

      I didn't feel 100% until nearer the 3 month mark, and even then a bit of a shock to the body going back to work at 12 weeks.

      It's all very well feeling great at home when you can sit down when needed and limit what you are doing; but work is entirely different even when graduating if and part-time it is work!

      At just over ll months post-op my repairs are holding strong, but still have discomfort from scar tissue. Feel I was much better at three months post-op than I am now. Can't take any longer than just short of 2 hours on my feet, then Im in pain every time I take a step.

      It is a bit of a shock for the bladder having repair done so can be pretty normal to have a little leakage for a while.

      I know I used linners for quite some time but improved over the weeks as doing regular PF exercises.

      Everyone has different recovery times depending on age, type of surgery, fitness level before hand, and taking time to recover properly at start, it is easy to overdoing things in early weeks. Difficult a's by the time your body tells you you have overdone things you have already overdone it!

      Anyhow you sound like you have progressed a little at a time and I'm sure you will be fine.

      Good luck and take care,

      Phyl x

    • Posted

      Thank you

      i was getting myself in a tiz

      sounds like I'm recovering as you did, thanks for you re assurance.

      im not young, but I am quite flexible and ofen sit on floor, so I'm used to getting up and down.

      prior my operation I walked a lot like miles each day, so I think that had helped.

      my pelvic floor wasn't good, reason I need surgery.

      i am so grateful about no longer needing pads , I was-soiling both bladder and bowel and think I am kinda scared of anything going wrong.

      it was very embarrassing 

      whilst I was told 12 weeks initial time off, I think I thought I won't need that long

      in a modern world we get back to work as fast as possible.

      we are programmed, I am trying to listen to my body and wont go back to work until I should.

      its good to gear you to were told 12 weeks, of was think why so long.

      Thanks again

      you take care x


    • Posted

      I work in supermarket at front end but most of my shifts ( contracted for 2 x 5 hour shifts) were on my feet monitoring at self scan area. So being on feet for 5 hours can be too heavy, also when on seat at checkout can be heavy pushing through large cases of bear, fizzy juice.

      So when I returned I asked that they split the shift between standing at self scan and sitting at checkout.

      They were quite good at start but gradually was left for longer at self scan until eventually left me there for full shift; they did allow a seat in self scan area but if really busy didn't get to sit at all and as morning went on rushing about as it got busier must have been overstretching deeper tissues and now have problems with scar tissue.

      Did get checked by consultant 2nd time and told repairs still good, a little red and inflamed high up where vault is but to be expected.

      Anyway now on estriol for scar tissue and scared to do any overtime incase they leave me on my feet too long. Not sure how long I will have problems with scar tissue but worried that what I am feeling is the perineum aching when on feet to long.

      Anyway I didn't feel I had much choice but to return to work at 12 weeks, this was my 2nd repair at front end and 1st repair to back end and posterior can take longer to recover from so looking back feel I should have given myself longer to recover. Employers at the end of the day are running business and therefor the needs of the business will tend to come first and they have no idea about recovery from pelvic floor repair. Being older and through the menopause my walls are very thin and have been told that any down pressure could cause the repairs to fail so should be in employment with light duties only, they do try their best to accommodate me bug not always possible.

      Been extra care full this time as first time round really overdone things in early days (I was very fit and had been a regular at the gym until prolapse became an issue) so didn't want to sit about too long and become unfit. Slightly prolapsed almost right away but managed to return to employment and do extra days overtime for 3 years before it all reprolapsed brining back end down also; probably due to being moved from checkout too self scan and spending long shifts on my feet at selfscan area.

      Don't want to take any chances thus time so hoping repairs last much longer.

      Take care,

      Phyl x

  • Posted

    Hi I'm so happy I found this place. I had anterior and posterior vaginal repair with kelly plaction on feb 7 2017. That stems from a complete hysterectomy in 2013. I was able to go home the night the surgery was done so there for I dont remember a lot from that day.

    I'm still spoting had to start wearing panty liners it gets worse when I go poo but slows back down later. Still have a lot of pressure down there.

    So my question is since we're not supposed to do much while recovering it hurts to sit very long so are we supposed to lay down a lot ? I can't remember the doctor instructions and I really do want to mess anything up again.

    What are the things we can do and can't do? Dont want the doctor to think I dont listen any advise would be greatly appreciated

    • Posted

      Hi Stephanie,

      Do nothing for two weeks, except short walk around the room just to keep circulation going.

      Week 3 can start doing one x 5 minute walk then slowly build up till you can do two x 20 minute walks per day by 6 weeks.

      Start making light lunch and don't lift anything heavier than a mug of tea, again slowly build up over the weeks.

      No hoovering or carrying wet laundry baskets, no shopping or ironing till much later.

      Progress slowly and see how things go and listen to your body it will soon let you know if you have overdone things.

      Their are some great pages pinned at top of the forum home page, matron usually suggests the south tees resource site which is really helpful.

      Take care and look after yourself and protect your repairs.

      Phyl x?

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for replying im still learning this place.

      That helps a lot I felt so silly not being able to remember what the doctor said or even talking to him. So I really wasn't looking forward to calling the secretary she's kinda rude when you call and ask questions but love the doctor.

    • Posted

      Wow I can't believe you were home the same day! That is unreal!

      I had my posterior and bladder sling surgery on 8 feb 17 I still have a grade 1 anterior prolapse I'm 36 years old. Yesterday I took a very short slow walk to school which is just 100m plus from my house it took me 15 mins and I was exhausted with a little pain after. Otherwise I have done little else just small bits at a time like taking towels from the drier or drying a few dishes but nothing heavy. My dishwasher is broken 😡😡 I have now paid daycare to come to my home and walk my little boy down the path to school for me. I think we need strict rest only light duties for the first 6 weeks it says on my medical certificate. Take it easy x

    • Posted

      I know I couldn't believe it myself.

      Im 35 I didnt get a sling or mesh just my own tissue. Still extremely swollen and sore which is why sitting hurts so bad. I would love to be able to wash dishes. I had the house very clean before surgery now its a complete train wreck since I haven't been able to stand for long periods of time or do much of anything else. Thanks Geraldinej I will

      Take care of yourself as well wishing you a speedy recovery

    • Posted

      Hi Stephanie

      I also came home the same day, they did say that I could stay overnight but I managed to get up a few hours after the surgery to pee and was feeling groggy but okay so I went home. Rest as much as you can, this time is your time to recuperate properly and it's precious. I also had a total hysterectomy, mine was in 2015, and then I had to have these repairs done in January. Hope you recover quickly, this forum is so helpful, take care

    • Posted

      Hi I am going into hospital tomorrow (as long as they have a bed was cancelled 4 weeks ago) to have an anterior and posterior prolapse repair. Not looking forward to it at all sad but just need this constant dragging pain gone. Reading this seems we really need to follow the directions.

    • Posted

      Hi Bella,

      Sorry I took so long to get back to you, been out shopping all day just back.

      Surgery should sort that constant dragging; but please remember it is major surgery and stitches take from 6-12 weeks to pull wounds together and heal properly. Deeper tissues can take longer especially if you are older and through menopause or doing heavy duties at work.

      Our pelvic floor supports all the pelvic organs and if it fails and needs repairing if must be weak so you need to strengthen the muscles to aid recovery and avoid the down pressure on the pelvic floor to allow it to heal.

      As long as you give your pelvic floor proper time to heal you should be fine. I know it seems like a long recovery but when compared with the rest of your life it is worth it.

      I didn't realize how careful I needed to be with my first repair and unfortunately it failed so anyone going through this I can only say please be very careful as in the long run if you are careful first time and give yourself as long as you can to recover hopefully your repaid will last much longer.

      I felt great after first repair within a few weeks but didn't realize that I still had go be careful. It is so good to be able to be far more active and get your life back so try not to worry too much.

      Good luck tomorrow and fingers crossed they don't cancel you again, I'm sure you will be priority tomorrow.

      Take care and let's us all know how you get on.

      Phyllis x💖

    • Posted

      Hi phyl, I was so pleased to hear someone else was home quickly! I left hospital within 24 hours of my anterior and posterior repair and my sister, who works in a gynea dept in Wales, was horrified. I was weeing ok and managing my pain but I feel as if my short stay in hospital means I should be recovering quicker. I've been on 5 minute walks all week, my op was on Feb 6th, is that too soon? I'm so confused by all the different timescales out there. The royal college of obstetrics and gynaecologists says you should be back to normal levels of activity in three weeks! I ache if I squat to, e.g. get something out of the fridge. And I too find sitting for any length of time uncomfortable. I didn't ask any questions at hospital, I was too overwhelmed I think.  

    • Posted

      Sorry phyl, I misread the thread. It was Stephanie who was out quickly! 
    • Posted

      Hi Stephanie, 

      i came home the following day. I had an anterior and posterior repair too, but not the Kelly plaction - don't know what that is, sorry. I am now 10 days post op and feeling ok. Some discomfort still and very tired, though I'm struggling to sleep at night. My consultant said 6 weeks off work but I spend a lot of my working day driving so not sure if I'll be fit enough for that as I read you're  not supposed to drive at all for at least 4 weeks. I'm worried I might feel pressured into going back to work too soon. 

      I wish you all the best with your recovery. It will be good to keep in touch with someone who had a similar op at the same time as me. X


    • Posted

      Hi Gaynor, I was out 12 hours after my repair. I could have stayed overnight but was weeing on my own so they gave me the choice and I decided to go home. I also get confusesd by all the different timescales and yours sounds very similar to mine (3/4 weeks getting back to normal). i had mine on Jan 9th and I still don't feel ready for many things.this forum is so helpful and I've been taking the advice about resting a lot longer and not going back to doing sport yet, only walking, building up the lenght of time slowly.Take it easy.

    • Posted

      My gp and ins gave me clearance to drive yesterday I had my op on 8th feb I have heavy pressure and mild pain ocasionally but I can wear a seat belt and move my feet to stop quickly also not on strong pain relief anymore smile I'm in oz tho

    • Posted

      That's great Geraldine, but let's hope you don't need to apply the breaks in emergency stop, don't think your repairs could take that right now as stitches will not even have pulled together as yet!

      Maybe best to limit driving to only when necessary at the moment you never know who might be on three road.

      Please take care you don't want to have to go through a 2nd posterior repair,

      Phyl x


    • Posted

      Hi Geraldine, 

      Wow that seems very quick! I'm in the UK and would be interested to hear from anyone else who is able to drive so soon. I too am off the strong painkillers now but can't walk very far as yet without discomfort. Hope your recovery continues to progress well x 

    • Posted

      Hi Tam, thanks for your reply. It's great to be able to discuss things on here. Today has been a slight downer as I couldn't walk as far as yesterday, and that was only a few yards. I know it'll be up and down though so hopefully I'll feel better again tomorrow. I too am taking on board the advice to listen to my body. Take care x

    • Posted

      Thank you. I had my opp at 9am this morning with a spinal block .. so sipping water within 10 mins out of theatre . Good news he just did anterior repair. Not been up yet but even after block has worn off I am in little pain. Maybe wishful thinking . Home tomorrow hopefully smile

    • Posted

      Hi Gaynor

      I had anterior repair only vaginally, no hysterectomy or mesh. Was okayed to drive after week and half and swim and light exercise after discharge stopped around 2 weeks


    • Posted

      Thankyou darl I'm only doing short drives maybe 2-3 kms at the most as my 6yr old is sick with tonsillitis and my kitten has broken his leg so back and forth to docs and vet. To be honest as the day goes on I feel heavy and worn out so I know I need to slow down xx

    • Posted

      Hi Geraldine,

      Sorry to hear 6 year old got tonsillitis and kitten has broken leg, hope they both get well soon, not a good time everything happening at once.

      Do try rest as much as possible, take care.

      Phyl x

    • Posted

      Hi thought it good to share. I had a spinal block was nervous and a surreal experience but no after effects theatre 9am drinking water at 10.15. Definitely the right choice. Just a anterior repair needed and managed to get home the follow evening. So 11 days in, well as from just after operation hardly any pain. Nothing like I expected and all up in my lower tummy not in my 'bits' as I had expected. Loo habits not an issue at all in fact I can tell it's worked. Senakot the first couple of nights to be on the safe side. All working fine.

      Conclusion nor nearly as painful as expected following docs orders but sitting and moving no pain in comparison to the dragging I had. Twinges in lower tummy to be expected. I am being driven to my first business meeting tomorrow working mornings at home on my pc from yesterday... hmm let's see how it goes do get very tired and lastly .. at 62 had moved on from hot sweats etc but they seem to have returned?? Has this happened to anyone else ? B x

    • Posted

      Hi Bella,

      Sounds like you have had a great recovery so far; was your repair done vaginally.

      Looking back I wish I had been far more aware of what was happening to me in early stages, maybe if my prolapse had not been so far gone and therefore needing extensive repaid I could have had a much better recovery.

      Did you have any keyhole surgery, again I think the recovery can be better.

      I kept my ovaries when I had a hysterectomy along with anterior repair, that was 4 years ago, but had started the menopause 2 years before, didn't start hot flushes until after that first repair, but think it was cause I no-longer could go to the gym. Had A&P 1 year ago and still hot flushing. Pretty sure hormones really depleting now as can see rapid signs of aging now despite my hubby trying to kid me on that I'm looking younger.

      Trying to cut down my coffee intake and hardly ever drinking alcohol as I think both make my hot flushes much worse.

      Hope you continue with your amazing recovery, don't overdo the sitting and make sure you have good support for your back.

      Take care,

      Phyl x?

    • Posted

      Hi yes vaganilly and I think as I have no external scar that makes it easier.

      Thank you I do think this is a great sharing opportunity and it set me up as we would say. So anything better is a plus.

      Yes I'll take it easy Bx

    • Posted

      Hi Bella I had vaginal hysterectomy with anterior and posterior repair on 19 Jan. Felt terrible and wished not had it done but made a great recovery in the end! No leaking now which was upsetting. I too am having hot sweats which have returned so obviously there are still hormones around at 68!!
    • Posted

      Hi Hilian

      I am in the UK and had the same op as you on the 14th March.

      I am following the instructions given by the hospital as much as

      I can and walking a little further each day. At nearly 5 weeks post

      op I am still getting a lot of abdominal and backache and wondered

      if you found the same at this stage? I am the same age as yourself.

      Kind regards.

    • Posted

      Hi Woodie

      I am in South Manchester

      Hope you're getting better. I found that after 5 weeks things began to progress quite quickly so hope it is the same for you. It's harder than I realised but am now back to normal completely except I fell a week ago after 3 rounds of golf and Pilates and now laid up with a really bad knee and ribs!😩Let me know how you are after your post op check up. I realised why they make you wait 6 weeks!


    • Posted

      Hi again. Thanks for your reply and I hope you recover from the

      fall quickly. My follow up appointment is the 2nd June which

      seems a long time but I am told is the first available date!!

      I have, however, a direct contact no. should I have any concerns.

      I must say that that my care in a very busy West Mids hospital

      was good and thank heavens for the NHS.


    • Posted

      It is a long time and good you have a contact which I had too and had to use it as had a large bleed at 4 weeks which was apparently ok!! Does happen and not to worry!! I am sure at 6-8 weeks you will really feel so much better. Took longer than I expected but now don't even notice anything different. Let me know how you are getting on.

      Hilary x

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